Faucher firefu.,sfrrtï Milton A number -E lw otbil. aire eitpin eam a orubbor Fat F1eid>'catir 74. Lutiy avi fur of aiewlgm eon.ran gonapnipav oa upietcMian<e f, .ipu eounted four i. Mld a tr of assaI. S et tl ~ yo îgwi.tn i veSK'D=IwvucOn ry e~aaibaAAuoqaucin fih n tit mankhers anti g. Nvkl po ade a. s«ng. titi SICD ion onlyofalba.. - JiaaiIva u lia tfi aiFmids gol 'ores nre~ç..Jofn Tie nit.. pne aw D a~inifou ~.IîtGini si, iue,...,.,felai tfpra p n fThaie . Fat Fredd'.an C i o Pmd Spr oneletrlcPtfpit'ýrs ltefyhnn t m 4-luie lgno MdbPaptt ~ ' ' Klitg lrogftnloen, bliit eoia n. Stv Hankn at Wly tftelimî n A ltera.p C A Kncge miterlad lit setilt ai1ilainio4i~aI t ilore a th wa 4't 1 fi heMiçuten loo i*enc , &p .4 1 1 ln aietat iak heWiteitni..on i thinipertot tw ali a nd C FlpIaU t a lji Tynal Sevdt it, itQc nii--Z Btkklppe f 9l SPlort's Wediwdey, Janury 31.. lNm [W. want your buineu. "MILTON'.. b.d veli corne righte your front doori I CAR AND TRUCA R6N1L8 48 QWARIO STUSy W.. #^TON, ONT. __TELEPI4OE 07.418 It's 10-3 a~s Pete's can't reply to Milton barrage Dy M l«ARAUME O'Larv naîleti one. un a 'rmble ai: Th,! Mton. Mrchant. have '.tr- 14 2ý tually natk'd down fourti pilace wath The. Merchant.. enti.rd lthe eectistti theïr 10ý-3 t.în oser Ose titti place i' odcteway rfinist hhtrt Peterbtorou.gh junior rti. on Frtday ma àlgpair of su&]î the fienitlit ai Thompo rn crarvand the econd by Clark,, Wîîit aIl m u mce isven tra4 îIeecrn and bot in th ifu, oth minute cof lthe division of the Cenitral Onkarlo penW. Cyleary' goai ias lte 'Iet llor B making thte pkanffl th"v are twtî of lte migitt t.tith Clark maktng a rran#'d as. ar tgîtm pfavttf a p"nai fakte 1. draw the Peter' alîncnn thl tite fini plat Ivant borougit goallonder bcfure drlivie' ço ocnîng à bye frit titv, ecoid i ng adrop -porsu n up the op¶ round net. Thuo, Milton wIll face vititer Peter- Peterborough»'% Co"ey. Stimlman Nuouigi or Brampton. though li poppeti a Soal on à breakawar real- former le orle ltkey. in the fiol ied alter à nloMp play by M4ilton at round fi they ianage to &Adeani thei Vetes' blueltre After à major for Miton will take on fient place Oak- cW"n citeektng -to Moloar and a ville in nitat te .faping op tua be a te, inotir te, Milton for delav otf goeal pliavoif rouind gante, nien lince doctded to. que. 1think things a , e peaking," siai t n ttc cati. tce vitttt conntied Mlerchant, <aid, Rbck Bine 'Tte &gain with Milton two mnert short tram i, coming i ngther, ther% àa lot Sc"i Wainman fonîithet thelan .(or camaraderie Tite nent guns Ken Guilford contitueti hi-. ..conng iClark.' Taylor,. rd r and MotinarI tnav, t. ith a goal tit bounceti ittgh ha ve t'aliv fit in nel I ff tht. li ng . goaltender Cr 'We'vç got 'Mîke' tref. peIgn back bounced tiOVinW ic hene attl 29 and 1 hase a:. niFe wt'apor Alongfil maki, the score 81 oooth titt lrmi tîl lookune'for inother Milton pipped twt, more Mefrn t d eF 'n.ein Btrç sali Mîke w.at .r.-îr BratiThormtp.i.n ..ùonpletcdj Crein . daîtradt frur Milton t... a wcramble andi(l.r cotnpktti Cam gde in lai os'emitnner he tea% o ts t n..k wtî a ..hàn&e UP off the a malf'e uen th,' (ambridge bitaI of hîso .tîck tetici looeiM tite seaton na'. ovver Peterbotroughi netinidrf T-he Nmeirat% ..an ps.k up planer. 'tN' flot a lt tif hardottrking .sho aren't atiachedti u tother tram' oas saili Bfinc' 1 caI! ttetn fi' 'urtîl Fef'naarv 1l) Whîle rn,nt ttanot about tirme goal.. Our eu" in front hase 'olitittcs titeir ronters Miltttn tnercastîngi reboruntis sf11 ha.i Inn crds frmainirg for "lie callcii es'erytttng lit e ftroit planer, mz tcou Ou Bnce and theni let ti go When the pransure Milton open ic oh coring agaius (due to titi,M wrlna,, nil Ilie or Peterborought tilh a floriN nitici dorath.