Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1990, p. 23

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Don ëa 4. h1md o he AAbIhi qh.h mad mbe OMM. be psàhi - ti hil de ft eissUe The Chw- ,I1SMM L E. àr A le us ge utteUN c. Lot lbè. lm 6 6 O .M. loi wosum mmS b. ib w i »Il ne ia. 24 The. auukeS Miaou baubal Club Winii l4u &»a crci tng in thi. libr.y et .Omkvjil Sc"oo ad 8 pas. Pauat ai chfldren itnisoMhi play'n hll tis surmnir shoueM Te Hlon& Assaion for Yui Cbilduen aid tht Habon "el c the Aumciim for Eaaly CMid*itodl Educat int!~ hobd an .wamlq at cm and .dtacala fer y.uam didi..frein 7 Io 9 l itob Maitiai of the Ministry ni al o aid Titil Béynharn 1rm the Mitus- try of Coanmunity and Socil Ser- sicewdl be the gust puIm Ad- mission is $53 For furthtr inoram- ti.n <aIl Ruth Furguion ai 333-4U42. TVlfty Jan. 25 Virtues devrtlopnient is thethilrne cd dtildren*o ctui.. sponsired hy the Miltion Bahai Community. The claa Ame open. t children aged 3 to ,yem and addren topics '.uch as tiiUflCsy mryremnce. service and 1gener.mty. Call 878-3098 for the io<- ,îîîn ClaIt's will b,, held froot 6:*30 to 7141 p m. The- Living with Cancer Croup ni11 limt dt the Milton L'r: ofl..o the Canadian Cancer ',ietv, 751 B es hes for s eral wh eciii hgan ih are patirnti n Milton Di. lrici Hopit r'J llugh Bî,nin a i home follîîwing surgery un hi. ieg. SOrrY lii repoîl t "Irsm Greu. \'andcrden i, univr dciùuî,r'% <are . J J J Svmpaihy i% enttmnded tu the wile andi tan',lv 0(i the late I-nd Wlmn wishî pass.d away Ai Milton Ussirbet Iliita aits-n a k'ngtlîy 1iiS Dateline Mint St. r.- hm 70 w 9 pt Qoup= clniou -IIM or pduib hu ila i. -q Mrugàt oei ws.2 W91b -us by the Maces sIai ca- muailty to gather tith hot du. ea, di i"Nandbîme nf for due bat mange c manw. Avitm Ait = Fqm H&H wlimait g& p.m 8-3M1 for ire iniormaion. Fildy ian. 2&27 The Mihon Dtrit cKub Kaelally ull b. htld AI S Poul'% United Chumch iront 630 Io 9 p.M )a&uary 26 and 9 i in. tu 2 p.m. lanuatr, 27. Sundav ian. 28 Lat Wams.ki. ant arcliivisi IMM the Archiva of Ontario. Win b. du gnit psaiAt m.lnits duth watn-srch of due Ontaio Gtumglca Souutty. Mr. Warmslq wiii dscim Trisurm it the Ontiario Archives. The muetin g will b. held ai Chinguacousv Libiarv in the Beamalca Ciwic Centre AI 2 p.M. Vîtsitors aim welcome ' The tirit performance of the MI- ton tealdoif Sdgtoi finit Il Concert Sertà in îll iture cellisi DanieLa Kepowicr. and a keyhoard accoa- paniet ai 2 pin The music will suit a varbed audienre indludngh idrn in grade school. Cal) UDS-Ol9i11 for ticket lonmation., Min D FM Wi W.Mi thI ue Hoh iuil tof p-a ici Wl1mesai 1ho 1c1 du1 due bal Tm. mm wMl biena gt 7X pas. Tuuday ian. 3 ou. Win mm atiHugit Fch Han ai 730p... lb.publici la de WadnsOmyJi. Fa.ily alsydtie Whb"l tus humaousad serfous gimi ng- ans Io the clialau amdchitines of liii. mIl b. hi for aul <hiudma am pamesl Iront 4.30 le 5:30 p.m. ai HugIt Fur Hall. lThe, i-iî saport- ored by the Hilto