wèL2411 JU u4 l Community Notebook Htaidui. cd kmiil Cuba w«O lomii de bail at Se Pats Làmâw Chint F¶9day .mad Swda lm. Il tuàiI oFndaywigUb o#b mE"a»*n àà Pau mai ~ à nat ?Bi 6 5PNSIe wM a mida- kd Fi in. .KMtmlo aid lbmion a Torimi anca ai am 1110 -tul a b he bt-bwtli m -,l ---b la cm* Ita à ,euo i b wak Mid bW bl Tb Cdiii" f L* Win am b r- avtasT t i u on, Mdt le'w dgb dwa - aid Drumming up businesswté. na~ ksai.p amam MWi mmnshd aum mmPSn nomUts » W«W"» *M ml lm w..,, Liteniffheos et Crawie Lake Cmauesio tm u t di .~nwht m Im tu 8 :mLn V ocal distress centre lends an ear *9m n:I Mcnpiay f fl M 11U a.qm - I by ca"a gmulu bç lb Mbe (volwin) diont doi coumsrllng &Md lb opat id as sa. m Pm Dou', tiit têtlb F*%a, blé, aun à lfm cmmt focal loa.Iy w pltymaymeewd tvr c aputlmlaid pesu Habt Ceuol Mi. ~. TbyW. proeu "èbe r t iii ai b Nom laraw mi .tridé uahly and wd- bi 11w ye" bib émng ptrodesae duud cdi ànhg 7"-141 ogni,w*M u oeIl lian MM uI . Ia.t*1 Su"ha by 55 ouatai valwmin, who amm Ile croir *1w pm"d. spuum i w ad,.s IM1If l uys efl whs. %b Ppi theu l wbpbae 24 bitai à day dtigw doe bow.atiy Ump ummp and hib tchad ,m aid muppoten cd du tm"~'d.etw dring lb hubdiy toaeopur, bcont tram ai calo inaà confidntai osz ch u tdlr mub owed b, lbe or- *1Y cd n iat w'a anmiw adeel l i miq0m Cut u t iaf ad M", taMMM Voltage. tumamupbab ~~~iedglun ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b the c97,~~ppw ai.r.t~a bFbse s.wwl aglo aid rdtnah am.17.l - pdaInagap WZ n"v 4fl - . bhsaoad ud lwy Mid wM biHle aum - ncoudassuOet af àwi Rt of cmbe uli agi.a a hW in- -re cle)qytrM Wb uhamein, 1 d mui d i oubâi people to cw aénr tim heemmandhi OuySUto ealk.' iméd Heignde contest <O?' w Not otc haba"teWetM . àS l « the mamf ,ocuiid 31774 calh uuanHeuüge cntamt C nuatheorratain lalma mltmh an watr lamw wltk wn abo.a lbe a15 Cnw w -m oueqmi l w ni.m coming next Hahu l «.a rdb t ci m t~ book ae. Cam ko. imein iniAIaio butw uul ribu cm éi t he rvb in agt daywFiay& wD 4p In Tbecec cV<i9tt*mf wtth tmb q;ant- cml h utg twtaomem psn ami aeld .ech .çngç aId aî 10 O 8uS Tda, . lin i n the coenb y and sumnutiding wu hcipncpn.mUscai lPca f.iai, n an activ Trt i of vlunta.. waid na ay aid au "i o, wt amuilna , ý antweag calis and tnq.an. ragard.tg hassomaI IaiowwU. Me Rita,,, Panit= t. uan ho..w bin hbr thb Hal L....,otmm A.an 6 tih senici as Cantadti Red Crowbm~ The eoto. in b bld Ln oapmctam and comniontcMt eifecwv tiW atInW.. eowfpty hosuttg and AI wah mm critth' hm calbaoa. h ani Hhn0m . CtU m l o i th -rew à mrc« >wb«imha Adv"a Cmiu = b, do%. tm theinl pubic, chot- Pmi...d es. wu. 10 paiDýam ladb d réab- FO[Q MAtT 8PECIM VALENIINt gwmi qm lui Mob Z2ýPIIU1ol.m . afflouum 874M41 Lafe*s tyle