- sille Peterborough coaci Bud lefti the Fatnilv .Ntght crwd litile sfeanskt aller the gaine doubi tat the honite utc woad sno "For the first thone goals the pucit in a fout Jt4f l3at knockgd tn a ias hituncîng around and ttc gole rtf.und ai 1 4f' tf lte fîri buétang got hilm.dt it otf len ot l' flttp- Jauîin Mnonar li.t tite firitt gitaI lt, onîni pog tonrt ry Out t tan>t Label on, 1; ,tbeond% Moinar'. aýtrker p@ron or one ting Thties notiug pun..ualed a two on unt'W tvitnhe vo) carn owhen sou Io" oîne-on- sctoed tilb thte defender drapei ill one hattk't in tfhe corner oter h in "lti t he code otf the icira. said NAment. later Rob Figluano plan- ifin., Viher a teim:. Up itt, gîtais Wlsstf, t irLt (Lark and Poil (. vin,. r'. t. sto tht' tiippines.. fbnitot hrnt lthe tilot Tit, netuy '1 maitié rmv point t tht' ref 1 didnni iîîrmî'ti linme t.. plat i.g tscii t,,Wetth'r titink that 1 he' fn. mî;ute's %sa% ,.-IIecIng il pinl. thie garm. nî'cvsary whî'i f.' mi"d peatng '..meî o)f u% art' st4lng Figilant andi a souple of î.ilisrs, it't. My 'n. lait, anti tYuasro.nt.ulh l'In presoir that wittro the' man %tans on tg' di-ai %tih taid Bince nit a the ut, Iniît Kelfit ltîîis'ri. ,'il Milar'% viriotii) thaït fit i% n ' -am ffi'alt pnippeti a gil il 4f 5. ma For un a il i'ns.ut,,il tWtnhn kspue tte f'tg cotsd dut' to. whith pritlf'dC 'etrbor.ugi' I'aniy Nitî pn'tnttion, andi fiN flirtin tîith tht' ti.rrninet gi"îanays. tince 'aid tétai, peuplt' thtm teago' CciiM't" 'AiIlir Mit- %tould git outi to ser theteamn wiît i.ars'nv pastai lthe dcft'ncîi and r.ef eu p port let attniboîrti the lit tlipWn -ie iteitind ]an i-,ý* n'futin nt')ài l or'ronr rn part. tsi the btg 16f.îrt' the' periot t'nJi't iar-n it. N orlth the totur ba-ki fi ox Haort hît tht, muni, tnhen i' wnas tnhe pntut t lte c' he .ald pîewntcd ittt nipen net thanks t "(tin. utt t tht' pini ltiti' n'inan a r'hounid offt a tft'ei'miran and l'aIi o 0ut name - P-eN iN i iein Mwchan ClIèch PAM SiMe dosantrt Meo U a qui, wih a 7-2 lia. Perafigapalat's why hoi ht a 7.2 foaod Durklg tii saço11Pn1011111,11 Oafl etW* PM' ganiaiM« Potabfocgi. wh»h iMd 10-3 for Mfilon. ifc nh1,11111111111111ta a ' ,, a li mbwa cri» citliu cei on &A- -dm f - aac wIolnarw ogia rooe=Mince fo deoilby 01 gan«. Puebcewag %oce duelng the gnouln to nm an& ventagea Sandstone Transport goes on roa-d with 1-0 Iead in series 1 vMil la ta n itvenu..'. mur p.d out io ýi qutî, k ilt t '<tr. < lt rI ti mo l .sî ]"l -n , f.. i thi " of 3mve HA ttti rai ain tsttit. .? .stht-o Th thr] FX'M rd.tId iou pîa. . nti M,..ie a y 4) t,tt.ry uît'r<aitt<ton on Stttrîan Kiit i'as'lf4dt. Ia.nui l'tari ai Mo,. andî'n a-nl Aflihor a hi giîn .at..esfui year in titi Tri ( ourn ttagoî' reonJ by l'ea.t'n (V n or r' xnaý tot th, tsindNt(lreteam It. garng aphn Fun toa theOfîli IA hnutu ttaci.h lfn futinîile AAX Clbitmpxn.hîps 1, lov ue d an.îig titi' tp lthre' lt..ý ira nin.oit'n "AI the brginnînl; st ftt t'an t.' winti Ilt pet di% ituiitti l ' un "' il' j- lu'. ani ini tgethî'r a tre lhit tsilud Ni , rpett- ;n lt, loigte rcspooitah.itt a9iuinuf lie leaaIï liti S-V.. anpa - >ii teant han tar nur,.a o i npi t placîni dtipltnt'd bran] oi hi..kit% andtifu trtr'uîtî'u ui1inthii sao ht'ad c- tati Bari Ellirt t * ",i oittu ahii s i b. ii~u.",iî Mark mar,ooîfîn th,' huîtout f,trMltn ftt fl tehpîîsî ilîtîl adîles mate.. gasî' hue% an oarlead t,- mont. t.îth Ishon NMke iuti à~nml t Aj uwri,nl to- '. ,;! lrtk .ttdai t 33 tof tht' turst ttono ifritt Filit andi luinul, e rinti' d t"u"hie, aà mut! 'ils. .p It "hatîn fa.eltî At l0it lastîn Caotami- pnpped mine, th. ARAA lei'ilt trt'rn I'lasnlîi'lîdanî t.. monutvoo lat"r lfî'ni.ks cppini th-r n.'nî K.tmt o. hille iihr.t'ut hieNfl ntof uth flc igii "nà ret'fnt '<Kirg planii ofi. flic iti.u ai 4f V.at gami' tho' itiur-i i..M t1 .- rsî I %letno'a ýi'..na -' 'tiîr.la 9n a Il MmORO" t