Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1990, p. 6

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9 > The Cndia Champion .ha. 4110M - Pi*Mo ehTfAL %mm Pherw N OU wua «uu. NmSw Nsh. A OombWhI 11111 @saisoa 48naa MM OUW TédiM cem Z- 01M liétitgolr 1U1 Dm.cetw B a "d"kl. L"ti %Nu&Ohi inn. aug Mr~' a Pm in ai Sm a %wu du KMOW S N. Ifinmot 1!_0.aBu h .k d n.U n §b.pi LaM" L~oa KumOs.s WastM' IHumom. Wa .'a~ePk. jLooking back. "Mi »0 of a*n, lat ut a I th mpwsgP L Re" êma ManumawSat wh. puhlasion P. L wuan. loti ah bw«M s loin qah.mi mm. WM wui.q kW hla m Navus liai Argu lei finI ai Robe, MiOlmia. o. Nil Mael~tf 10 loca hW"u h in W hms b.fuinn.lds piOa W. %Compromise is althe should expect Pages ofthe past At what price developmienî' That i the question town planning director Bob Ziadanvia nd his staff have been wws- tlung with for à vear Finally Montdav night. Mr. Z-adany tld councallors the rask was ton high for the anticipaled returet. ai leait until further notice. Whal Mr. Zsadanvu proposed, wcs slowang rural developiment to a trnckle for fîve vears He sugar-coaled fi somnewhat, saving cIl ap- phc1 ons fiow in the works will proeeed, bit alwants the dloor slamme shut on rural es- tate subdivision proposais. He teants the moratoniuifi untîl c five-vear sîudv int how much water theri is in Nassagawevc. and how much septlc runoif the land can handle, as completed. That proposaI is probably nol politîcallv reabstic. as more than one councillor rndicated Monday night. Thetîwo Nas.sagaweyc councal- lors prescrit, Bruce Atîenborough and Barry Lee, both waved warning flags that this meesure would be moicre than a hard sell. in emence. i robs their constîtpency of the only real growth fil ever gels. 5And that growth ha, in many important ways been good for Caimpbelville, Mo fa.t an Brooklle an the lait ccade. Those littlk rural settlemnents have grown more iophistîicated less tnsular more capable of resisting sonie 0T the bad idea thtmyhve otherwtse bren foisted on ltzet, mamor capable of lobby- ing for the good ones. Wt rÉNpect Mr. Zsadanvî's opinion in this mnatter and believe his calition itemns f(mm a genumne concern, a concern whach can be sub- stantiated through evidence. ln both Acton and rural Milton (ai KeLso beach) lakes.have been clostd because of higu bactenia countis, pollution now belîeved to have orsgmnatéd upstrnm and possiblv par- tiallv frorn septlc runoff. And the water supply ha, been con- spicuousl v lessenied of late an mornie arias. notably nevar strtp-rnnng quamres But a fave-vtar moratoriumi on new% sub- division propo)sais in Nasuiagaw-eya pendînm a huge water study as asking too, mucit. Th politictans probabîri won't let il happen. Sonie compromnie will lîkelv be struck And whatever the -long-tern consqueces for the water supply, well aIl have1 ve wîth il. It's a cakculated nsk;« a compromi. se. and we wouldn't ha surprised if in hus hearl Bob Zaa4anyî knew.aIl along it was the most ha could expect. Pud by Steve Mêe One Vear Ago . ls. Feaiuay t lm0 laditeik, J orw ua ubdvaisau plus., would be ondei.d by Milso ow c durng 19@9 and peahably &il of 1900 i dermson iréciund by geai coi mie ves raafl ci tie nt counicil intuufl Àtete 5-4 vote crnie aiter mml tItan tht houas of dijausio and input lrotiait à doma dceànsn J Amon icas cai as the caus of à fim which guttei à horne i RTw LUne in janua",. The Ostano Fuir Manshait Office cotufirmed dit fie icci dclubcrmely %t. Inspecri Cordoni Mugford rufel out atridents] causes lfir the blu.. le séad the tir «urwd in th Uitc ut of the hou. oterwdl S Randy Fretz h te. spred foiOw bedaom and venusd oui à mirt wmdo. Mr. Fmu. iho ici, ini Cahfeua when the bLcmsuri.,idh thetlire coutl b he wi.iora of ani crtorist twcause h uua irc i Yeur's Dav j Popiny taxces wt? %et ici go up 71 pet cmii it H&llotu piup,,d bmdge icas àppriwd later in 19lff Inc preliminarv documentl regiond %tafI anu. uonuicad thtv wotald trv tau tue the luine çuc 1ao the 7 M r ittnrScir rfwi had uci c% c targs foe 10 in 1901 Saniri theu. tfi<nth. prmrnuncu unticnd! tioiiul granIs hatbien t e, 20. Vears A~ th eiat4 900* ci lcc.n J. t'ovuîbulitv Put can invotiatiýmui linu suit probilerisadaWàxto scruceta?=iiueu ci Milion Disict linupîiM iccie hîintid wt tanoH fospitlSrie Commt'io (0.1ISC) Milton Hotut Oued -t Dtrtar chaîira 1. Mý Ledweîh rcporicd ht would weleume surit c saiadu wiilropeurmr The OHS.C wc.nmici wuithteHopitl oard to rnw rervt circumstune. ai ftic htuspl toi soi if i Nil-cale hivvegl10r icci J Mîiotu, finit lioteli cotsail lounge icas officuclly tuperuaile the Char-. le% HoWc ont Main tict tià ciai ntubou.outaug ceutrionui &lita otuliv opewed thetuhtelle iiw diiug kouuu J Putmois i 4f propoied $2lhio Indiciiapoià"-vpr apmdway W. tem Thaud art! Fouit Lnin Etqudtng, meitif wtht itl ie tii 10 tcpuvwtho hw <kneto the sie itf cuiotter la puatltia the pioupniv 50OVears Apo tt itltiua é ~J Mamy hosuteifu. mai Mita ic«a - iu nta Vr of Haaboçsi alS. iait TIt t droe tt 11w k Wb", waun terni taibly daHia. is wcaea poil lis comeas w.. sçaescd ~ Marun Stant oit the otittu, etit uI. ité wagS, vais tui&~ byà ca ienu bs' W&%r lsdfrY of bbmll teho wu delvrs uoit onth du n.thacit wi c" kwwnct as ~hway. n badhus Zelyz dam-qad . ounilutta a dmp di"i &bar lapan. Do*h drivand u a puin th m D n . Nàdm. mopu j hrlé CaIhwa%. ailktasen d.t cf MIUimou rlra bis Sth biathcy ai Imaaaay. Mm. Calchway trèsla Lan hu m lin ad Prie had 13 ata utidauptirs. 6ga.icemb" . amis~f.~khla At il. lam .aet 0f Mât» Huit ha S mIwa q. ofiriwm Wmai fMr tbe emaiag >901. Cinlimas. Cocue E Elito&u VWe Cica jaL ) H. Wdilmtt 5@tar-uats F0 Dewa. Chmaatu t c Pnurmny CamiM R Pfm

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