Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1990, p. 35

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You can delcorate bab~ RL E2AN w" to make sure it lasts a Deoensthq the babys rona a fe mn ae.liws Mdatio.ce cWyfrnew prn~lti' myf M~~~~$% foige de S bebe wM uci m into an active IcdlUI wi vey Mient neds *ivsydi If dhe nurer le deoercfd and fur- nished t0 smrply meet de needs of à bebl& if writ mècai become outgrown and unsuitible for the older chUt>. To avoid a needlese expenditure oi time cnd money, sabr by fhinkhg in terme of fleitify and aptabity. Thsmeans forward-plannung aithde ini- fant stage: rernembening that you11 aseetf make moml for a bled, mm cup- board space, c desk ced postmÀbly c ptay ores. hý Lit for yearu fi Te beel. most economical arrange- met ieb onie that ccin take cage of q_ flhe child's mccts for the nexf 18 years. .db. Whle thssny btoo much to hope for caar them are ways of enauning that ;3me fumishings and decor last for many Canada Truot/ReaItor The Canada Thst Companyj GEORGES A. JANSEN Town & Counlry, Sales Represntafive M.ilîon/rnmpbeltvilwc BîokvlcU3reffîonvt (416) 875-2211 Nanhi MitlffRockwood Guelph/Acton (519) 853-2640 (res Oakvitte/Totonîto/ Burlington (416) 842-1920 "Fax- Pager-Cettutar Services" 840 ifttARTHUR COURT 119 CLOVEA PARK CR., MILTON CAMPBELLVILLE $264.500. - Weil rtýaîntained1 4 S5gg,000. - on 5 acres, 5 large bedroom, family room + FP. bedrooms. Euu'opeari style k1tchen greenhouse kitchen. large home,/Iwb skylbghts, 3 car garage. cedar oecaprwl view, et. OPEN HOUSE 'frci.4M s. fi. (Wipox.) Thils is the Sunday. January 141h. 11,o 4 PM.ilime you have been lookmng for CorTU out and view. well worth yca.w private & large. Caf I Georges A. *nre. YNtr Hast: Gieorge A. Jifissi. Juruen for tie corrTélee pmokçage. I OACVIL.LE. GREAT EXECUTIVE HOME FARNI - LAN - FA NS-LN A N. NALTO NU21.. - 75 mortis IN. of 401) MLTOW - 83 m. 4 buaomn Oooeury ~,iw utîy uicI, lqdchaieon home, carer Tomn LYU & 20 Sôdun ON, ftho 4th line botween the 10 .15 ci 401)8$M0600 Sideroscd %uper demi. super location SI¶150,ooo t.TM - 51 wesacernr25 Sd"o & 2ncl Line (N. of 401). Iovcty property 11111LTOO&UO9PAT - Gr"t oppor1ttty - AM&WI 113.000 Puore l8663.) 1 20 Mm. acmorc b luh loi, dt. wu oe hssistait ftnancinq avmllable. oaking ULTONUOFPAT - 1400 as. Il. newer $15 .000 pur mre. (111,1100.000.),on the haime. 47 acres. good invesclmerr Fri Lzu. 856.000- *LTON - 16 morée, 1600 sq. fi . 3 UIITON - 50 muo ior,. exmoutive Mcii d@Mut, pool. pcnd on the 4ffi home. Town Lino bten 22 a 26 Lino (N. of 401). greet bargain et BîRoed- 810.000 11379.111M w U .Iai c i~ - a. Thte 51e lte f0to dellernine wtaiftde book nxag wd i b e amuseeti a sle offumlntune -erbyml, cLaeulc, conlerporry or pcdce which wMf staind thet eilt of âme. Nexf, select dhe slc piecti caohile ht should fie, sinIer in style, duet ce li basic mets in nfacy, fe- slde a crlb, utcud e of drsmers,à d'a e-cuh@ g/bth cra, e nursing chir, a dtghf- resistant miltier blind. and watt tglIs witu a dimmwr swifch. Once you have thewcompoents,,r can i nforporite arny nunia wîfh acceecormes. fcbric, floor and ceil- ing decarafions, window fimtments and mom ividers. Plan for storage >epace by cellectîng sonne durable momy cupboards or a dresser. fliese witl provîde the basic framiework te cdd of fer funnîsNings fa. The paJd top aI momy dresser or table ccaI gaW a dioper-chengsng This elimmnales fthe need fore a sparrcu change table which wilI ouflive ifs uae within c few yeos. If you muet have a change table, fuy on select aoie fliat ccii fe converied fin morage spece or anodher uge ltlr As wett as practicat, a baby's firet room da needs te ke briglif and stimulating. Carefut planning ini deorating, wel malte it eesy ced hiexenee f0 adapt as the child guowsAt mli childei rtispoid f0 cnd are stimulaied by colours. Birdsanmd animauis A nurseiy ccii fe furricd int an ecit- ing, stimulatrn plac for Utie eyte by using wclI Mi window