ou.. 041 7euW& Lms SuI- suins am ai aun Nt The _aainChampion t*ffIL. NM P. Kelly. KIMu SMI Ili. ~~~uSk ~ ~ ~ ~ o aiamfMupros i IluIlte ------~ *OU N:DMSPd osslb à% W @UNt"i Tsi q LSÀ Buas: h bia Cbe.lli Ah.. C...u~ BpNMS Sbpm e e @»"siiS1y. Lésion Nw». 11101111if Mmffl mun n aou m a. M m Il ha011% is Collisons. êat otesn. Uis p hyte Uri. Larut 1lird fl, Nuit Hiamut. Sakusen miuitsuv" eau~ Bad move, Bill Loigbc rogant, ta diedalrt admniot of a wrngdng when one hma been coemtd. Let il not be sid elher that dis newspeper wIU stand idIVy. by whdle would-be bulbes diatort evems se as ta alottlet awtii ased egos. Wald 3 cowiclillor di Johnson would have been a buily Monday niglit had he been aflaided the-opportunity. He wu lot because diO. wlth more common se,,,.. or perimps those kmu "lndlctive, dlerly quathed lis sel<-cetred M!y. . tAt municipal councl Mody MO a defngsinc rned clown on die diminutive coundflbr when he proposed a motion attacklng theIne t ai a Caniadian Champion tai reotr(see story page 3). Mr. Johnson couki gain no feod r ar beMotion. Mr Johnson allegedi that "mis-reporting of aurmetns has gone oni 100 Iong Tit satement is actionable. smnce it la in, thie opinion of tbis nwpae blatantly <alite. ud g the response Mr. Johnsoris tirae eamned amongahis eletedcol- leagues, il had little more reence wîth them. 1nded Mr. Johinson himself could anly support his flinsy and slanderousaccusation wtth one argument; a referersce ta a single factual error made in the course of the last 30 montbs in- nacurately describing -Dr. Les Laughren's professional creden- tials. An immediate aller of public apology was mnade lolow- in discovery of the errer. Doctor Laugliren declined thet effet. Liter, a written apalogy appeared in the paper an Y. Now perbaps a miner clarification is ino adr t ls nat, la aul gond -conscience, completely correct te ai the lasca aver vating an the niewly proposed tawn tc"_~an uninntulonal miscount, as was repartec in the Wedneslay,lasaJ! Canadian Champion. Thetoîwn clerk, Bill Roberts, and thté1savn ad- ministrator, Roy Main, are each capable of correctly countlng ta 10, after ail, and thty did. However. a miarepreseritarian of resuits dld ocuz i tint a trio ai Conesto1aCollege students competlng wlth their peurs ta create th ew tawn logo lfit under the impression their. group had been chouaen the wtnne. The whole Issue degenerated inta a tangle af competing con- ceris; whtlhtr or not the original secret ballot was légally blnding, where an absent counicillor (Mary Long) fit înto Ile picture wlth a potentially 4rtng viite. how ta Irmt the college J ~ studeits w a spore thef emilirrasmnit Thost maths d s t sriai, deliberation . hutud ai trul addresang theln councrllor Johnson wtnt* off on a c du~t. hl - r- le li emd dui *8 dupas et Oh.E* k ad Ami n h antiy tagn rd ta firid tint lias collitegues obvieua.tel. :. hd aft aIrdau khia oeh. b a i " ena in lmS sei *0U We have admired i the peu saine of Mr. johnuon's oi-_________________________ tions. Ht ina neyer beeu afraid ta take a stand, n& Mr see ia mint Yt nwa cretptng doubt enitis usta liaw mnuchaois tint behavicur lat i the public intest and liaw nucli la me.!Pages of t ePast lJm hat p ors ta be an effort ta siake liea insatiable thirst for ________________________ '$dIIl.we have always susprtd hrvktd.prodt One YO&r Ago nuecn ai¶n bTyon dreBl tht aya lier iand mran for thi. press &W public out of àgeneral concein teta cop o wm in pièceand mnow was bttng That la because we are convlnced tint lie brou lit up th «as ii.U utiveil at councli Wlethelb cwuia wu2 e r Ag whlf issue oftkn< h peritrt h nai 'snbcpasdciW 4 nlinmm tint was rl otivatio 'ay = e20enigc*ýwtte m,-baintdFWmns pfattejs" 9 m coverage of the logo debacle, btbecouse in ItorlalS ona reSnohutuesiMlonitk Hptl tint une date Mr. Jaohnson was crltlclztd for abuslng the miles J The tutti, we"laPk 1i !Ieushh & tul.,.,, w.,, bck mi woek af ihry walka of the eb tg Plus aiaie h oucummcte taS wom watt adkcà,h au pWao was tiaat a l~ndà attention of te hoapétatratosnr S Ht lde in ay taltani peefildeh l mmwee.iellmn spn i1tt i n- . The boarda o op Plait Ma<tt.i, 8.l*ùo r Dalton E M£c9ua-i131Iail He l alaystMe prie l hi knwied ofpubmM-Ttusms Conit,, v.cdw apptuvalrtte tentrei, but a vehWd Dir«tw of Nursing Mr% R.Vn flai of h dunes tary procedurt andi igil w, we suppose l'iat pat mts l larg honte, wu raara toamuse the ptagln The and susended her astai Mrsi Pat vlkw In pUnis niai unfoflunâte tliatpmeohmten unt sucli pntcedure. Andi if houm, abota 3,0(5 squant fuai In s.., hmd en be ondi os te ee hud nuse walked off the pi Aher a twa- ut dotsnt like tdut celticien. ut shoulti aidru il, not Nide b.- eWItiMilite.AttmoeCoergiwn. . bour mmnn beiwe the nrm sad the the Hotul husul saie allier sapposd cancieni in hopes of dois, moie U lDapltà MaW R2e ai Quia Eden, tht du atm wus BS'udl PumOnetn Ciaimtu Oisuse ln W ostu et damage ta his cetces audt wu, anromoed digit the mnia would tetS,, woek 1- .i. k.,, i iV - A kàl5mw ý . .k b!, Steve Nease Halloi Coisly boerdi of Edumbmlc The Rw-riw foMe wuSé.anAtê km""is ref, uait lit 1. Thtbud: approvisd faot 19374 w.0 *13.257,50t.bm 50 Vears Ago pesai 9" Jea.ea M. lm4 lu...ai U Colla Anaa aio Mihaot, qed 12. whibe rnding bscycc a" moasse theu 20 font whm n colliuion wllh a = M die by obaht ttuik). of Milta Fwegbts, Tht hameda oudyks. mtmh wwh wadtown nau hm whismt,,hae tbiof Hlgbwo 25 ami court Styn. Fe" mm"idm Ardermaisi k4mlha wam kth @"-ba e a 2.Tbt yaunv Ql" a oabid ID the 1 I la m. thé, W"au. il. @m"s liit oum ladbm Vise Lait. 'Pud.- In