IPlannling -Locaton wflbe eplaoed by i ofe a.akoserai on n Ofuu$ I~~~ ~ sohim kta bwdmes hm.eo a, niin~ risk in a moi petitîve. bayar-driven market li The tway sa mnémize rik i s Huner Mibome. pesde bin te Real Estaie =ticr 110 Iaigthy àpprvaiprocele à cilbical stage :nsarketmg and are twO Actorn which have Ifinandmhg ard construction as lm l b- * woenent 11'ose f lm nmi be coeuldned in delta oeutn"um project to uiN N., M. Miborne made his tomv oemoeNu t- - 199Honiflullg Coneience, 1 I Sirau ' dr the In, spons thteok = Home Bulder s' t'on.* Mmnimizing n.sk wilI bt more il tantthon ever ini the »%s as tht sqnll be marked by ncyasedý tbon and changing buyer needed to mnimize risk with con os ili = Doug Wison, n vop oea ttf of cod um file lma becom à rei 'DotmNne adlpaun rqiua vcn aiJe am marleting. Bamlea s a, lie sis ant art which rmuai con- ami establish imll aetat mai lion Suip will u.eddeman i~ sois tinuet et tract buyers. dhe bems"so M1a . coin. nuking the buyer the new cdo However, dit saleslperson muse ba Unrmalati 1 chedula, ami mi ex- lu=g"w lel ini upon qualill fi~' than a seller. hWtor she must be a relhwtase iv pluae peoiduct salas luid Th itomer will br &Ming 'What able le, maaaure the ntew buytr and t taco man promsa in a mauwW plan," have you dont for nust be qualifad Io where conutruction ;;cadi.neIa~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ istb Mm-meo uih Y fjg ffect aly manage à than ondornuenis ais old, sie sais %. If markat-dnven. You Ml11w-up ciastomer SalIui condomntn, ion a phaaad Ouy ut i droyen ta te> tht.baé lomtedne i fieema exuellen bechat tditju Mrot ascoii.f h aifo udud.c idOei*a mauk wat the ID Nich marketing chage eiùm = Wts" ay. mami "brnding" ame loimportant says Mas Lasser' as tde Pined Mr. Wilson. M i &hao ways Wi esue' mev.ewtng procels by lasaýyen. 2i'tant Excellenice lis 'not Un àU mnga rket if weu Latigation in conduso~ m sales ame e tac- oni> qualiiy of aL..-lnad ami poper- beonung comniâe because for a product he laya. it t un 1V luâhzed. ta> M. developau, are ni . usani for carefui d, he isqult of service se* a IMllon. ,They lerd reviesa by thtf lawya Reving aS ei Offering IO vtwVUUI5 "instant consumer seill become epaclaîll Important mli sas& bollh wtU sel a coin- ieoitu Io sa>.. sith ttimplemotato of dite it tie pan y &part frerm the fI@ pro$et, an aware- iitw Goods am Sevi 'ax mn 1991. luld- "&N alA i sehidi vien whkid i nvalu- The Toronto Honw MD~ Aac ed by seul be osacessar> in ahme ion s esUMbished mni12 and ha, sia a comptiltve condomiunium . ùminhag nik in Ili predicted more tha 885 mendber oprust- Offenng texcellenit service Il the soi. marekat of the 1990. si take resenîn BuiUfder/ e.vftc/De=a4 opor- reuponuabality of a well-tmoar t" place ait tht inception ami &Hl the seay opers. Panancual, PrcdeifeoriaI. Supp- larket son, says AI DeCaîtro. wketi and thmough an entire projcct says Aiteil Iy/Service and Sub-Corgacto and lis ipeti- sales maniaie of the PMAGCroup Listtr ganeral manager of Ross Uoyd the là"ea affikiate of the Ontars and voue. Tht ability to conve> tht adv aga Martin Enserpeie. CanadmanHome. Bua1derM Association. BUIDING LOT JUS'TULSTED AT $14Z 1 /2 acre (appro. avadaia im FRANCMIE RESTAUR FOR SALE Vb cuier h'm 2 Wrs-ofi mmkuxm adlal Bor vu en bosatonsarai en Milon of apwc en, lt wtt, gflvus PaaIo.e q Buâvor toer po IWS Y rai mc nn hme at- Forrmdtasnac ai .1 =.= Bcaoni i I-w w a NTs mUt X. 1»D d e lin Il inra faces. &uLxda 971 IIITUT1TM NEW YfAR lN AMNe AW LUTIO i .wi M. ie,.. i, fl. 2 uen bft N.-. & 4 t.W~ lcffltt . , rn c-4 .0.1 -C a i.oedOi wwn h.w qi ,. I se. 5 * .sw. os V4-£ým 2 I320. ci R 5s rs.m Hm 4 I UWi~>10qe,*iso-a IHOMU i.-, IflI*tOff o' ~ mua. .55 s.sa~ ATMRCTIVE COUNTR PftOERTfY Tt iirc & alliinun som "m s Moisi liî,aa on aioo 1.8 acre loi Mtt, matura trams Trae b.droona. large aat-.în kitctrn 'aardwood/broadloomn floora. don, atri tamîl> foom, doubla garage and tito storaga si Juat lista at $259.000O For your aporrrran toi ~m PMUas 0~c Fia Casucand «K Mis A agi