* atelne -o ami al, I" a la 0& nés «gsgRV ma MW5': 5W un nos, ci >ài slgnMf ilsum menu a em M ~ s nom ni piussieo by htly Devin and due ta jm m ,u aflilWuOe ', a s peaker Wi be Dori ot. L aiS il. Butdie Be m5oq ilS . babysâell; Zd àdw par.~UIàOO~~BOOnai TaO~ s mon aim fole, lia @a le hisant by pi, M, a 'r= liu Mit.. Ghil Ladi. Colles siges j jr HoutýS»l. ..d WOdnhSflydi Jf - dMilton labael cautbdualWi uI» L Ladin ane lavIi ta a uuisb. eà etI ai Hu Fkiste Hanl front 4m0 su bagd Usa' hm in dur isal 5:30 p.ni. l)raulsm of du usanit. au&bitomo et lIsdi Caitud i m pen t aIl parents adt chlldlcuniro Mair frogin 930 ta Il &ut. Aie lier- UAm~~~ , ni,, ludtito miius"C solections %vin Lu $ thed dileniaidoesM ahïinto ni m Cam 876-300 for -o ùlalumo- Haln. Tht speaker uril b. M. J"d sermnt Wuho Win taig. Manlea bock t due 1930 ati 194kg aMd to due *ui of iis, yut. FrI.y JOuil Thi nait i ofui it du Dll Save25%/ -on PREMIUM ALL-SEASON HIGH PERFORMANCE RADIAL EAGLE GT+4 0IJTLINE WHIITE LETTERS Sire Sale Price P 1 7W70R13 97.49 Pl85f70Al3 10799 P185/70Rl4 116.99 P195170Rl4 119.99 ,20570A14 128.99 ,'215/CJR14 125ý99 P235i60A4 133.49 P225i70A15 14099) 1 215,65R 15 133.49 P205/6ffi15 127.49 P245i60A15 157'49 ULTIMATE ICEAND SNOW RADIAL F32S, WHITEWALI. wîcller Clearamec Si:. Pnice P155'80R13 66.99 P165,80Rl3 76.99. P175.'8OA3 8299 P185/80A13 8599 P185.'75R14 89. 99 P195!75A14 91.>99 P205,75A14 97.99 P215,75814 11199 P205/75A15 102.99 P215151 15 107.9q P225i75115 111.99 P235/75A15 139 P1aP7OR1îé 98.99 P205170R14 10799 age GR+4 si P1 55 P1 65 P 185 Pi 95i P205 P205 P21 5 P22È P5235 EagI. GT+4 Prom ium all-season high performance radial. EàtIGTr+4ofoO lSMfM20. CaNfo Pimonsies not shown. ECONOMY, WINTER RADIAL UILTRA GRFP WHITEWALL Wtntir cluaisme tt Price 180R 13 50.95 /8Sl13 5995 I75A14 67.95 u75Rl4 69.95 175A 14 72.95 /75A15 76.95 175Rl5 81.95 175R 15 85.95 /75815 89 5v HK3H PERFORMANCE WINTER RADIAL EAGLE M t S OUTLINE WHITE LETTERS Silo P205/70R 14 P1951801114 P206604 P211/OA14 P215165R 15 P25/60A5 134.99 1 33.99 134-99 134.99 143.99 183.99 6OOD ITEAq TAXE ME HOME NO CASH DOWN eNO ,,annnoustîiPirusaBoî 011, Filter & Chausla Lubrication * IrciudSs Up to 5 Ur ot Cualur Stg.e 1 OW30 OÙ SPECIAL $21 .95 Ch claiMW Cornai Agnnil $@11110 - Si 1Pif Reja 1 eingsI -Ch@&t nd Con«m a I Baance o ui - alid 4i Ceri lrepr ums.$ 9. O0PEN 100&k 18-0P. MONIo FRI-SAT7OO k. WSPR. 