-. ~BB gün, wieling youth faces lischif weapos charges $atont.aan ulad ~Paaceuythtpan e lwova Actit. bath face chn ibek ipo mfllisa1b y I ea, ncebithtri cu Po'lice Bl t oita tâtru couw'f~a eg ao %î*tirm s ben shI D> T he thr bo n" a te A tt tai due Ioappçn i court Fait 16. Ii~BD eunt =ah pohsetDUPtoC tw w m sut th rifile ers Ski information Iwmpa dijasto ta th public dent ucyINFgi rsla d t a sMw I. as ,eoom. the uto I. oeem pe a&W mucid ta prapmlty number o ci drjs &piîn* two Tire ira 23-yer.aM. u<pets ane equpment front à902 Toyotapr iddal atdr 110.yourf aduits ft Mîlt air d the te frnt panked ai Gahtngn II4OIO sonne Tht OntariaoMroisuy ai Taursu tin" berret. Jmnuany -8and Rermion. =ir tuoenaa the ntari Auaisc EIUIOSOCfigS r ies îov=n$u dy informnuo i l - IA c onebece ston in ie. Wie un s 5otsa the province. INCE C P IC CDO Oks Am. repcned w polie that Alpine ad cmss-crumny si I m mi Q rn about 63.0( lin cila eta Mid bap reports ameavataib. 24 hours à day. ý1UJ41 L(D1! Saturdoy, February 3rd (Sccluld ImUrlews Monday, Februery 5th S(Prince & Pdncess Presentaion) Am 7:00 pm at the Milton Mail HERE8 Nf W TO ENTR *ýPm icapg: 5-10 yrs J *Ently forme avoalle ai Motai k1al il Mgment offic ora i Town af Mlan Demp Leted Sui (8a8en2 oru)da Rogsebo deadîne: Tues., Jan. »0, 1990 at 12 noan. h. s- s' h n h r. n takar fin thetione. Thome ame no irumbens ont fer ai- ýNAs à mult ofan onoig arme pine ad on, wo croos-omuo pot". lmpolicb y ukung. The alpine tineta 1 416> 963- chsge 1 7.ym.nold noe mut, 2992 For cmss-eogtrv skq the Ployte wîth thett numwe ta cati s (416196-21 Guns were the bounty for Burlington thieves Haltmr Legwu Police &Fe oeolnuiojta, invsigate a rashr of house eni it n lngtor. tir me~Rw Raid& ras :enterul b gwor d 10a m'Jan 2'tbv fStearms: custom mjde Winch"* .st nluigth oloin 243 boit action rflet Rv 2 pump a"ton rifle# àa =a ,t h CRIME guage pump actioft'Shotun wiha STOPPERS llug banil, rifle telercupic sops* OF thnre intechangeable chokes for aH LO ,hoigun, and une case of 243 amý 4 1TO muntion. AI-o stoieri was à Fisher and a 35 mm Cantax carrera wilh9< àC sniombil4~& 50t mm. mus V Houwe' curie, arm un thir ncm-as- in Burlingros Sic (\l-oteot Lastj ySrr. thre hi% brn more than aquarni a milltîn J,:Ijm of prît>, ris nlalen as a reffui of houseentrs Thre muag)nts of ih--enar- hbasen cured n the rsîdenîtai atea% ,rorth t the Qn.sn F.Iî,.cbsr> fIligt w durig davirkht hours . Tire crminal, wêill prowl a reuîdentil ai a oilrn toutr tir siehîle, kxbiori.ahomes Ifat ameurnýt-pad O)nct iis base -1uý1d a targmet hev breain th re hrumn by forcinog antan Ji tir itrdoi Crime Stopper...s re9u-'tmê rstdejnr te ý nrrs , 11 rrfsr a1is bas>rrsrour'nthrriirrostatrrIsa di lune U8 MnUn 91, UNIon Centk~r876-2221 ré 1990 l0 0-