.iy that A place of honour lta Uen 130 (Jo. Waters Sruich) Of lte Royal -Wl Canadie Leglon toy Idce eodW dW eea icWa Ahdon Landry, e iote rtm a el et ton District MAin- Hooifft wture 11* Lany ceaies. .Landry wae ln lte "erIce te oq»p I te EaNeen I - ~. StoWiNbele t. Landky In lte one phees ukae Ioa" Andwefl, j eio ua the therniffltT orrt ilsfit _______________ tc could eaily be made Jor oi. Former resident dies in Oregon à% Rame. mesdeit of the Oniagf aie. Wlbur Gilbrath paed away intaPîl Orm n alM 10. Wllbuz «&as tu of0 tue lite Mr. a&M Mm. Janus Culbcith ci Bifth Une. He ettended Ontigi achool and Wui Milton Higli Scitoot. Ne wia ç~.U b .IcJU Haïet Md à ytirandLctIl. He =i5sUW J, hi# vile Romary ced .tlir gamilles ai teell ai "iy cousins in the ares. DUQ Mwîiuutct Kaie Paèter- ion l elebt lier ainthd bthdyjaiiuary 21 ,i .eaà duSn mmi lui been icorpins dit country là et uie? Dons it manly help Iot o loue -eigt uad hefoSe mece fit? Anytame pou UKTtiit out el expendine cidiauc unceamg Y-e food imtale. yoS vin begai to see #e r tlm. Aro dnuq energ exptiditi*t As fa as ailery is coerned cheeare man differ- re kowm of ierobic dance aid imm am aie Mth"ia oetn. AtDwi Ceote. w einei the law.iipet Stylé ai acrohies beaiur it :cw~I titr il reducin ttpsliy I otury. Bernareen ime lo -tac pro- grain prornote eserci diii miy COMIETO THE SOURCE YIFACTIOIE *FIIAMIII 9.9% TONAS :.é O ?m fwlt % " a va . 4~ 6 um0 OC 9% OM 24 NOie.1994..OM 11101, 19 OM 48 U ofPOA C OAK«LA ND 844-3273 MILTON CHAMBER ÔF. COMMERCE Jianuary Gonerl MAeeting Thursday Januaory 25, 1996 Sunday Shopping - Not an Open & Shut Case" a panel discussion featuring Brent Kearse Les Kingdon Region of Halton People for Sunday Muddy Duck Restaurant Members Cost - $1 4.00 Non-mfembers - 0-700 For reservations oeil 878-0581 by Januory 22nd»