Our Readers Write-t how canyou ten tire good guys from tMe bord guys 0wsà Editer. Whyu àil tha dit*oM bleaht aweee KEUý Kpd thEcarpmrent En- viroisment *ftcu) Lac Mineralo tnd thZ Minisiz of tht Enviroemtte h egnsing ID ound Ilke ast aid B We>nthUa> s"id bea "m on an all-night 'TV chanmai va et froint page iitws in our local papers lrny compliments for the stands takpn ie raeet articles, l'y tht wayl. Ut mas alway% fairl>' cloir in rny mimd who lies brer mearng black hais and who the herots ame but nom the plut has tisickened and the Itesm e no langer clear. In tht movit, the ralltuad manss mater tu http lis stenm engises tun- ring. the ranchers imhiie bats> ntod mater for their cattleand their homes ;ni order tu mratetai i heir ililhowsd. Thse black bats bning te hired ei. pens to manipulat the ranchets. the ranchers brtng in Soverrment ta. perta tu htlp thein - but ftsd ou> the government experts ar wearing tht min aotour hats and tht ranchsers are abou k> lose whtts t heiu shows up arid saves the day. Cnt tu the susses and evondv is isappy teseith bad guys. eT script for the Lac-l(EEI'- peopke.of-Milton story îs equaill as esciîîeg ted dramatic. Ont, muIs expert fibs Huston tobe the dirmcor and John Wayne- to bcs the liet, We ail krow the tcs> su far, LAC mants ae neiurry KEEI' and tht peple of Milton are of a diltereni opinon because ibey are cncernced about thoîir mater. Lacsý experts say LAC and ris quarry is sot tht pnsb- leme, iistv don t suppl>' data ba prove il end thc-v %av truta s. KEEP (white haîs) calîs ut the tecli- sical support peple frot the minis- try Tht minis»>' peuple (mbite has)> say tht>' wilI check inmb il Tht>' talk il over with Lac tnd come bock and ua> Lac (black his) ar et tak blame, askea 10o il he say trstsm. Asked undier the herdonn of inft- mation aci t> suppl>' the data thty sa>' tht>' mill check into il. Time pas- ses ,.the tocheical support people frnt. the mintstryof theenvistngent (whîte hais ... or mas tisai blck ha>s. me'ne sut sure as>' more> mmn t> le hoving trouble producing Ihe data publicly that wilproe their case. Time passes, a sewts isi k>tht plot. Lac Minerais (black bats. me presume for the sake of thet soryi are tuna have bren pmrtgsoS- o. o> mater a day for Lord knomt hase long, tnd Io Antd bebold they don'> have a pail that mould authorsat thson ta do sa. Enter IEEP (wmite hais>. KIEFO te- qpeutso> thettclinkal support p-el of the minisir' (sehite haels, me thinli. no, nom me monder) tisaI the rm>sored perm t ot lissutd nfi an environ- mimpacn~t udy i done t> evauât whute ornuethere ns an impact o> seasinfi 250»M0 gallons of watemp day andS whthm or et ibis tail ingà esitive mater spy k> homes and lerms. Tht minli"> techntcal people- itho a> bas> are now m eang gley hatu - aneounoe tisa> the mater, beteg psmped out ofthewrmn ws full y coeeing. frai omnt h tise in the enerprrient uther than miete aIt thethtr wmtecmte hetm <sehateme tâtat munit maybt l has aodmatsin Io do with special tuai ). l'km monder of wonders tht' uay thi peraite dais' -te b. ta- Show us the data the wbite liau ui& Tbt ~. baUd., dit ta dam Smws bui at now wu os 1IpVatel hok touM In mi- W"afe» (m %ym - la<a. le i. E:Oq h. iliib = lme tern ad uie q -m t be- lay ou « e aiavem Io*»t etisoti lea *»da> wuI b. mma bedhy bjuudi Who -te a Wite bd on hm. Mad convinces aibn wtd th cavalry w ride wi the reutb the aOpinion that an amvmnffneal auatment se Walulyeecehot. chia blak liai (uellkaly) who decidat b. go .ma bc ixofels tht heta) and mill ofthe tole. Tension bids "Wili the mal hemt plisse stand UP. Stay turied 10 your Wlol paper for the tiext ewcting installmeni. who willlbc üang thse white tiatslIntdu sext episode' Who gets the water? Who gets tht girl' Thse uld westers can be such a lhriil te people like me miss b.d such qui and unevriiful lie. Lyssdme àwa A»phby