Day s uggests town lose logo, keep' coat. of arms iium I. t la Nto uns àit lita ofcum ail Fma fois mm a1 a- u.10Piiâ.l.s asalt a ha .iiioa au. t ppe h Taull fa@""n 0haaavla aoadlanuis lay filadian .urd - lir, SO assiadon p asle fui Yasa bMaaocaa a m propvant. i asite emotl *Mu dam Osegd ca ai seu lu api o aore alasll l=ad onC~ lun dm' titai aueaam du ttnir mas" "oFleido amurai d aplctons vut ai Mons émutgila tita adttorss Raba ana baaisL m atdupeapuny t* agu epae deusawss aunohna Mi Ln an vas wouslvaissan adaritiq husdu D lwa u ut li l um ourageMi e hre Peffi ulthdaad auhn u&i depliulo a pIc uuia at.aihp i laison 'lia du -lassole CM etm aishfeuln àn faaisli cdvt Mr. cnlimt Whotgm ituuait Bnuss otti 'ian' algia m wasiti fumoir. iaalasstiti bolaue. coco ou=m tuai kp ef andnahm titaid i ct Ilaahouu h *dady 4> h a muai. bIlai afil .a am u = u la aiUM min la, ma l a tmdm a d t ournn ', an oi safai a llion tall i lasseme sd Rois ba.t amcalasa ufiangy tri the ole as u oreAubaag La,4 Lauiiei wululu hott banni Mramint'd o Mi. johnao~ air Ile muialn (Kithi a di, àai ab= , =l maider tj a ni b albioa outic h Fu no m t ater 9 M a ai ll atr bth (CE csi ttafor u on dunri s astllia duehg te e bu li in a mu kî al y dot hi cam r cu is isic h e cutra ssan o e ssenc. bTaiss e u stiotn- Dey ptm ia i n s a l a in blhe aia . th cour- L mpile u wtit d a dht l n y o as a iyubol ci sas idenuyuty iss felingaof boiough soucd that wa, s ma en e surit agmudefnl l'm tady adbt theOngrio 1i. auii if justifable vactoey uas undoubwl moanenoded - srms va cars al by h ld as an indication oi Coimcîlkr Attanbomugh sui lu was iady coulai le shoun. Mr. jobssac mouiiras The tarit unomn&g maua 16, umnen ad- prelierence viis a quorum si mal puemem, TuaI tes debale until 4'm if neirv.l but added whun o counrcillor would. eond tl p-d iais Mo i ans» ao~ tint at cause dard Exhibitors flock for spot at Showcase '9ô With ÇhimC&" Mîltiîn' 9 sil] four month% accay bcoth sales hisv ahady toçipel tht 1(90 mark The thai-day çuirumcr th.., MAay S-27 lias a capaltv of 174 houl spa-e avîtiabit ici à ranci of bu,,nesu Amn tb' chibatir commitiel tu enfer di.plays in thet how ami homte and garda "sPM"u pmsfýevial vivace pisicdms guods mittters, ros rciale deru'Ioçsr artisans. automnalsî Jcales and commuriity mintri Acycimg ta, lat &rgma, the voluntet-r Shuimcî somitre mensber in ".'grç of buth sales. an rarl il îout in h.ung precissied batti oin th. sale oif Ii Me -mi (uthe %paèce aiready 'A n Irrier of bccsrinm have expassied on inter"i but baven't actully oenhmm.d yet. t crttinl reommmd titcy nalir thrur setection axinis atisit advanUage ci planning lime and the ongoîrrg pubicty aidl adveising" Mi, m'E ear nnbr, ne haiss irs enttcr viitors ta Shoiecai.'90 lin- cltins à grand prczcSAI =,,,,î apie aida à hedule ai unformatiaal 0au- demontrttima t0u in s a tiew tenteti amv at the front of Metara rUna onT>ionpion Rd Boags ia l again b. houwad in the uuuasu and an adjswig Hachai itruc- tu. wluge etnporanly on the sauth tade of the ea tas~domble th.~~~~~~ .Wa capcut oweae'9 iiacmpau 40.155 §qsuie fon o aicmai. asai àrrtai mbie sPase The. fond fi, a mmi arosi and n an mtage Wall sina h. baard i due Hacher structue 'Showcate muti kick off Fnday Mg 25 mitit a beel on di bun ditic aid firmeuek i dusti Thsei etas amyv huigry on Saturday moriig coin uitts- ty slimportates or baron onaàbia, bruit",a ie. day aval! unpputh the.annual Sowcasse dance at John Toroie Sports Centie <igaztr purme desatailt on thos papular eveni taon. An vrl01a 15,0 vrisitin have'aitiended the oe tw th puIotir ,instr a haus bon, htd. Ailetdu lait ahow in 19M 8 tiuait deridShaucame wouid h.e field e'nwy siidyensi ta