Dilu'l coin- me Unîttd Wiy of Mlien til hold ai appetelatlm algmi to thank theu volunu, a 4JI FSbs Hall ai 7 30 pm. Eveqoau las wahne. Halton Waldorf SchSloiII ulld a parmt's study and dbioa. p.a* lront 9130 to 11.30 arn. Lad by Doeoths Olmen. the gaoup uWin e- aImat Raltmma Daldiut book YS Air Ymr Cla'a Fi-il 1Tisr. For mure information and loationm. oei $454.191. ThuMy Pub. 1 Klerniber of the C»itaa Faden- di fna University WcMti - Hilton and District - invite aIl perspective E- -~ dum Nth Ie U aCI 1 A bu.ineme amin uin b eti Z3 PAL Md du pum . WBi foi- W -àdoy FI& 74 Visitait TV aMW is' lul P.- tivs Wlin air Fisnaaty 7 gt ..3 pi.. aind Thactui Ilte Eys iYcn Bati wllîbi puemuiul ai 3M0 p.m. 111111111111 Neb. 8 Vkai dmeb.h*tu theu tuante fcwwe cllduiasses. which Win bd- drmé topica much as couftny, renéwrenc. tuvbce and geaouiy. Open Ao aIl clttldre aem 3 to, 7 yerintes Wi ain 630 to tion, Thei clama ame sponsorad by tet Million Oilial Ccniaunaiy. PmNawy Pib. S A momtimng dlaeuuoa forum calied Tihe Vis of Wot$n te open Ici anyoeu wanting ta eplore topical isatie, such as Ifo.rî1gel reliant chldunnd W = W Zb.t~ lamilies. Sponaored foi the Milton Baha'i Communîit) the es-uni sill- mun rotO 9.0tilaà m Thurmday Feb. 0-10 The Milton imaseri miii prw>ii Briih cmcdy Nit nm. Darll.g AI the Masonic Hall. Dinner ilI be 1h. .ierenintofbapt.ým was held fie Rachel Mary dauliir of Mn aid Mr' Malcoilm Reid, by Rev. Shasin (n")Il il Ornah l'rAibytrian Church *orhip lanuary 21 Ski area has best Christmas, C ten Edmn Sêi Ania broie nacurdd lor aIhendancer os'rr the Chritmas htHlton tacilîrgý wblch aSti. muid oui tour dia petigramis, héd lia bat CIhrinaa imian e. While scirie crottâtSm bo Mothu ot 1. belings toihetr wuingctew, maêd Bobi Falre ci ClinsEden. mhe ataif ucred uiih due iii ira', ,uw Si mlion, owmiatlng tyxe.o AD çme the iloie la aue c i.m mhe %inst irei Edent aud oui tâter ihan oefglnally planral due ta comnacimo delays la the smoumai- lng systeu. but th at wual ar t catch op quickly - 0 u ii ali" dna aidW 9, -Ant Iho. - i iel iâl% Wb"a Faoey oni Im Mli G ue.lph R d e d C u t 'Cuw e E î bboflL ymi - 11 w:~ . ai TUbuuy Pib. 13 3 Main S.. fron330to 7 pm. Feran appotntnmt oeil VIS-7261. 611h. W.... la Ntw«Uhl mil ftA et lte &anMcherHoE Res- tauraint at fix p.m. Diniter «iii b. served et 7 p.m. toUowed by guut spt.ko.margari schiorbi Who Win discuaa landicaping. W.dnud.y Pib. 14 The Aithritia bluebird Club of Miuiasaugi morts ai Sheridan Villa Auditorium. 2460 Truscoit Dr, i Missilisauga Ai 730 p-n. Admission lis tirer Daphne Sméth social woiuen. and Sue Fnanci. occijpatiortai thera. pl, wili spoek on the dav»iopta ptana Credit VaIlev'o H 1pi Fo oeinformation. cad 820-39r Family Sicryti... is oîpen t.o ail p.rntman.dren ArHugh Fo.tr gram,. .ponsored by Milion. Baha'i cî,mnunitv include'. humiorous and .enioii.-.onîc. reiatng tol he chaIllr- ee aid who.t i h..

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