a-e -àMni I~d oumaHope on awmg and apreyer -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~w Ummm' Md OmâliL <Il>IIIM MW. MWrhsi i. i aa.W h, ~*dg sem( umPU VmIII, * O UC M"y wgm. mmra en e m tg a tt re h How does Men . ae ami a the porn e mIcut? In. the cam o hg Cl h la dun Imm, a ECvCuop, and. ruty ii m - afil a- Il. the tekeplnini BobS ai,. kta treck ci aay of bis for m pilci and ksaw, thugr stattu aOeald in inao fte.ijseices.ci poine ti thd nght dtrection. P.'., Capuoa armat cd Mme WSid rup- ne= nplaynd rie hockey ania auechr- Barba He r«Wity saturasi ta roct saie PaCépto ca e' du19O- %ad ittSx", Croek W& im , Capta biard that MNtenr ws un- ha ,u d qmaHe panai due aU1m eemment un on Br Giumthdu Marchent awî,w a i - ~vtt c~owCu.k o Aos ab a ndb.u thomroi -aia Muaar. Ken Ted bis régas lrei kfla tbeJ zérm~ uplat. He wuevmn am. M4wacmla a me u male dmUm The §Cha" pbmn = ati r -wai Md Bilice fnd. thèse guys? Ombailla *rn7 m B 8 --palle! t .abram 31 19, le «U 41 lwl; leheam ghaNck UalKrty mi. l a la 4 se InathteIl. mripo 4 107 7 27 C mnle banid aut ai hocey Petaboe 32 10O 6 w22 = emu à ur'e ploer.. wma aid Geeruiimn 35 5 273 13 eecI. He sayai th du tutuarýmea atuzta et the ttid the duim but Me M lo "a What ffiN lias tu WalaN K* he cauldn't gmw ecay ore, bush.. and à Yoeuig Iuanlv He cd the lac btugNt lights on iea bme- dans emattas the thouelli cdI murnt trin dcclagui.s M" Tedr rmi. ag meaybem s ery m ien wu He IV iaead ta corne ID Mtttaa saId as bSt appnsechul Ny dué hkes of Nis tuie ixiae Martie % Veuglin CM Cre% Seuim an d du la woeald base. bomni ant play a Ghi m chPaU Kiaga ta coach thuir bit nuire hockey thés ym ,Tait %,id Amatr u dun the Lait two &Wa dy aord ntrie. tal d t ,çnts up and Pm"eIu for ata vir lr m ,pvan idý lir ary 1 rt up th iàs mrty rid cattdtltsw a h. tnt bord evey 'Walsh es gond côech" uei Mal- Nui rtu 'iji cuir, lit jut domrut have h du f prags-eîluuv W~SDS DÉIM le mg st.. mo r1 Jason Molna,fo r <pmror,, compares 1eUes Ne.* Md C"v a mm" mu &me as plybag mmb m.tbwC b l.w A M C àm IIMh a Ca*w du Mmo tu Cra rison 0Vbt amo u Wl 'de Cl- JairbLmon dmo twv dhd m lied oix unda lu. lho.uy mmue ms bp fpt twy %arme onfuJh out- ài. gom i Houha lied mi opan sin, d teut -b bgiat m«7 Maint May% 1rh. la mar itaieit me the MWIi hugur. et thÎy *wI tuV» iedt Thele iigrî full cd Aaay Qhue " mtii at md ta Du W.-rcai, Ken, Tàit, Uvag umy ul a louci. 2i U ddktatisar ouaet Ta dl -t misa kmaer. «hia is and Bmck Uaswvmta ra tir r' lid ptaym bnaefly wii the Hamitonix Dukas, à Major lm"w ai ethe bMnntuîg of the imS That cormbid wuh theim suivi a u crok's Pam «Mar twal due fun Out 0< bachaa t". Ill lieth Wanm at the bennirqa cidlweumr Neda eittilie «ma argu bocks ti pula Mîlku 'r 4- CUTI VOUR FUEL. BSS IH A CLEAN ECCOAL ATUAL RELY 0P4 TEMPSTAR HEATN FREe »:RFOAMANCE .GUS MOWBRtAY LTD. S4LUS - MTALLATIOI * SEEVIC RESIDIENTIAL - COMMERCLAL *Cnttrai Air Cordltorndl Fume= s aEleotrowic Air Clsanu CmG~ FiWISlafl hm REyr mATz - j~~' 878-2381 a m _____________ ý 1