F Jon GT andkeepMeetfng decides Joi GT an. kepToronto's Rarbage out of Halton D, NOMMNUAON plstc uii Pm sa" cid the Wuatlüve ta casser omit of a .sblcm on dm aewq pi on flausuday ah The mmStig a houSd by Hilonfugo t0 amd ou a.ha tue public thiba bou the pilulat flla. Cmmiu Totoml Ami (dIA uuch in~ a s giar Constr- titan calleid lSoléd Watt. Int.t'ina HcS wa Hltn ffiiais hadi a ég Is hslipoçmie's mimd on sW1sc=Pqt tutmmsimmoamaiud i the larger issue of a.haa andaviduat aid goveramena.s cculd do 10 bul iv&at. Mr gbwng envirosimtaital à.lemtte tuai the miur det"i of w oernitshouillf organize lst" iacisât the roblmai Barbara Ha"sIl muas typacai of the cai' cernad citimn pisteat ay of whom had to cSnad setuh another grtppmng CIA rtob itimuaéai oni thie fE - i or"o ID geLlothe mntirgo arbage probient 'Iii. Guagiosea menof th; ptm POWER haw u ba if myciable pedtct alut mi.a bo theu auience aind tiie Roeyrid T-mhlj't Holding up an ampi> latai 09 minui- seau. sdu quutuond rhy k amsi alhowed in-tthe po bol tut.. SIw drose liet puanit homm=bahmwtqi as attractive T-shirt moade W.éH lysr tha hbd bien rucycied frto tamilar his of con'. tuai-a Mon tt slmowed à pocce cf 'superwooid'. which. ate expaaired. casli bumide oui cd rWca plisrw Tht scp-simd paM cd su- a mm 5>btought for dse at me siasg this yssr and for seh iéh esgety hmddout buiess cards "Mîitsuga a. airudy coiaculi and stoaln plastic boulet for en the comtpany = temd Lben la th eveatngoonm sbu" simd muaraseunt directot Johan ManKa> cam- imotwd «tiss much maie b.. 10 b.e dou. dvothe market for rscyciabint 1lh. m pâtemnoit there," hesamd "A kof aE'. rugs»o m ght nose" Mia. rgiorial curiIuo ilU johaisict aide thi.mamm polit seu a mfibe of tht audience uagid the regsont to collect residut 'wtt' parbsge and so tabe it en à regiorally niai compo.uaigi factimty "Vou've go k0 ae mt furk bu hesr WIoht rMi aKay wus bnoaithei prodimt ai tht end of the meetlig, m, ib. IHau hi - ée ritait. Tht rn lpr- e 94ndlj n oupswod th mi aid s be unid in ,oad sytwuailtwcaias(hmotu sina Ti.rlot Ibutufore mouid Sllwe aIl - at le wuld Mb. Io ma dlvutudsi hmu Ba- tutsh t o the company, and then liègedumps. 7Mlsad= nl z er Who dadn'î wau mtm dm" tuhi nesn uid (for mans that a.tl bm' In Mais' ,u bumwe tes a mmo obvtous) brought lora.rd sevea'al suggea peint. Rogional officiais ooéuadoatia . advooti hbm0 the pgc1wl books of for 94h (tht e sof 0 ion. aMang utvuonmasuily mmmfrisaidy cotapan. mad athm m ae undudskir a à"a challenge indivduels as a a.ay io raine mnS. toads b1 r F, t drcourts), Mabon ra mou uii lma He poirittad so a mapir depertment leun. 1¶wadae".aato'idti swls la a the whlch bu usd put osa 0 of havng uisd ouit ~ t'a cor- gaumlwatmaa' ~Hiwp the varbous busaneut ad ftme t. oti. such en- idmiAMd if the A,& M beum paere lo IIIylal. reviewad, nd SWIS as ~na ssatr ta. l 1 ri', hooma fCh- mhoubi b.e sapmud on. »Mit -ne for mm Third cite mii, id- le. st i, i p'. dasio ocupemi, whmlber fi" CIA alto~~egon -ebee hi.Ha7H ltn mimd bu'. Ibid ci( com-'_ Putm.o Totonto îai honibto HMi "Ed fqiYorks and Durham - ncblho,, tmmlig i mou dartdi a.bud nut aid ltai, me 'w orv muéciaiitpl Sonsetmmsi. 1w sddal. sic Îe h kt'. puae wat. 'a. t.o dmalltqaa. The sti d.liveraag tri the ne iw h dawioop, Roay (a Milton thestre by 1996. a i.ng04.n .tlwt closed wmi so Nd luion Io dbu anas ymai ago>.' he mid o Dy the ana.a.on- M = p tri& h siiif ài houa.mnprtla hod ors mo eparasasa.a 0 oe apitsga@ pucpery. à 1992. Wln the CIA. charge should 1we ad. garbage cepaclay rwma ded on11 t deu property ua.. "as oposied out. and 1996. wh=enMlw-ern «oution tu aTI paickg ia tmp beia'use ttcy w,î caaly idcally comnu mtofft dum tosmaa esoe ." Ai the CIA muaspbims ham buai Ha =tw un a toi express dîippomt. a.loed toi pt fonrdt enitagmicy tomi, u ment wath T reaport aidicating the cy sites that couid hamidie this thttUb- cia, wants to ttc their Blu Bot eicup cf tieuta 1992 &M 1996. and the loiatins of S"au -%w saon," 1we mid. "Cot. thue tmasuhouid 1w made public la the ext As fat a Hailon paraticpti in SW9. 