Yeah! That's the ticket, lil become a pro athiete, yeah mmo y »-2 M-&umaw aaMw 'Perspective6..i b.~~~~~tfil l'w Atai am dmcha je de wbu gl mi AT 1E c .f Mp -~l w i n hnu a* paIo wtt WIyr GUMIE 1a RIN days. chq &Y zi F.ý- ;"l, fa anIl'l plaie bin the nm i 30 eadif Titu's Opfa awfaidud 6.uw saifflé abuti S100AM play Pnapn m u ma tri116 ww the Toiui Nue jal il htla . ht00 àiiil l25e so is uat KInM ai paY per ,a&h SIOW ina" muukt' I cars lit at ac.aU. x* th h uth anàng thougi Gxp I con arpuscdu fcha. the 6 d Ummi iin an abohlitlpaiu an= wap .1 ile itn tie AU Tyman fi0u z epst3 aumh Whou ais ea m do' F ihu& tivk Spolia dIII alslius m0< à w t a negmiwi. andi l'il malle mm tian titan paie He maught ksssck mu ie :: :û al nl a kit ai su A inpa wuri ft huAü~hdme should hae plii r RD"a fot hmt <tari mam Uml tt. Bel). 1 nu Once. Wlunf the Stur spérghail am.,fi la Canada ; 6., S ie lait ao mmfaium AM for the 1w of ts géour Thtr util hae maing S2 million a yr andi 1 can live fine savands lOng.i tita t ua n" <hil. a annuu I' ml emg h cabtsa l nugitIh~ attu u utth that may ba à dtsgaoe w t the box"g(çetgh 1' ns, if c sa t aild t . ni andi their fanl. andih lie ie comfar- Aft, twa vues 1 ffli eie mi, 111 lii gl tht at i mi M) Ii. hut l'il ha 7 milaa nilr Othow "fsit sut as ba*«atail auto raru tabiy. In n tus hault they hi millionaints MakiTyw. lUD maLt$7 miUn andi Ill ady Afttt figit i migo tniofm.tbans i an andi feant (usa In niturifirlm oveipay af- That's tieot at w u Sports Frlday, Jpnuary 26, 1990 [We want youi buainema '1MILTON.. Md el torne rlght t. your frot doo CAR AND> TRUCK FIENTALS 45 ONTAMI STfEET W.. MILTON, ONT TIELEPNONE 57S-4131 Muldoon stymies Oakville, Merchants cough up 2-2 tie Thrill of a lifetime stma @@y Satfi, 1f0 mhn tall i Pbut6mgI. PoumWtaain a uaaSwii lu ltha 415 et NL Ai-8keI101110 . Mm ati tifrithe diudan cf 0. Lady cM Vtmtct swma ma Mh» Lat taeia . plan, ni the Mom Vwaulabiar cf lifta q.ut. Lamlop. et lita PS. î~t~ Pn unem acfa Po m loti un cSntaai a lot, tylng a Hockey Mustangs win one In a trwstrating seoi. the Milton ks,tng ulmio anti mi on titi .',g t netd ing wuI I WIi avu lui e mét a tarn s inappai lMeusta z bock mw» a much-dtamwed corn froa, hallotté wtm ower Qumt muna panalltm hoir tnppinatiti Elizabeth Part wu silt thel Du. Tht bk iotn antt bduit elo Mutm filtt sbu a àiupli tw ". ad aiw hi m tin 3-1 , bd am i diiih. hua- minuts Màaa reunnaiât tan men ~thrame ory -aplde cg l. it M plb êtfii froffi Quitn Ehb Par gl arlother iwý badan fl la dit fiu Patte the Muaan kmd $,W w, à conseils whih 0ht headi ai =16 c ,upad ".hi duliche ht wus 1-0 Applah, &%« baU. Onice agai. dit MisimWg Impridehan 6. M4uunag ca up dmSd . ru~at» uSit~ ~~~~~~pf a1f ma. ican.peep Dy BRUCE PROUDE Titi Milton Meiehanti. exoept loir a 12-ioront pan. mare ftlawin theur fonfceritsng dellence ad golteni' m inLaint Oakvie Blades at Oiak- vintTuatda iutslu lowed the k'aigut'le.iing Illatia bc fie tbck fr a2-2fie n the Centlu ' ,,no junior B Hockey Leagial 'lwIwioenti.shtnurt Miii' on coach