IEntertainment t IBach, Beethoven and the Boys were bad. .sometimnes ci ciii,'S =aa has mm i amim iab" aim ib er lbdi ae emel I :. a bp pgsabahý 'b uemcutmapla wb mfai musajv ppna~ir. 1.1111 m hmui the, ook Reviewi la. Mmmiiai awyus mpt iai At I r .a, = abat. af auddff wbe dae up hie "my l Daidl W Barber carna a a chm bonid t =b di Humilia muat u~a -Mb" hâmiwiîul hum ~CLDWELLI tint in my V&i No6 "ha would b hafdlhu..ii COthgas hip as WUh mPar giim pûoâlini My Up. uimammuomi.a auagald% mna utai ha b i ht. fl' m a&M 'dur «Nom Mr. blau. book. A Ah i-.'aarpmu&~ bla or h lm ma of fiamiiad wm Um" cl IlIib itmM% anmdoiiwh Sa& wém ~ ~ a - huas igdouný d » au a the km ai tbhe,a wms" DvdluwSl myeo bat bock Io lbe aaieanceta mt iruhà= i oui of ambermm, cia,. h n lbise 1% pehas, thifl hi Io ubm = m lb du Me. maber làhiab whbimsl hie wa teiathe hi aad oedcd upoufI0 hui bc Aisd whaa thei<i mimm.i <ba ohempaaan Uth ie d ha sae , the bwaâle muaitc mp É. 607 tis a ne lg mtead ofi, Ssa9 tb word. ioewr~ flaa ad w bmou' ihem .iu mais ad- X Is., lu an lua imédeshidida g é tyrs Nb aa li maomy on caris Major opening atm le bas OiAlnl 2ag on toaauy. wLau 13. Ik. Ku~ magIli 1118 Vida pealu Vis Ms. m 'nie bila b ' m dý " idoi <riil mia laiaiN ant fot.ganiwIio U.a h U ammabU .AMh &bou lisSa Wayyr Baahowu sure didn't wmn anv e pacom~es. ccor woor cases awa lsd um, hoe rare occausi, when he shavi, he The BotM Igoea Milon 4 1=mo hm m rmhad" C. %ies> ~~Wlw. Stravinsky fira appamu a. a' ~thb musw "c,. be 'made à btg 4wM barbe *=iaa tase,,a ai we Sma umm ta lu. ln his las e v . thae RU=sagwv 1Oûi\fi MNIVEIt%*RYStiany haramae anAeua 'O N N IV Epolir iai tu fi.e him 100 fp ut- mlLlar lb l Mi lobb lb hum. lpm Chum ame ad Thumpuml Mi NhIIIIIah m1 mll t 0 "ai s a. - aqia la a m du. - - CO" adà* " add ]0 FÉ.Î 2o.h8ams cess ii ui.l n l la mm et, m.u 8 Ibe.US