Think ahead before bu ing your firÈst home Buying yaur Airst hosie lis a major you want ta lite, who tyre of houm identify wha youJM =atm ka ut local admool board. step bu tcnas f ng. Ilhe ybu want, th ulities ai the muigli- bomnes an egbwioswlh You mav a*0 wlali ta cotider I chalenge ai ruking the right decision bourhood and your personal prelfèen- reflboct your lifestyk needs and priC ammammi of ti, on the ~ r ieft ibu your first hause can be mode ces in bouses. rag.And the servie. of a meal estae ave Pidut of *idar age in the m * asier with. a ttie planning. .Ta help you thraugh the options and prfesiona am fret ta tht buyer of a bosuhod. I An arnazing arry of option~s face tht renudu complexity of ibi busi- hoETn in most cases.ue Next decide what type of homne first-time bonte buyer. nes .Zanatinyu wili alto want ta But befor yOýa begin working with tuant. Thewe ame pltnty of bouslng .Wth a Iitthtought and planning, call on the talents of experts - rmal es- thost experts, give tomne thought ta tions. available in tht marketplace. these can Ne niiwd down ta a tate professionals, lawyers and op what you are Iooking for in a boue vey themn ail and choose the one imanageablt number oi cboloes praîsers. Wiem and what yau buy svîll a~ec best swts your current and future Yo i lliatt hn bu hr a saepoesoa o ep u fl o as long as you awn tht style. Yau îlIwantta hinkabot wh,~ malestte nana canhtl >' usot irs important ta get your New homes conte with warra 5 - I nonesin order. and are buit lt contemjiarary st Si Mae buylng blueprint" bastd on ards. But don'tepc fî-rw .0your nettis and wants and bused onand the character hc one i *10 ~!.~ what is availlbin tht marktiplace. years ai a neyt homte. You a I-ZI" Decide first where youtwant %0 Iiveý the vltahty, fresimnss and te o $320,100 , Charmlng home on Irg lot in Marywood, Georgetown. Newly decorated, ne* hardwood flooring, u graded fixtures, full basementi large lot w/professional landiscapIno. 4 bedroom plus 1. A must toace. Cai Collect 14304000w 1 Judy flonnell Transworld Simcoe Reaftor yot e appitf in tht subuebe? Maybe rural living la for you. Or tht unhurritd pi fa a catintry village. As you à gar- Fd=e? or iii barbecuuingyvur passion. Cideyur whole tsyelidei- in the location ai your -eudgC. Whe= and how you tam your living will slso play a big raIe in the location of yaur honte. If you work in tht downtowrarei and dont like dniving long distances ta wark, a honte in tht city or a nearby subusb rmy Ne ideai for you. On the other hsnd, a commuter train ride nuy give you needed tinte ta relax and madl. If you have children. proxhityto schools wlll Ne important Older ateta often provide mor types ai achools and you should check ta t; sure the specific urgrn yantd - special education o enh imesin. for example - is avallable frani the the hem you Sur- hlich lii e- Mties and- h the par- Resale bomnes are mare likely ta have establisibed lawns and gardeais and aaay problems due ta shrinkage mdc sttdfr shauld be past. BUt repirs my Ni nteded and tht decorating might nat Ne ta your taste in a resale home. Townboume and condominiums oflen mean sliaring cominan wabl, halhvays and parking ameas with your ntigh- bours. They ame great if you can't Ne bothereti with general maintenance or repairs; a maintenance coinyn usisa- ly handles ait that an b=Oaf atht homeowners. Rural and small-town piaperties are oiten less expensive than praperties in the city' But commutlng expenses are higlier &M conunity services are You should absc consider the style ai home you tuant. HOME IMPROhINT ___ tON unMoA SOtNav Plumbmng Capentr * EledricalC. .G M e . h-OE ýUVILNL ' For advertiAng rates an ' informati n please c~ Il Andrea Dowýies at 878-2341. PAINTING 1 l ýP-TI C AL LAH