It's lime for that old Mis en Merchant magie - Bince àRilUiD uLivM thé *a&e hadl a power play fr 10 I Wb' %tou. ra Zml i aktl n ai the an wowtd dovm but tlie - - mine. He dabu ta hav a serre 'O u Wm wrks hatil and lir ka fu %n~xutl u n flialth bruts ate people walk 4n and sctit f5" dmb" Thot tmpon %vin ot,, onu etw hr> iar Ain E:C lvé ha aeMi p-n.M l il à fier buraces uât a.<4 0 <afle 3 asd hhs.,oice andi oratited. t~V rMemke at eaur anci boom Wt' i Millon 2. Geogtowm 2 the ne Vit .--. th * adi Mhootld u ntouc of ragic coue ai hockey Saine. TbeYnut tor at kreit du a5 touu whtict (Mtns player) ftiratig nie, liilina tu have tholo t 9lem taie . ta rnt rail4tgme ILait w=ekn they mnaaet a pair The oly treiit ta have hem4 oft tus tttia tint-pLace Chilvilbe 3-3 CitkmUle an, Irampat tie, Peter- a Friday ai homte andi thon the Mu- bomogia andi Su eiville. Miton lias jsmtng ewening ont thetuait in Gevîr- d«d.d mm th iwohr !'o'a2-2. 'tg- 9=t 4-1346 Menchants play à tiglit fince -Car tin mth pe it sdiedule thtî week wth gm n conte fottrn Z nttnn e Peterborough mid Branpi ogule da". 9ie te a ltonier>nd hoeaig butigton on Fridsy might draft pic k of the lRti Buni, an t Presentaa Ihey, are s points ha innury itahiftation. lTe ailier tacs htdt thet hird-p(aoe Cougati who bien unavailabkte is ye utitI &lmo hav two gaa4a a n liatit If recSitilanc Dmill know ihorti, ew"nau garet accaedîng tur Hiryte. Apait Georgetown the ateim touit-place Min mil lace du sîglat. Mitton pdtd Up 59 fihn on pDa*a CskviI1e OWiaan the Raide goeihender Curis Geen T'ht sond round of due playofft home bide nTplîi mait 24. "We rat l'n'not to, opiaineac about catch-it a ho tender" Rnce bord'I ing Suaitngmo Vv banr aroaund tort max onte tho aLne icon& 1 kno.t tehatl tak tael catch lite Marhants péciett Up galts by thm nmd teie dont have encouga Guilhott andi Heatev bottacntn ganrts K41t" saad Rince '1we gi ari aler Geargetoten hai ttablisis go iao mym ha A rock% and pull oua 2-0 lkaW The tying goal camne math a laîalc iiagl ta htlp conjure up tanis nuie mianutes rnsauaang. %orne wan.ý - 'Wc doçntanated the eote gante Ins Fndav ,gamne fro'. asal nt gar to finish," sad a fraistratat Malttr oprncd up iath the lebe d ai lnce 9.32 wme Mark Zetarder, ihovllasi 1 canat chanlge thanga math onu, honte tae lana) pai aof a wetLri nana' gaines tas go 1 kraow a ti ecatteti thme-ontwo break Staijmr mere guI tir do tas bal oakval'lui (..~jt eîi Healela anal rawcorner Jalion Masinàr playouta) but 1 haven't gui iha ,n4it COti aldao aalIspnm teeae-peea Ohle ai etvct 1> ý ckcr Up aiis Milton hadj the 1Lavers au do il rneei a lttk' rnaga C.Z réet Junior Sewcn 1 1 11111Y fhltpian A111111. Th@ ai.i MMg « iau na 3.3 tie bat Mmr- rcrao gd nrg chanaces ihaaak i t aire -clein Rc MMu MIotW hipPy iehtt t»t dr0 @goit tdu porverfutl SiM&a atatugla rt ot the tarte peaiod but___ ___________________ tise coualt naet cosrveri ovl Peter Roneir inallya put OakvaleW ATD mn the boad at 845 oif the aidte trantie w han due Miltoar deterce WNE9 faito1 ciller the paajk (Jae. tmo, Ë â tareecrai gwuh"'deChad Mui- r ' ,'N f tfit0 tw sîSKt towuap& fo r vou,~U da andi htailv Rommi mas able to Lituîotisuîîtte" <'vv 1ONOUSUt-Jay3l toFebruàra 3 atti ai ru the top ut the net fron the Super Stvrtdi andi Formatl La aucîttez liaou a? tste relaied busitess cotil us expsur t iOO,'o ille ino ana il tlah dass-tep 6 * pr *ec Wedings Siglat ans Tour' eteeilv cusisinets lit Whon Mail trier conl'ta ave Jeohuse at 127 Milton boauiica'i bé,îk writa a lto o - %spua Ferui *Corwis/Thoentm B urtncisTopi heara. andl tmu ruter liter Warren *Naght o ut he Tomr . Coreratir cIe t 5dcW Hat gae Malîteat a 2-1 "ad mIter ha "A . 1 feora ap<ci«l dcaaioai" G9_0~ ù~.Y e yo àaaitti tc-uc-tom Parti paur l spcr eriC ( malth Ken Guttlord. w asp ying 878-3351 "ave hockey, andl Paul Hârtley pick- a .asn-u ~ .*t a e.n tm rl ai 14 17 ut t hae_____________________________ %eod«mleoeindSTART BUILDING YOU AREER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tr ustion Daaft tumiti~t ha _____ UrO ED Millton itet Tht puck ment egt - A E P R O t=tuh the legs ut a rtartedM SA E PE N INET-A R don nv 59 seconds e, 0ali< l HOME CENTRE/BUILDING S PL YSTORE DI NE t co ea fon comptetdu hlbarne play agaui. Thisfauigcmein fot uie Tony Galaitt conventelthed WE ARE - A sýcsý .,cab s'eu p, auài 'y o.nect co pS-y Yk paie whici caowmm ftutront due xsa<)Mtattet'tat M1lG Yu pYç tyOtHNPRITNaO a OeSssWa tn om EFEUR: Aemk,- nJoSpelio.glfaat FRM ", JANUARY 26,1M alle du ta ti 3-2 fond etio .!, a r,(ccesa.. leus th e thîad n th e wty gaiS t E OFFEA.- A V' a.', nots ' or o r! MOI lt a a's haut lae ut àap acaacen,#rt opOomsi' os alt coapett Sa at] $2 1l"'person i, ghok beute goiiig in 6-0 fiaint paeie'y easnet aamiiCI «,s~se' a' 0 aaa Io s s OyePepseaa(n ldeas meals how) tu le te "e. K m'wBAYRISCHER BOF FAMILY RESTAURANT The temtraded chancestribreak CPOaanC Lo' 324 S.elsA eE sMlo aht dndkek ZetedS liada àgolden 70ww ujt 134SelsA eE sM lo Pipisrunlv tetata ttare mainutes M.ton Oasuro..l3P raalan 'but ataut anS qusîrat 878-1110U I e~ 1E OArttention: Parents of Crade 9 [NO FEES~ CAREER S TRAINING, CAMPU Updlating the1 ÇEnlehgT uaA -. -u oents4 0i Evenngs or ocm Otu y fin or w day 1a wwk =ut1&7luUmetu. MJbord _ A*OW- Students ln Milton Schoole PARENT INFORMATiON EWNINOl 7:00 p.m.. Wedn-sasmiy, JuWai 17th E.C. Drury High School School Audltordm £a~ DRUNT Mstii loNfl 1W ofw~ lam obmsre omm bm