Our eadrs WiteNassagaweya rneting fails Abou lmto endorse\ýpemb rs actions Endavn wed.ered the maculit fbli h specle. ~ ~ ho thea amal F~IW Cntficillor la Ion: ayJaal, NmogW M orna ÎÏall - A mm._ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ SpIiesthr t t ai wold mfse o n 11 21iueart, oellW by M.J' John Wite. hm a, tn DmWEdiMu =os the probabihty of micsbro , up afser rduslng tjon oeh view ont~ -M oments 1 amn a Çrade 6 uaudet at W. 1. Dicl would fracal whien condomns are = 'En ipwlmt fUaedCnd.O n s .s rldeScolad my classent undi for longer= oefod iiia lal f~ UnitaCuyas e tedtw in nitr andi i&r yctcrn bout e-s at just commuao tuss = MrLayto th goeaiaepopnttasa airftwhJt I nàtat me n who clairas to usderstaisd CItEu wit adaxgalhdplcy on tSat L: mmlau hinsit &rdd t'> àmgsnu uni contitet aiearosr es tyiget' do some- pendent es'rnts mnultiply whqn threepon, c o hi% vun fo lont rma in pre miece to th Tis caused a delay of weeks andts adau h ~tigaouît bil a wil be raising eveni, air comhiâned ucnsd or W taainvestigatmo was deiaad. j 1ht i mcnty t, supri wtldhie iii a Lut us assume a lailure rate of cont- White weie murur tisai il hasi bort cariser heard tont of balaie sale Ati we will aIs' bc doms of 10i pie cert peryrr m thit herw>eurupp'thheQî man,,i,î îftihevtv yfini h oi a a preseis,îng information on the et-n tîtrt tt nua it ahocnfuti m f'> iatlorgttTraurt bypCunv[t-îre aieraiss Ioln tu tiler torm Lm us cosd ritt~r 19Ut1 f ai s esio n t' fak uce ori 0ct,, wî upu iadwîhtt aia wmt aase htctl 9 Il u>t, tha an1 tBdali lsia o h eici l Vctori a s te hoeà ^Ili% s utiti,' he derlarss One cias, hosseve., trcf enough rate as stili the sime (10 per t lurtlcation fos theli nvcpal newasclrarlvOnimousn bu ie k hm bbrenchargei "ha1 have atttpted to ýaasan tehelp save endangernrdspe Y*b that year, independently liont oathtr ,uo h uaino wtaâue aýn% '-aep rt -,r>on tieicusi- Yeats). but sehat tatusea og- Tht mmtîing posîiîvlv ref usei to endort'- antihngo ~o trept ion haaai tue tnul grtifr lif necharges tt thet Who ron tdis countv.tiny infected in% 1 thtea AIotrmn uaic î< ~e tt~ enft r uhtig r o rîidi ioecne Bvtakan away aimaL, nlitluliii whcd :I, reason frth oîntrwh b i>, art non unfounsied 1 have nit m,tn to repuer ai hiyfa, hye ta rserv 01 A Init' r Th isear important tin t 1994 ort> a t e meroid eti.ng rWhit ha tt iue aon In The public flood shouid bc parmount Arr th. psle'i. burn% a, erv car on cn- he mpotan qutie as-W a~ l riuanesi woly ndeà lil thue = bopi ofth gound dlowt utder hmvy bordert,. tu ctnue t- do,< veniec. we et tndangernog thetsur. i. the probabtlty ta I 'viii nt ge e fiane aol toutnt l topt w> h n as f0a the dis" fta i at liardi corrang, andi he tatse vival~~,a '>1 tnfuei specte Bypresheulets dnntt etsvt ns t.~>~>î becauwethtfetîingi 1a sel paîidpuhuic erant rat- we IraI eventually endangen oursel- of tegular coraoas use Imite egaz- MI Whitt ured lais attentintu1 the coointv fisres ruflies on Accusant &Ai lasetul inparion of hui boas ansi se t atoý%a vi ar o-iginhmsx amt witb n t question andi the work n areBrownta ' z paetlN wyw surit pa.khsi tiette Suhrit must alto be mcm bosrvton S'> muci for condoms! Cas Ire Cnclhduedhsf0îwtaemmngentpeople have a naglt tc, krsîw %htem arad bo.s their minde i n the sense thàt Une Are toi> claimt k> be crang for homos an masappoepmi>ons