DwmadM ~ rees!z mcn ha Clayrne arnxwwmae! <oret eu libe whl quk1 pec 2i n ie- toddler elit vey d taent needs. baby% il will boon hacam outgmna unsultablie for te oler cild. ' lb avoid à neediess expenditure tine and ntOitS% atart by thnlin tmo f flexdbililty and- .dataf Tihis mnealu forwaid-pannni t e i font stage: rentmberlng ta o noedtinmake romrfora à~ moeu board space, a desk and p=ll aPh &M. Laot for year syi.a lte best, mot econormioel arrang & nent wili be one taIt canti lie care «Pa*m the chilld's needo for te next 18 yenî C.~fWhle thismuy be lpomruchbohope là maesi tere ame ways of enauilng ltat sam furnishlngs and decor IMa for mrna Canada Trust/Realtor The Canadir Trust Company GEOGESA. JANSEN Town & Country Sale Representatle Millosi/Campbellvillc BrookvUejVeorgetown (416) 875-2211 North Milielockwood Guelph/Acton (519) 853-264Q (res) OakvilIel'oronW - Burlington (416) 842-1920 "Fax-Pager-Cellular Servces" 63ICLQ VER PARK CR., MLTON 8264.600.--- Wall maintained 4 bedroom, famhily roff _+ FP. greenhouSe kitChen, large home, escaiPnTi tie, etc..OPEN HOUSE. SUndlay, JanUary 14th, 1 ta 4 P.M Corn ge Id se. tern worth yow tneYrH:GeoW eA. Jauu. ~ii~ cit, mr~,sd rid hae.on the 4th lino beten tha 10 .15 Sderoade. super doiai, super location ULTONUo9AT - Gaat opparuliy - 120 1 as a4lant Io9 thnhm. mnden assisteti financing svsliabia. aeidng 815,000 Par mme. (sî,o.moo.) on the Put Lins. UL MAMUR COURT - CAMPELLVILLE $509,000- --..on 5 acres. 5 large bedrooms, European style kitcheri wllh skyhiojits, 3 car garage, cerw roof, 4000 s. Il. O(pmc.> 'INs la thç homte You have been iooking for private & large. Cati Georges A. Jansen for th1e conietlOe Package. - ÎiJ W" -WU honne. oms Todwnst LioA N o1401) 81000.. 111ILTON - 1 WoUa. coMrt 25 SidaroadA 2nd Lina IN. cf 491). loveiy property. Aillng $13,000 pu wu (M.000.) ULTONO1MAT - 1409 sq. R. Tuer honm, 47 acres. good Investmonl4 Sas.ooe. MILTON - l8 acres, 1600 sq. il.. 3 -etON - 50 acres lmf yo= eecilv bkoon aidffeç oit, cd. t MO~ IN i homte. Towen Line betwen,22 16 25 Lina (W. f 401 ), greatbargsn et 84oad-l.ooo. FORMEl L eW 4 IO- iut aidg. .& NsP0 it~ I.. o a Wil. bèe a hard tlia e et s tuuw lw u es. hatng gu1TAM ewyb s.f ie i 111 V«u sdUne.fted can d iéii o make s ecorate baby's iroom uire it Iasts à lifetime[ se, asi ron Ib lsrlà ~la ur fdryb~sadfm pr mtl ~> atyeofurultue- re<ra8ynuI~ ay 1 IUgdisb:t of both %,o"dsls f<- citicit lD MMan te test fiffle. Next,. the m.m pr aàet leau wag eauiegi nift Ilite basic pièces mreuN!L1te -ii way you= mngs ie pe should ha Mnis li tlie, du mm oerwl lfeîdcrtv it- -e10d 10. ment. idaide a crib, induéde a set of=wr Attelaticn te Boe- dtae-lagn/aiaa usn Spedl Mtention sitould h ie 0 <ci , a lgit- ratntru bidlte le Aller aetis ere your ctild iiaid wal lgt wtta dimme &»IkIL. wlfl ha spenilng a lot of hisle tinte Oucot have tee npn M.t~ onc titey stn crawl. in te early 2- M cullrpra ny num*e o= Bda es ieoor ame sltould be-left tan- 'lwiti accemoies, isb1I IO amd tid- dutr and it aitould ha reasonay P'%n decorations, ndote treatunents wsrm eay 0ean. non-slp and not *Yand mcm dividers t:Mitr Plnfor storage spéoe by selectlng fThe moa versatile flooring la oie '6rnedurable omy cubord or a ciici combines sofi and itail anea. dmesco Titese 'I pou ie lte basic Thistla easily adeved ty placing sof otiterok t ftrlsig la carpets over an existing liard foo. -ibis The ptdde o0f a mcy dresser * 'rlxtuoe allowsfcr a variety of activities tabl U nalo oul a dlaper-changing suchaes slltfng, reading aid pl&ying aid surace wakm mnaintenance and cleaning essm TItis limlinates lte Med for a