iCanada Post gets no stamp ofapproval -fromn coijncil I A canad Fonm i i oi jqulrkiy jointi oui dia Chauoma me I o bsrolas» bhimludcy Pmh jDarvIll dinar. cti0 tr.' a ditY M- tviOm h. Canida pont, duat due i ~ ~ ~ à NaOa àoili a long *aea- i>daw d1 mdi.Tha Mn. Day i Idu Canada Ptlpiamaitioi siouli have ban due lait jin on the agan- da, ici iea fILt Tite chairn 00 &Ma -vie cuii chit chat about Cariada Pont borevn, w. coul.) go an all it," and a&"a ichai the pie.o@ thed vii was -Whet is t PR (ubilk reLmtoiul?' Hi ,soliaaiad a Tacla adi"M a oe adata th t duhe mocaa me Um = à.i Caada I'oWs prauii5 aiycoi alal al 111141%161 %imaI babancud mg dus cisia wih ancobWblii quatuocr. fia, a»Wa whal Canada Fou, pasâiwh lesi moeaeccming. Mn. Dunsic = uaawon W.naappaMiWy dion nourid, a bit. croig &but slow ouail delivavy a i nng cus. Wal 3 coutacllor Bil Jobimos conmplaiued about. cuthacks trop' dallvinyx days àa mais w fivae, aid home uivery latin induh day. Mn. Darvil cou. nnat docions nmo longer mais. homima rais aid Ip.powcMnIU*OuboOO £ ipl. baue du p ntJi anta , q fioui iraflc goi no) fin iw bwrldig w u se b. )lk accu tht fiffaic tan dul fp~ini tasas il ieofi antthbouiemii ari (mm' Ah IidadiihfludtvlOlmaii. anor iiw othbouid taffiA a bu . fia eapct dgoat illn whum toop outbu ra taHi ois xa thanisse jusg frot diopns av amogi.t Hrfi oen.M Thonfilpon angus wTan beoper ave 'ton àu lae' M that trafflc moveiiiti mnthin the the ailier titrisé intrance posît,. prpoioprkiiig aria miii bc con- Mr. Thomn mai.) h hoMe îrr furngaià lnconvewndTt unlit tour have the wholeprom id pitUe. entrance/emi ami pnovied incuding the hot.l by the. eni on Mi' Matthews e. womfed that an 1991. GET $50 'OFF 'iILsNM THI 0gi . FI% W}*% Nli p (,HAS)4 iNY T"11w 1 LEG ARLN EWI ',Al >1 AT 15 ORi W1)1(1 ANI) (;Ff TAiT T N i R RII . - - - seÇ- ýWf X~( GOLDEN N GRIDL Hfome CX/?}>'ata Tasyce, :oeuf*l Siai sath. Uagi Moi - &.61- Anuu rNEt Parila. Lkciait wsic LLOO. aila for nhuddmu. Major crid ai ac eePia CUT YOUR FUEL BILLS wiTH ACLEAN1 ECONOMICAL NATURAL GAS FURINACEl RELY ON TEMPSTAR HEATING SVSTEMS FOR TROUBLE FREE PERFORMANCE! GUS MOWBRAV LTD. SALES - INSTALLATIONS -SERVICE RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL SnrlArConditiOng *Ekeroflic Air CIqneTs *Gas Firoplacfl' -HumidifiOrs .o FEE ESIMATE *- 'n Mi Sft M878-2381 ddi-oy i Ph Inter ia n h dr dy po.ia anvic eath a q lem va.lnia di the ào Immntu cugmmuaic eh mriai @&Mmvno i ci amlam wth mimd poin barwh. lu in nal Canada en gnt, hae aMuId. agaai f dhiara mamlo urad' i jhtisodai »m"a Couinilor Brucoe AumboOgI' àMn. MaWs mi ada Poum hm 'mtaçiboa' by aYtng hayaliow »a0 ho loiaw 09 osm ---M àxcpi a goa à dadri f *0 million as ruai raaldents coin frai daveoN onoM _orlons >ou ri laiss a 10 n unIn «a ,m. pioN titi ichas prnoutoo% rural duireler prica ticona adi à duins in soi- yd." Tlft -cs budu i ul 10 cfti had tc, uin lo bouts vice and say look what a wcdaful million addition. i poèmed out, a la tannit of miau 99M Puhs- pi sim'adog înboe gmwtr by 2O0DI pui ing postal maimoe, sm8a' aail Mr rrtIî ouci thai Cianada ear. rae a uheecon imitaiti an du Pont', price mancrs have avat Ha said iadapandeit morvevi point w wa. t ,.ha "ad ju baind l" thon inflation ovin due lat io "a conmswmii impmrviat in thftu. U Mia -m . aosuy wih 10 dicad . eiw ovei the pst two yeus and times out populado aid a Imallef The Canaida post eacuttve ias tait added thit "W pun mmn" of uui Me isa a " Traffic ins and outs solved for $20-million Trillium Square Ny NBON ZELY consinurtedi n phamm. wili due fiM ti noir aong Suada Avenue nin The dv o fn theUi pitiposi iwo segmnt@ - office spoe and the the iiucnmanlion with Martni Soue lliJonTnlltuii 5quan at due notirnma uanmaiidoe along Min- wdt encourage diversn mc attip Io acUornu of du inertini tn Street tentabively piana] asi ctos aIl t way mai due tum Unei to of Mpt n aid StUa"m Avmeu mapn hotu so mutut on Matin Suu. Mr. uhait uhey maimal festin low Davytopa Campbal hcpo Thamipac ccunethai di urb a oe.m ' mua commttia Mcidiy icaidiei thoa iaiant M. =LMI amanoeuvre icou lieb ai bast bmgbtv niglt but it main't ivactly a cause Thompson anid bla eipn ham r. inacrnvumialt for inveri aid duy fon cek6butlo among the pncact's riva ai ai umpa.. with tw.' publir wll iend wo égom M m favoir cd a barkerm wonkà directof lohn Maithows aven mixre oiiveietraii incr/it Rafk la méi due principal liwd- bow inany uMbtde entrnni duee Unier the tantaaviy approvi owimer si cma.twtion has alnmedy shoul.) b.d Ici cut pit ine ulie han ai t inine/ei't bin, pomupcnad for six mudish, wli Town maffwantal"., aid inmtone =tiAvenua ieur Martin Suu. due aanrliam poubl gm&Mi-braakhg thai recoammdati on ,nralv ri and one oppse Claen cramnt a datea monab is ii. ng. "flh couardi in a staff repoin. maton the moutb idi O(Sal d"lY hbi vaeiy. = Sud Mek Mn. Thounpaon'm Smop ani Amma. Doat may. il muank Iatt«i w pi op i ilad the madufra owulenones, aid in dlfbei oe cmi 1hd *,~lgarih cntns lth duroaom.-, din ttm dite mien staff poposaIs. iallail nmly wo con"o mcve- Tt1-n.davaloprisel a wu ae E'JMuaiy counrilita pbsai w go maa', M. Thimpmon pournuit oui ~~ ] wU Mn, Thocmpion's suffuo Rinqa mill alm ha , i. M. Thomppoon haiarui a dqýuICO .inmtaodum on Main, Sea&t wiib "ifi i n îî and oui of due d cth uimmat ont namtnia w0