'w 4 Cauadbt .I miHhaulib ~~ -- Bulll ad a rit. Wo mru.alo.u. cas 849-47W go thu dey or 825-045 la Hakto Centmntal Manoir ule IioM the finx mulingof5Upf a oup for pomige cautes fo 9 l "rlad lign 7 tuo9pum. The gmoup lacuas on due nSdt of the canelwr. For Fmia nformistion. Cali Launérine Aidniwtata 878-4141. est. 167. seiiptoi pangils Wlhsu fiatuues tat . on and nunibse- shtp M.~ uilL eMu h aaam Centre ai 7 p n. Ca Colte 7 9E.? or Chtis ai 654- 4236 for more iforrilation. -Tued"ani. 23 The Wom,o' lalsmmalleansd Suppof Cenihe of Hiton continues is niontMty "psler uneff uth the tapic - wolief and the là. LwesCatherneu Campbell andi FrnîeVan Melle wd ie in l atten- dance. The e*ent wilU taiw plaSr ai Si John's Church in Oakvdlc ai 730 p.m. Cali M5-200o7 for more informa- Thililbdy Jan. 25 Vinlue de*fopment ib thethleuse of d.ldrtu's classes, spmî.sft'd l'y the Milton Baha'i Cur,munitY The clatie, ame ope'n to cilsloen ied 3 tu 7 yemrs andi âddrc,s topics stih as cathftesy, wru.c erie andi = crS'y C 'Il 978ý-308 for the loca- ItuClre seuwlI le icIJ trorn 61 t.i TtLîsing wmit Canon Grises oul nier ai tL ir.' uin it uaim of a due Canadian cance~ir.t, '51 Main Si E. frsu 7 Il tui '0p Cmodîsug i tîs11- prois e eins.,ot- .I aupilr andi rra, taie guidance tei ptitts.fmuu, and iIrienui For naire informaiion.,îaU 971b,228 or 878-18l76 Frlday Janl.26 Proyers for t W.sdd oi Lu hosted t'y the Milton Bahiai corn- mninîy to galber wsth ihoew of ailie faiths andi bhare prayens for thu ba- germernt af mankind T1w uari ai uif Jantipi Icon Warinki, an arhiv4iq tInm the Ancive, oi COtru, w-il Lu the rtu eaker ai a meeing of *the Haian-PocI Brandi Pl the Ontario C.u.a4Iocal Society, Mr Wamsu ull discussi Trustâtes in due Ontaioa Archève,. Tht onaing %vnle Lu flt at Chinguaoeasy Lbnary in the Banalm Clvir Centre ad 2 pni Vissions ame welcome. Tusidiy Jan. 30 Fieigdit of the HalosReon Minta uill mtt at I-Iugh Hall ai 730 p m The puablic is ssI- 1W.dnsmdy Jan. 31 Faully alorytb.u. which uses huniorous andi utioas torusr" iug ta the citallenini and chitocru ai lie. otIl Lu held fur an _prets andi chiltiren froing 4.30 ta 530 pin At Hui Foster Hall The event a %po- gaut by due Milton bata' coin- mtunîtyý Thhtdy Fsb. 8-10 The Militan Rayent wuIl Foiesai inuit cognedy Nol cait~ Destine6et due mmisat HalL Dinnr utI Wi &vaLilable ai Febcuary 9 aud 10 ps lorgtnein. 11clusts. whîch coui Mq ulti dinnw sud $8 We tittutie only. aus ou salle at the P&pe Factr on Main Street. ilSd il1 e. 13 IiseuHabon IloonalHh dis at aL Mo* i f as bbofiOMM 251 Main SI t- o 13M in 7 put. Form appofigagil Cail 17261.. lige A ft lCeb0 Shendas Villa Aiaupui, M41 nmmoi Dr, la Muiuq Mt 730 ocuuioa hesll t opali âto b al IR & po Aut a Coouda dmon oui Sa-30