Rack Ilnce. -ltat ppen." Wtte BUnie mai happy toscp Oakville Arena mii a tie.Blt coach Ken Mo.,di, maati enthmalksi mut h. porint. .aid Moodie as tiie n34-9 Blatie% hait Strert-iltons Deb,(-9Im futurlth muft a 15-15-7 =eod, fou' poinls beiii Burlîngton. chit hia tvo in band on the futitttanln "%ou fiaw to give lthe guy credit fr. nul gisý P' ZM tfotf d' fti'rwasts, Bne îugg'ckîd the M.'i',curw un Rono', stik was mnt The Mcrchants îii,iid cr11 oith fie nuuiced Ifan une of Bs Drris'l «ay 0luIseur bggi-u u-tif lit ,l dîdt "i for a ,ea.sirrn,ît. btit ision iii ltuit "irdn,'ilo, ad te wuud htave sur.îcnýdo'n ~thmkIug in fasotr of the Jump-ancf mi il fiai bSin à plavoli garnw cd ý eittl plan luh. pla ivght * 1 î.aWtt u thtei'ttsdl nu to the NantIsL oftl~e Blute. wlii .av out, 1la, bc eveur gui a or came to uufvrnie ii.n the 17t. i-rang', but 1 itori sal thai crap Ai minute of the final xei goal 14 à goal Ptaittufli I inighi cail 1 moiiin t i =a 1h.- lywt ier il," warnet EUn.. ftli«i" .d Peler Rît,. mtutr se Inutiati. ietswdt lumgt.ool thn, rat the Blate tving goal mth 21Il itesitortrei tefit.- lv'merp-ie ii 'MvykIîi IMuldSonl mas fuÀ itil.1e c-ni liti îfliy .hom mitai u)i do ag- (lai foiet (on thew mnninfi oa) He ainsi us. sito match.n atheur gn- hat a big gamne and 1 lttk fie lie (Chat Maucs-nl) planta gm-at - hqiighî bcw ma tt.o mînsfe. away Thal .o-ld be tii, undýtîtl nt tfrom. tiuo andi boum, titi- rcon of lthe ifop Moliun muti t-sety'l itfunkithatmlI bc gonmd ear.ung Blait. sas. traîneir G.trdt StenramIl i i'p,'rn..' fur tum jut bitass lien bhodia latet up ltec skales. MOuidooi scure, il dtumn't min yout fîivc up fuilit fias' perfsrnued grand larceny Fuir the Bfader thtfen br ictin meant oit flm as etll. a uecnd fle, ime then itaetet But Mukiotn mai nowhr tui W "A% moiti a% we ixoei lthe ti#.t 1 tsund ietn çiirjin.m o knem ecoli gel anollone' ian lait Iut sdeka Rpomv "it anrnî flot on., ai the I2uodaie Il h = uforio Tibe Famîfy Night,. .10,410 f(S, ai- centenruf prow Sum aMn .v thougit a ihird fiait fta.det boisne by lte tit'he .us r'lîlh f.'lt lapp> The'% aima iA J r ..sir.îg tir 1 %I- hlbr th. I.rI4nut. ot tii h, rlu tarialu tad Ila« oas iar t'" Idc tanta 1h-' but1. tuulhib: lint'Mur n'merpiav gosal b1cm cut.iiuiu Tite eth .mceil 2-fi ian , rthe tltrd unt goal <u Jaiu NAu,,]-, ljW11, but hall titi'o ci-o tanrom tht' itetrland anth le ont- in ctti- Mol dommuitret with hts glove, inhîci ai timeiirne e ltarger ltait titi gsalit' P'art oflthe proMis. mas lie Blaiten' de-unt- topa% tht' pu.fl winhu a %bt mas un omer "atatruI 10 foieb lo fa"e.* - s1i Mioitule os)lemcm-plan' .îng m"th an Imiait rutibs'r baIl the puc ." ast<uricng Wi mucit- I1n nqggonais Cerka fourth in qualifier Mis»c gymna bta d cha Càt ptam fourtt overaîl finisit titpu %0h.6.pmnca comnpt In thet ugit Arp oa Cerffl~ ta n uumta tlioiy lusi secondi yar of siius iempdtfaia i hutmuJopn çgmt1 ar iia i Me&. He managten àpu bouutit 1 yr tidai othe I --cnti .*a on hoa10 tPO ift tih à. 9f10r ~ ~oaaiua5ll IS~-n pieparian Wa