Peers deliver warning Ion drug abuse danger sy mm< I two eummt, ,Chooa7 atuemwot cO.ouU hanle - atuunaabs by ponimua:,atuztuon Parets Agaut Onaga and the *Abot 1% ifin Mtlon DisbcIbd tndrAdal dharuafons wkh Thm =Mt hor-et -'tniutet mmil talk. Samt Sherratt tuâets Sme invalvti S=" unini a vaatyM atuvtu ýr1me deMve;e t ts baing preatîtted by people utho are dlommt Io ther &Sm" uad Mr. BoychuiLu Tiet xpnthuewtt iewadmn for bath parits in the pragran. lut akdd Whiloe SanS rt ,tudttuts botnad imporat 1 nformfuoti Miltont Ofit itudemtti ned s'aluableloaderihup skulIL »l mti holding "a poseotul for brining sumilar drug puagrains toto the ichatuls,- htsad The Miltont Dstnct atudauts involwed in the pan courunulltg ptograin OMM utete tmenmded by timer uacfum Tpe utuudsut have narneil the pro- grab grivm STOP uthe u ands fo Studtnts Tkiùng On Pretoof Ulitrm 1 a lm ma. 011d M0rn Sitoom susi awualmm (rymu taika abosi 111 mgg « o drues vm 7 ao Ufman Sahoo aahag Lbmwna ona ofS a19dMPMa ftm Ulofflmh Who elliSm t O àeai a- ,o bh-lt -mm,u op - &%,PL I. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 19ou- 1991 ChsId m w ho wl t»a fut. an or bialai. Docau~a 31. 1990 aVa al.gdMt lmi fliderguta in Sequtsn*ot Partsa should cuitent thé oghbourhlood acftool aintadtal.y ta atuan airatiot de"ufraint thea praucgs NTRODUCINrA . SHOME-GUARD SRESIDENTIAL SURVELLANCE SERVICE Wl OPPE: *REGULAR ELECTRONIO: SURVEILANCE*0 *ROUND THE CLOCC EXTERIOR MNPECTIONS* *DNILY INTERIORI EXAMATIONS* PLUS *Pet F».dng - Plan WaIsrng - Ught Rotation à Mai Pick-Up. DOWT LEAVE VOUR HOME UNATVENDED 'CALA. TOOAY (418) 870-192 ** * ** * * * * ** * Thursday, janùary l8th - Saturday, january 2Oth As the 19W0s come ta a clame, LhadDwva8 Town Cemre Selbrues the 5Oth Aavowpuy cf the oe*ria moviernekâe of eGom Wlh lle W.Me" While finésq terriic pices on auored merchanhSe throughot the mmli, you wMI be greeted by your favoerte Margaret Mitchel churacters, wcIuduq, o( couru, Scarlett Qiliara. Be mmr ta visi Escalator Cour, Satal lin Ae Sm le FW where the momi "Gone Mrah The WId", wfl be playng continuuil. Enter yw ballot for a chancir to wm your awncopy ofthis clium film. AUlbdkos musc lue neceived by 5W00 pi, Samrd.y, January 20, 1990; wmner wmi be noatill by tekphone. Ccwnplete detail arc ava&lbl at aur chqlay in Escalator Court. iowosm oP m oi c v letaaa Meeting quelis concerns over future of fairgrounds Ny JANR NUL Tht, Multoni favt board sautai mone ala Thsuriday nugt through a oteat- ing atuid Ltai iuttnghbout' con. The meeting ma the bions Club hall = w 1 - utr niglboatn .otheCojgrunds poeny wu cal poli of thou biu ., th du lnd indicatmni la nmo organu a% Mobuth da many o bu falts t'h boun wm anuiou abouti dhe ai 11pOtI Ùha due faurgnauads duW Tolit',M neut mufi-tai a," fa =a~a m a al.iad ici the the 137~.I &Wcluaa i fAul a du the tuu& uthici wa adw-r tti itoupl a bnod ue handdeb- vermei ai tia living dmu 10 du fau- duttoduhlt mm*. a"du gomimei aitud duu otf hu, WFMII., abouta 60 tf paxtdsa Mns Hanl MaW wnul Who tm ma ZMetad "8" 0i thedaflair 1 utalkd out wtfth a ctopie og cd dIm wWH attend out a mntsd awtai thure sfuould jl8t - uta Ifonp abut haipa fl fwam du land, cunmuliy zoumad -"pu iact' uaouild hase I p ducugh t.. l I u = -deaadtht, cnuu Vms~ ~~h wuay th- ff ot corl h. ui ta W l t no lwud feeling. li wuiaimt à au Iohgf üorma- ,nuer am, hi away fom w,.a MrM - egrdiagl dauetlopentaa Heild = Cm o . Widsho attadad due .uaaia wm "ipty cutmu amd Mr P"tda btuound ou due ogifenu of du à*r man du !a occupées, du nadf éca ewmuaud t fe obmifa MW t e aibdua Inih thhe im priai for mar III i Iii I M !II SIDEWALK SALE