1 hie e montât. u,ad "ifthis th way theywaticipuay. we shculd take our optai s"aa anid do toto.' Torent. a dua.plmg ga'ouad5 tui1 à bidle 1mm consiuctve. A a.eil ubtiti fact. of course. is thst cl Thetmeiutng ben with bickgrcund on Mi tht M1A ier.a MHin Regrtai la. by the fortucai of WISC. fa, the fuathest aioag the long and compil' Hilto Rai cha Mns Peter Puaiwaoy oaed patt cf appreval for à IaaidfWll Many explalawed SC w listituted by the people st Oht mSaiolnf exprmtud coaioeri pttvlicialpo mmrtm i to met if the CIA a.hethe, Filton woudgo uddled wlth municps rmuldefnind common w"y to Toacntc's'gabage it jomned SWISC. isa 2Cthe (watt. nuaagaement isue os Vihi 'Heaiderton the rgéon's relire- tht baaadr scale." tentative on the SWISC tathntic ommiton. The provincial gevemmniti as rectlty su otait It would b. an impossible tsait Hilto'. =rpn dump. sbu mald. I. dingia h0aa m "ut ta4 miltions am cd 20 3ynaa. - the amie aaariot cd padiag producil ty the JA an just cmi lit à latta' liteisew. Pete Ponm a mm discusions have tiken place indcadta b If HlMaiso utadt the mnunacia Barbagtcn soilum, tu "s resstonable cft bi t CImA a.oubd bue 50JM11 toim.- 'Tie limbl beta.- ficiey isout bu Peel. te sisi. aid at wouid bu %at the pruovlto that Malica couid. in the fu z. raaotasimilar imount bock 10 Ptsiufur: seu t opened Sayighe %as Rightîng à proposai be RUl tolloeo mu ctnqura. h 1mi- lio ons 0gabg Luairy of Hilton Mii. seantil oboeibt a weax bttng contldursd by the region amià cuntingency Mi. No proposed sites Ate beasiuird ta> Mn Pomaerulr thai se ses. not bat .idered, buatked a.tether M«-POZnlýnmtoccuid acquise proa.niy fo aidfi Jurpn outusde s osen chalmaai o.ec.h adoitM, o not ldenillfid 10 the but of my kaiowiedge aaty laid lin Hilton tathcr for theti inteaita or "m' .iaiiod." Aire If ht> dmd. bu said. 1 conissute yom "ht 1 would buagientt àt." It's for thia aton thit Hilton Mdi. couai- cilla. JoS Mewt recmmendd Hilto W. cotnt part of SWISC The million. of toins of f eltbtter tu bu invovelmn a gromip of nr iana dcussing the problean '1 you don't tube part as cqual parwt's. ycu wcn't find out &boutm a 1(-t of things." bu w.md Me compared it o a lîlrtoat watt six ptp tidfve -.'ia 'I'd rath,' bu aàatc tht dusMvn on s h.'s S..ng to bu oc e mb the W.ter. raher thin jut find mysil! mn it,"b bui Milton counicillor Brid Clemnents, &ftier tht n.etang. areed t anîght bu but tu ie bu s- volved ilaSWSC than "un the otasbde loch' isn in." He seas aImprossai by the tumouls saisi th i sb ne.st shosen 'lati a..ll for the pouikicil pacceua Councilior ichaimon said "ifier alwast a good turaicut an Milton, Thev kflow what statkig but." ~coclus aaming the audience was thai SWISC would certainly bu bunofwcul fr such things as shiard necyci mng plants For asy subseiquent meotirif. tbu Milton potleaiployat. noting that the coffer wse b einarved int plastic cups, cnemragid of- fàil to have it BY NIM -BrinYour Own MU& -& WLLUM Os8&ugaSu Sm Oat*aa nom 15..551 2S4023"S oro amas 540 ofui 40, OFFICE.SPACE FOR LEASE IN MILTON UP TO 8,250 SO.imF *Lots of parking *12 private offices, board room, conference room *Move right ini a5,800 sq. Tt. lower level storage space also available (IO'clear) Heip us attract a new business or peaps accommodate an existing company that is bursting at the seamns. Hugh A. McFarlane SIOR 6400 Mllcreek Dr., Suite 124 Mississauga, Ontario LSN 3E7 MicFarlane Realty Inc. 858-3131 Res. Sr-MI6 Bol