Mufflers silenced in, Gravenhurst but rebound with somne solidplay major NOVoM A and a= irei h h ai.y Mimai MuH:ow.iiibY AIkey E F 7"P' Jià 1erPoW ih&um. twe iela acbt*da wi M " w -d for hi-on Prior 0te I. unmmt Milton wu*h rinubed ina à mtd a goal bY Moffait -and ob colleced t gvdt =eMliwJ fok à rerMtit Gunte atla MUt. noeinders split dute OfU tctli p1t PaY= . e onîya minut renatnirig iI- tetcUyna tttote prtc ta skTtanewaaept b lot puli&az tsgautam- theoeeaadCaIwAhhn play tua cceizeh ii t gaZ~ anp elt edttpuuetii io o Hilloburgit scored firt in the ai cm y~tottteWin. Mlo rîhfn aeu lo minute of the firw itptou catchîng M~ ae ah itnto - idce:oUFein mtch cat eamtpW oin Miltonitrgol i rin FoIrshe. ofwtfromn Endepta o it Sda.Ian 3-1 Doten i-Car balance Mitncag Th^3 'ea to - -ul th rMuea rieds. hton tantebat bt Mitng the Opoltot ht thei own ànitdadnang4t o thrici mae -1 on à Routhie Hew. zonte, but teI ual tout th. pu k manker by Mati Browen, wrth ataims bert voal Auitsi Wet tui Brad Wooda it the net. Miltoit finally b=ok cing tosient aoai and Chras and Andrete Riddle. throtJgh wlth a goal ntidaaa %cug hirZrat lnt the:n-tnd ef Freightiast put on tht pressure but the tecontd peaud front ey Lake. tas- ir A lnly patd off reat coulId not get anodin aÉnal lte wihassista gong te Jaton Ford and orud atar Milt otn Ton second% sharp Btanptcn goltnd« An Colin Carmil later Lake &dded anucther, aiýsted by mtyetga oDeptini the Wîih tht actai- 1lthe tentmsovuit Carroll and Fordý =cllg teconda nal ildw mhtt the puca end tuenmd with ccisp passs En finally got un the hoard whtt for the hom" aid" and ttrig skating, but wvte unable thry ianappid a asurpose shut paiq ba Ao tu Wca Foryfht in the Milton net, Seuls took in tht FLambatvugh gamte Miltont ovir an net for te ahird pcnod Mil- Tht ChanstmS layoff wu not biene- came out of the blaxks with thet' on hait played a %Miang gante ficiai tu the tcant as tbey face titre ating. afgmrvssw style ýthat Flam- throughout. but bieg ic ho t-m rmasutiw luasea urly in tht New borough &%rors. catching the visiton, 0f tînng.A goaly hy-s Kos-cfront Yi'ar off guard, Flan.borou9h Woante the blue ine e Militoit mont te Milton travelled tu Hilldsuigit and fnaistrateu with Milton ai. turor relax Est. rallaed ai the end with a found thentselves befind afinr only defeaie, whtch ttttaa nunt of tr 5as tta cstnmetn'2 seconda. The honte sale tiein gond scsîn hnesLi n iton p"eaile ioulSt hack for the balance of thet7-2 Tyrone Seeds played an excellenit IbWaor Pe Wee A gante Milton did manage te narot g n in ht hlton net-btcwtually the Ical te 3-2. but mouid do no betti Flmbiugh punched a pair pai The Milton Athetacsctll«edta wifl vue EP HOCKCE opffl 3 Here swhy *we seil more RSPs tha any other bank: The answver i., three-lfl. 1) Highiv-ciîmpetitive intierest rates. 2) Lo)ts id solîd RSP options. 1>) RSP specialists in every Royal Bank ranch. natif )flide. a'Put them ail tagether and the Royval Batik becmies the logical choiae for vour RSP investmnent. h Avoid the rush. Drop ini today or cali toUi free 1-800l-6689700. Foirl ait dm9cat CanadiseadinRSP bank Um ROYAL BAN K Reach For The stors And Savet mIT Una. R Wildmnere Butter 1 *.da ehr Sceuc] cokwTnua @OR * uoewaNG unvmu