saprat Whidows c a be bted in nmny change table whlcit ei oudive ita usen as 'Y~~~~~ wt)l.aeyss lit min cansiderallon la ltait tey lodmataea!Z dt.canp table, tsfo should ha sale and 'provide enougli se t'q e t cmn ha conve ind1 daylleji and finit air. Long; curtains storage space or anotier use ltler. ament good because lhty nhamly Asawellaip put"a, a balys IraIt tuggad and pulled doten. n" tOfn 41-o needs 10 ha bigt and Uh1nd of orne tyeor ah~s ame sthnulating. pubej lie as ct1 Careful plauning in decoatilng, wlll ley'r sale, easy In dlemn anà contrai rmke il easy and inexpenive te adapl ligt better than curtains. Tltey als as due citild groula. l nuiti dildren coïne lit a wlde varlety of patterns and re IoD.1 aid Are sdimulatd by colours and con ha easély dmsed up calaurawlit valence Bfrde Mid ai»Ils But keep te cardateel eil f reacht of toddlirs and crawlera. A nursercan ha tumned int an excil- Fly we can'l forget te ceiling. ing, stimulaling place for litJe eyes byibi rà lie orid the baby sees for us wâad wnndow overing ni oflthetirst year. r-A ngbkmaYbirds and ard s, You cati paint il wlth dauds, birds and rainbaws, clouds or floral poln.butterllles, or even stars, You cai also Tisew can even follow s citl=o add anolter dumenaon by angmg titeme such as Mtoder Goose or lthe llings froin lte ceulmrg - mnobies,kte- Winard of Oz or conter fanlastme. LYe lamps, ballona. Or, you can w lhe rnast pracieal and ecanomical ral the walls plain and walîpaper te ni way10deaI teitit tails la by painting ceiling insteadi. Im it whiite glass. When naking your decorating plans. Tiiese cmn be quickly cleaned tiith a just frmamber the best invealmnent la dim clati and mnake an excellent and one tehicit can(zrow and change with d.rsble backdrup for anythlng ltat your citild aI ve1#y tiille extra expense tg goe on ltent 'l'te7 mIs give you &Hlthe you. Sccope you mmed for citooaing fililture, U This article ia proided by the On- accessories and colourful decorations. tairi Rami Rait Association If you want 10 use wallpaper ànd boir- (OR"A for the benefit ofconsumera in dam, look for âneS tehicit aie teasitble the reai este. ama,*eg. How to be competitive inça I'ree trade world Canada la' a mjor produoer and con- lit more ompetUive product priclng. sunrr0 f energy Canadien campanlea engsged lit ener- Decause 0<ojr cald drmtest gang gy efficlency remerch ana developmnenl raplty aid industriel mlx, per empile we ,cati cunrently recelve financlal support consumne Mor enrg adn aur Megit- for teïr work under te Covernnient of botirs t0 te soli n ur alter nmor Canada's htctuatry Enea¶ Resarch and trading patners. Developrnenl:Pmram (ED) in 1985, Canabait indus"r requlred Projects wicit have recelvedsupr on average 33 per mun mne enery t under die pm"anincltude wat=ts produce a dpllW's eorlth cf output thnutillmatton, ckcd and combustion lte United States and about 235 Urnes asm st aedvlptn of more ef- much as japen. Adent ae ielrsadlrge ellectric lite Canada-US. Fme 'flade Agm ie-mtors.' . met elU ellnlite lrad bernier. in lThe redumm n t bade harriers w1Dl ha gonds and servi=s between aur two lniplemnented gradually, qver 10 yents, coun t olus.Candias a chance giving enougit tine for businemes aid =jrowand Puop" in a competltive wWes Io adapt 10 lie tuee trade en- Sc, itaw liua eder cotpete Dusineases lnftsmoied ind theL10 pi,- in à kee trade ?I .n u ntc R -S '-l ecgeelala, Cate wy lu 1Cmaie dercmpna im~Mhe and Resunes, Canada, mes aer.efiaa. f uy ul hLe% 3110 l St, Otbwtea Ont. KIA 016; MWsg OcmtOm Uey cul eiW 1id!iic. (613> 996-Z«8 or (613) 99&- m ata am ev eiuegm con rei 6611