ri d aisvent fat and inteeiing Front Ow,bgunning& Shoaset han baen callai th duniede-hn-Milton conaie suni., ushaw, uith only Miton hsustnem eigible Io participait. l'le eveai's mandate la ta rm the ukIds variety aid high quality nissrridise aid urva *vailàai iîgt ai ha"ine 1t aimai huton as a 'no-uit" ant, meurt. mngtit exibéton aven't allumai te, sel anytbosg, hinroiah coeiaatei opansoishi due shaow ha, rnasae affoidlable Admis- lion tht, pan $2 for aduits and unaccanspanied yocabm. Chîlduen suscie, 12. saccainpaniad b, on adui are aditted fas. To tind out mot, ablout bcokàssig à t'oah or beronung a corporite sponsmor, contact the Milton Chambeir of Commette at 878-0581 durng mlfular basni- ne,. houts Have a hootair Mountsberg's 9w! Prowl AHi t. pulsaeivitai ic te i n .nirtan eve- ningt of itooiing i sih. Mouttobeg WdldeCertife Fi5 rsow aid a, viaés taas bargu,.n rentent !it hamlosel - r a. i ein the :tn'evit rtacipants cli &la ni tait traioe sbout the habits and W. haviosui ci owt. Thisalà the.tintaof ymai when "i bornsai acta are "aking frmatao aid making oui tr- rhiae. Tii7 can b. irickeit wisflas, àapa idng oi SThu avan clin taile place (mmi 69 pmi. coangt lIn eui aMil-a Htgita 401 M aur ita lin Fer -asasa àabwuua. al die aHO& Piaglnantea du. 2ii.2t aI .II Grôom-iî k uifli 'fa àa lng dnu bobinai gro afihaugi ha dd~ partsi brda =ny as mu.confa f difsntc ah... @roi. y , aillai islah modsiaial, Amaunda Maliy, wu hal at dy -rfWm.oa Lawyer to discuss wills at special Iibrary meeting Hear lawper DMo Maziorato tiacun, the importance of cil i atotn Public Libmary Wetnoeda, Jan, 31 Wittout à wiii, yut could! h. Icaving a legau of trouble, Ays Mi Mar' icirmato hou Huwchinaun Thourpso Henterson and Mail He scîli speais train 7 30t 19 parn Tickets coi. $2, For turaier inicrmnatioti. cati 875-15R), MapIehurst ... -rn km Vyy on papi1 Couuncillue Bill Johtnsoin asteit. "aen ou gong hick ont v.vrwet. fassn te lund i opitl m alti, FacîbtInI" ou'ar egoi tui put hardtic cniminai, what I have r.'ts'rrys tui as humnain garbige in ihis factlity' A, a meitummeurity ~tn Maplehurt as 'home au of i'rs serving ai mai. twat years lent a day nie nec. sving wiii "ws tome ot maietys5 mont dangenrrui crimirails. constantly, in nitaing thmn"mofsth aiis, ai i wct, "T'he terni 'humain garbagv. - taise ral exception," Mr Maclicruk said. "lhese are people ofl proailt- muntty wîth minimum tri very aevere probleans. Thi% sii.alled bu- m S rae watt heit ter (th. = Curis.e lac. hall. fîmi'ry a jil) forai'ant, YUM." "Sonte giagie an fit rcyclrd, lui cun't" Mr John'îon repied 'Il tiilcgommennett u tr 01,î r.4ruoe Attenbtrîough asked ol mW1 guaraiters Mihor :11?cain bave that t province onn't upgrae Malehusi n a wbole tùi boute mot' tungrnous olk'ndea% Mr MicDonald sait such à devrlip- mnta si moi iikdy, but. "I êannst guaranta tisa aid nir woutl 1' The 2724»dt expanionu cili adda 47,(9t iïquars, fooct aia ici the roin pliet. The priosan ftitntng bud et Piemiymtwifilim WARE illgoupfromSts. mîlîtintoZ! million. 1-waitingAn estimaisec 114 paipie xii h. attai to the M(X-uneiner staff fiai- MtDusrnt playa due Pan 0I a ton Reguion haon almady agrat tri artactis bakmg a inanitar of avter serving lorthdu prison deuipète 8l In Madonna BouMa* facliter the shontage af nuage capactty ini rid anoicthe i lon raaldan as a b Milton. *laop Padbqu High t " BcainUt- ()rcupanv ts especemi by Dent- We af e",l wtth construction balu nîng ths luse TRISHA ROMANCEJ ART EXHIBITION See her artwork in its natural f rf ozurmindincrsaist thet bmin 1%Th l Castl $ m'0C0 "u* &me, MW HARROP RESTAURANT 1 1 I and GALLERY An eoeIIent média. ofIilnites Bâtions prmnte ji Lua Sb"11 AVI.MI 8784la