Lb, M*m111n Sale - buy a school for a buck Derait Editor Re Cet your schîiol pmopety for a buck while il's hot! The Ilalton Board of Education's slogan, 'Tcaching is Hot in Halton" lhould includc tsai "Vo> schnol property m available for SI". Is a Lasdscaped 154 acres site la- caled off Lakeshomrefoad inOak- ville, mth a modern 1200 student capacity hi gh school building on it morth onlyîl tothe Board of Educa- lien? Apparen)>' sa, as tht trustee vote this Thursday, Jan. 25 înstead of CAMPDELL6VILLE COUNTRY will be closin for renovations Jâtýuary 29, 30, 31 & re-openin9' February l1se. We are sorry for any inconvenience this May. cause our customers. Watch for our re-opeining special flyer in your mail. Ua . i C m ff mui860. deys for the expecle bird 'lin banid la -oMi two in tht Milton aiea for lt.r gmîp.u isouncunier0tas k>mia> ta = nta- ceg.a * M I in& wdl be avallable k to n ns- L*o. C*A. IW Mm Las bune. C. E. Perdue High ChrlatMaS Collection May otan f r SchxSl mas closedi because of doclis- ralec ove,àkfa nenruiment in tutthest Gabvîlle.rài S $485M atatlng s.T.O.P. B'Ortobér, tht siapsity of trities [ear Editor. f tom the Tosens of Bure:non, Md- On behlf cd the stialeeus and staff 0wti Editer f * trt ndGrergtom. Ver the ai Milton District Hig Scheol f mish l i an worte )an 17 cdiioilt thttez objections of tmlrds of Oakvilest hjkth octkns o io irlt ora 7'iinnMl trustes t> bulld another $25 million fortUk he odful soft duieg DsrctHo cotl rconeln high school in southeast <bkville lus our annuel Clixérnite tan ru'p- Hald . OP iiur à ewkilonore cst ofthe rcently. Apprsriimately 75 4D.H.S su- u "n cbsedi Perdue l-figh School dents knocking on local doites c». Althouli the article explained the Perhaps il is "old faisiontd" mn krcted more ihan $4.5W0 in donations details ni iis fastaiic prngram. 1 consider utilazîng the presentl>' plus fltarly ,000 food items fItiel t Stcssarv to mentin the owisod hih cho property lvalurd Tisewntutrters show the fantasOc MDHS studenîs seho îtxk lime out at SMJ milbS) instead o> cummittn support tisai n peovtdad b> the oi- nf ihrir school tuin'alle tu par thet axpayers tu provide perhap Sl4 standing Milton community. ticipate sn tins woethy cause million.s Whi is dose ssiih tise mor &Md Tbetr naines are Sara l'ickt <.,rs- Tht Ministr>' o(Educaiur lhas ony)lîloc'ltod' "ia Edwards Ginsa Watts, John allocattd for 1"92 about $5 million N itty large Csnmtnas boxes were eun s-rt. Mar , Raer. acm- for tsetr contrrlàtinn made up and dclivered to people una.Ade Shl.JnMc In November, the huard had .:- wh etv elio hrs Donald, Wendy l'us Liua Boskr, queted an addîîînnai S11 mi o is suggi'stnl b> tocl ul(Dasa Mclay, John O)pier jack iteh Misisir>' ii build tht sets and the Salsation Any Each x H>iisîan and Colin Ford,. 1,500) student capaciîy higis school te cssntaised a ciimpk C,îsný 0n I canno forger tsi mention Rick the %ame declintng enrolneni area sn plus gues-ries tsi carry mbtc ehytk and Diase McCutdy for ni southeasi Oakvifle the Neig Year theîr assistance in tii pruram This Isni i timre for Halions% tiusier tu le addition »)4 pachages certain- éclivitv iaughi ail o> the students te cool it' for the nes> 6i0 day, and ing fruit and goodir% ment mada, s,< volvesi ébot r sinitiy andl the jus> awaîr thei Ministry'% an- and dlirrcJ ta rct reudenit ai nght to make, thir ows decistons nouncemiet Hialton Cenîtensîal Masoer mit corne iiQ their bod, lIIre Thcs. and uni>' then casi tisent be Finaiiv bises asd botes of surplus fullv. titis etpttittce wili bc thei fit-st valucdl judgmcst% pni'ed l'y euhci items more delivored to Hakit o> mary ta corne fur Milton of lie trustee% for or agains> sellîsg Women's Place and Habte Roc"verv » gita, or asing G E. Perdue Hîgit SchSl House io& 12 for SI Rtcailing tht eId adage. "A Again. thanks ta the ciliens o> the uKasei&k f>a utfHI Schoa>