Gary Thomas, Owner/Pre8ident of Re IMax Miltowne Reolty Corporation ê is pleased to announce thef appointment of ANNE TAYLOR to his staff of real estate profeasionals. Aaaociate Broker ,Anne is a dedicated professional with a wide -business background. An Associate Broker with 17 years experienoe of ur >ban and rural markets, Anne is a past member of the Board of Directors, and of the Ethics tComrnittee of the MisuISSauga Real Estate Board. Anne and lber huaband Dennis own and operate a horse farin in the Campbellville area, where Anne bas been active i local real estate ýfor six years. *Anne can be reached at our newly opened CAMPBELLVILLE OFFICE at 35 Maini Street North, Caxnpbellville, Local 854-777, 854-0780 Tor. LUne 542-0166 FM ft à< Sealés. Melins 9 guy alo knews what he wants. Thwough the Boards exclusive. cornwutcrized So. wlan h. decid.d to move lu Oakville he Multiple Listing Service. Melvns real est11. rep- spent tht. weekends crms-crossîng tmn and resentative as ahle la tracli up-to-the-minute finding à nnoéqhd that Maied his <amaly. listings andl sales. And. ara.d wlth information Mdeviii founcd tW ares Ip tAct. h. pecked hi, on Melun*s poperty pneftrences. hs represnla- Arums stret [kit. befa.. be Suddact on due tise wtru no Ue zeming in on appropriale two -For Sa9C offer th. signa were dime far NMlvus fusit. chaa*d to Sald If >ou want the insde track on prop- Melvin1 aalut uhu tis ad irty dvouîomw mE limi, contact ocl h.esyMfs.aitiqidi* lt0 of theili 70 0( the O."v691e reopadwihaoà? N"i5,caI Mlaoa ediiEtabll 60. " an acedit. muàoddOhvIk Thet, specmllu e in akfeg your N"tam Dou0 aw go" boud item -tisa 11 (48)84ff ». jMARU lum Moisie una h.eun MWc