in the coutfv nases aihoogh mott.pnnctpa ansd intie are disposei tif ani thât Irasteful wiath out resountes and (and th e i f outyî if we wIIl nue o '>i themna, r no opos, suc âb txit n f mn Is ase adetermn,înd thtv shali have in, splai far tona munit garbage. disrkse tu theit the wholt truth' h hare, be sueud ha n(* ber brought fo >mirlu.ntand tradietion - chargesl" ' Amotion had bocitpmierd tharîkng Ar Witît,fttw I e do nt do somnething about Wliai w, s'>uld tell homtofftuals seard fw him but bv otrie and yvaf hteIas nowma o a urs eti uvedaah thest prblm, Ail ]le on plarie atd bisesul, ai that they mu for caryintgout hîreponsibilitycorttapusdsirps'.tttefts-uit Earth rolidsppeair refrait fivm homoiexual ami al- You cat imagine my surprie. eet I begat my inves but il ina, tut brought éoristtd as the m,-ntin$ Lribe iqt A11d1111111 WMe togetiser. In this case condomts aie the ok idttposrdaaestuit yprae J Foi fi« an l a un.îf t. .îetia, .peild W. I. DIC Sc*îoi ttamnf iort ti ont Gduqý Cr brune taw fies prsîuldat herb-n Iros pert'r -atlsiuaosefe MUnp>î sia -0 VIce Aufie reguLarfy filei andi rrefunhitept an the Cltrks.offictand Utsrb), Jor&CharHuus AxCuà Rrocyclg atornes Ca itio W#oes feln&b ruutody sot,, sot to le had andi tart fias nmwre. (CcPsrsgfitJam D"L. 98 aore good to aele D0ar Editor. I Irant toi commensi Rob Kelly on fais exacellenit edatocrual regardan tht recycling andi enviroiental effrts of loblaw, - When cani w, text the saine livra Thse Cantadiat, C= îIaInp and ni, Te"ni eounc0brý W"îdI Homosexuàis need to know the truth Orar Editor. MienT a Icter of mine rrgarding MODS andi homosetîilty iAs pub- lîshesi as Tise liter of the day' in Tlar Teomio Sun,~ I ias calîrd bv CFRB Raio flof a phsone-tn show. lasi, Tise show. liosird bit Wayn Mareman. lasteai lino hoursTh ofther gurus Iras jacki Layton. chair- min of the ToMtco board of Ficalil M4y main contention Iras thai the source of AIDS, tn Canada, t, onîn honstueual. ahihougli the virus o trantanttta througit a nuinher c minis hemn homosexuals, k> bt- smuaia, k> heteracaetual, and futally la chidrn.Tise time ta, ad la noso. bilaiore AIOS beconses ai plagiat of mach larger proportions, stae As a wt an certain parts of1 Afrnica wIroe if hm, .prmad ID aIl ai the pop.uato My Min criàcium in tlua marier. tawards the madia andi the vovern- ment. is, thti homosatuals in par- itcular.ad sttyin gene-al. aie nt tolid t tetlul ruti. 1. Tisai AIS Fan bc eradbrated onaly by alsling aatybaady Who et- > auin limosexuls acf, t> abutil fmsurh acts (c. ansa ses andi otlse unheathy or prrva-se se proc- tans.i hnsîvinge aîce ts). 2. Thaf copdons alybuIia usai for anal se (as publltht in a report Ions the US Public HSabi Service td may be cotnpletey me(a- Icive tu coçnlait vsirus es-en il tha~ ee uniait x br..lung (the HIV vi- rot t hat coun AOS is murs untaîber thtn the ai"s Pots oi'oeusdo, 3. Tisai hsomosexuels am isigisi ai riait as tdu vins la plillesi maatly lt th oaeual pou a ndiam be- cauete 7 8a 'auwm of s figu rs a leu orsunaus wbà inhatai pms 4. Tisai conesam iar à a ans cui alacil Raceple. k fian a din C.ususaw ofa> of ara whàým d. ale tUa" #W !6 ~,NI Ivw d~% 44C~~44G% ~q G«4 C<~4C~IfDi~C44 0~ L4 e 5 ~ <oe' - ~.« a &~e4d4q P~e~e4t. 7#a~c~ 9~ m~d a~d.~.<a 94e ee~e44c4ee - 0<0 Ai 1!4ea "# d"4qoet!e W"'e. ý'M 575 Ontario St. 876-A118ý