oens depKcfig frlendty birds cnd adi rinbows, otoude C floral Pattemns. Th-s ccii cvcnh flow c 'childhood themne sucli as M<me Goose or fthe Wlzchl of Oz or othl fanfasies. me mol' 'fi ced econotcat way fe decl wîf h watts is by painting them ini white glosi. These caci e quickty cleaned wîth a dam pi th ced make an excellent ced durafble bcackdrop for cnyfhung that goes on fhem. Thev also give "mo &Hthde scope you need for choosng furiture. accessornes and cotourful ilecorations. If you want Io use wallpaper and bor- dmr, look for onieswhich are waehable Canada li a mnieir paniducer and con- sumer ofenengy Decause of Our cold diniote, vest geafi ripliy and industelal nulx,per capité ce consumne more tnergy thon our egli- bours f0 the south and our 0f ber major lIn L5Cétidan industry requhiet on ave& 33 per cent more eiti7y '0 prod a edollar's worfh of outpuit th.. the Thted States anid about 2.5 finies as mudi me lapen. The Canada-Us. Free %dcte Agnee- ment cdl ehirnnafe trade bernees in goods and novies between our f co countries. If ofkers Cened"en à cthance to roand peuspe.in à coeapetitlve So, how cati bulouti bette camipe*t in à fime tade woeld? One wmy ls la cooe fhiNr anopeate mme eirs-eldgi. Ul 0t eit elleïr = --f coamallmpfo lea ul aiter -i otmd eu r eneumeC om in nmôme competitîve profduct ung. Canadian compati= > ti n ente- gy efic" ,meeerh adevellaprienf clincurenty mOvefinancl support for their work under the Coveniment of Cenedas tIdus" Entngy Rescech and Devclent Pmrm (IERD). Pi9jects which have received support urader the p migen ncude wasse bemf utililation , colcin cd combustion of %vesse gaes, developtient of mare ef- Adcent weler heâteçs and large tlectric' Mie it-duction in trcde bouiers witi ke implerniented grcdmealty over 10 yeai, glving enough time for buehiesue, &Md warka, Io adapt f0 the free trid& ten- Duslnesues lnfemiesed in the IERD piro- SMM ain Coet IER surmqatu, Bni~mme - id Ruoàeee Cmmdc. M&&-" 5t.. Outwe, Qit., KIA M; 1;IKmtu (613) 9W2«1 or (613 9& How to be competitive in a free trade world L aWmi 1-M Me*u Rd rWu oi mf Y'sroo0m tif etime by runnfng a dasdo or char railwmd the mont or à few waie et wâist ti.I lower wa, yo ci ie upper cd men, ttadfetdeoeietet fitL Attention to floor Sp ai elegitn slioutd fie given f0 iS th lo Afier aItL thîs where your cheld" will be spending c lot èf hîs/her lume onte 0"t suai Io crawl. In dhe eurty yeare, the floor-eomé should be left un- cluttered and if should bce masoombly warrn, eesyr f0 cean, non-slip and not ton hard. Mie mosi versatie floonung is one whkih combines mofi and hard ama. This lis casaty ccheved by placing soft crpfe an exlsting bard floor. 'Mis mitr los for a varnety of actibitkes sucli as satting, reading and play.ng and enekes maintenance end clean ing camer Windows cai bc tresed in man' ways. The main consideramon is thcl fhey should ke sale and provide enougli cleytght and fresh air. Long curtains amt' good because f bey can ke casai'y tu dadpulied doms. Mid o ne type or anofhtr &m pnubablythe best choioe. Thtyre si/e. easy Io diean. and confeel. fighl i4etter thon custains. Thty c&bo come ini à wide variety of paftenis and colouus crid ccii k ecmty dressed Up with a valence But kep, dhe corda weil out of meach of toddlers and crawers, Ptnmtly, we can't forget fthe ceutng. This lis the world th@' baby %ces for much of the first yeor. You cati peint if with dlouds. bords and buttflides, or even stars, Yeu cari caso add another dimension bhr harigng things frein thse ceiling - mobiles kites, paper lampe. balloons. Or, you .can eve fthe watts plain and wattpcper dhe iling instec. When mcking your decoratîng plans. rust nermembkr flie kef investment le one which ccii gmw ced change wlf h vour child cf very litte extra &xpense fou. l J This article ua pnxided by rthr On.- tario Rond gaieté A»acit"t. (OMM4 for f/t tvne" m(cngumers in' 4e real eruale snr/atC

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