Barbados has. charm of its own Legend ha% mm th al whmk, the %un shm on al atmhe isiandsi n the Carimbean, la shi.e7 o Bartlados with a aaimelr C7n o on n Twenmy-one mmk kgand fofo nmles avimde, Barbdos le rich in hi" ai- nd natural beuty Firînal edW by thme Britisi n 1627, today Bamtados i a land of conn-ams bksnadmn forts and pirate shmps wmtm the cons'enmeoess *and amnemlmes of modem Imfe, Mail 'mammors calme for time beach but B.,rbades offers sports, culture, restaurants, u naight lite and more. Wimatevrr your interlest, I hî. island imas a specmal chario ils mtn and ail] of thmims mings %ays Barbados best, VWhat disting;umîhe Barbadors frein attier îllands il mime pc-ople Kn<îssn for mieir gnatural fniendlinesx. Barbadians have wallthm hurnanity and a gifi for hospitalmty C cntunvI-old plantationf home, arean am, prv.%-.%se part of mlie W-and',s lush Lindscape Renowned for tlleu architecturai heaumy and lanJscapod gardens. several of theue Iea hlus, are open for tours , a mimte o .1n plantation, Farley Hll manaon was, unfortunaîely ravaged hy fin, Neverimelen lr. dramnatmc burnit-out shel smls majesticaIty on a cliff abus-e lime ion Fnmm mime sala tomei a pmîpular delicacy - fliing fiisti Servsed nteammed or fricd wimh a spicy, coating of lime, imerb, union% and pep. per, mis di.çh mn certain tu perk your taii- tetud. To queich a IupcaltJ thî-mmy a rom punch or an ce cold Banks eeir Barbaâ,îns m homie mu, salare of the world's finest rums. Banîks mian award-winnigg kKai brew, 'Time %trc' tali neser %l.-ep- Bixter'.. RWJd cornes alive ai nîghi Tourist, and la tjafik >IL am Itie music fili'd Zbarnmd n.'.- i.muratlts till lime wixe hours (>t the marning for a lame nîghi drink and %nak ,Fuir a tn2t.3sa4%mPle %orme spicy tried fiNh, Ilahan .myk'", fnmm venantrs al the end ufthlie trevt Bruad Street and Prince William H-enry Strme in buntmng Bridgea il is the' place for duty-free bargan. Visit lo2r-' uch aI, Cave SiePerds, C F Hlarrîin, Da Csîa', and Correais For illdigencaus handicraftn and cossi e1a th e worid' best surfers whio chthng ir i est of Barbedos nima and l1ÉfEt annually in an Intlernationial coin- botiu ai ome ofine major imotels C"tIn wame etes are considered mmon HanTi2ns Cavem ms a npoemacmaiar subier. rammealn carir whalere àctlwely gmowmng stallc- mtt bmang hile memelon from overhead and steaom" nie fram mime fluor. Take an Ietr'titain tu the depth., of this mile-long C . scaadm wa Trs hee a 4-f ott Ta e n aj on t acn3kt h a d a rmnlno~ Ay type ut crkmt mac can be found on in mlan run a. ord da". match et Kensington Oval to pick-up gamnes whidm are numetimel ptayed <In thme beni h' The Soup Bowl at Bathsct'a on the rasa $320,100 Charming home on lrg aotmi Marywood. Georgetown. Nowly dbcorated, new hardwood flooring, upgraded fixtures, full basoment. large lot w/professional Iandscaping. 4 bedroom plus 1. A must Ia see. Cail colleci 1 à630-0000 Judy Bonneil Transwort SimcDoe Realtar FURLONG COLLINS MANDERSON & GUNDING Offices in Milton, !3ramploît. I laiton 1Iikl Yrîu fit 0(31 il '.aitFim n.- ..n al«." « c . 7 Me ~- .' ' i M" '7- '7r OR% Mr Am _ _ e .an r. ' '- ' ,' . T , flU ML chIg watsin -0 _.tWiR Proudly net, laistfiý Darbadians cele- brate %~vrai ulturai es'ents. At Cmuponrer à festival mehichimnifimtes mime end of aln sugar cane harYen, Barbadun bursts meimi mmusic, drama. dance, parades and cul- tural exibitions. In Novenber, indepen- dence mn cause for a national festival. Ceral location Acion Twgatmis . 2 smt"e, 3 be'lro':n Oie Side aimant brend ne* , One sem, to nie upgradod Bock 2 badroom, aat3nn ne il d Pluate cela. serbers oale Glen . e Npe 0V: 0 w' 853-0923 RUACU-lS3 .T~1 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 et 2 PU. -4:30 P.M. 800 SECORD IMMACIJLATE CONDITION 18* 3 bsdoca m@m as cnmP*10 wrttl 2 lt âtrs central Mr, central vac, Iemi2 roemvi. prOtassonalY 'r3nised rec mal, a.!!' wet ba Pfflcty tor mmediata Dossession CWI T,m iàl"Is 876 1263 or 878?02M AIL B11RIC BUNGALOW -410w doe - CecrOaa Air, op emsnmad for S575.00 par mcth - 14146 Mt C0 Tirn lv*u IMPROV1NG 0YOUR ODOS AGAINSI AND STkI CA AI1 #1 ILLER. £bua fva C t ?.r lm 'oe OMU& M&.'a~ - 1 laaallamby W~ L ' U .a'a %e03 M"~ tom. mt a Ilffl ptu. cd @b sa Alai OllaU Ii ~la 11111-MU 'MAC99 In BO MANY UPGRADES Cil aocw, i5 qF Cet M o rW GoM %ooS'3 30 sq. 1a. bic bungalow** on 22 âcres. A iléon w. orc Mçg%~ Cloertrijax. als M«"x» Cai. c iEtt féarril m oe" 8 43 ( 20 Mas. ftbal. 3rc bungo halws tfalon 4bMlo.oeCal hî'u»n Cantée 8l2 Oà5. bnthlge01r' dag". 09 MHITE &S.,Oý REA ESA T LT 18 M i St eet Mito 878209 bJIs-8,1 23 M"MOSG MATES nu MhhM