jAffordable siTHBA blames high ISn sayii Toontoi Home Duder As- sociation presédent Franit Glannone who lai a =eetv audience ai thr *1909Hm Bidn Cp~ee and JExhibition, Building Sejm for dhe * 9N, hid ai the, Constellianul. OSpeaking ai dhe seménar, Is dhe Romd Ito a Cheaper Honte Uphill? Mr. Glan- noine told the more than l100 in attem- dance that the concept of affoadable Meous Twiln be an impossibility lin Men-Trno unîim somethmng la done &bout land pricea. Prie the me 'l'he price en actually bumld a honte is noi different mn Toronto or Calgary or Montieal. But land pncc-, am ico mucli haglier in Toronto, that mx what's stop ping affPrdablc homeis hem " He samd gettîng the first-tinie homebuyer in the, market mx yital. "Wthout thenm the, whole chaut breaks, but we ar rnakmng i extrenmly dii. ficult. if not impossible, for tliem go entier the miarket,»" Mr. Ciannone was part of a four- hom es. hard without cIýeaper land cost of land for curbing mnterest of first-time home-buyers affardable new o Odff. incbided oIma& Jackson; vative Ml' fo the and Mail bu&iur Coromra aclad a~ Mr. Cànns dit why laid pion ai flie lirai ht séid. gaod serviceaible lai 'irs a quesiol demaid, there îgl't mnaiket oui diee, prie up. "Un"e dhe pro mie, ses marte laid loi u - hesa secoi malor pricF s the esombli fritme homebuy ching a new hanm Tai b "Homnebuyeri ame ai goversmeni on t thtme ame more tai sociatioa believes ti thulg e lactée of la- le an apil anal, and=age mmm. ~put ofdt'ma oeshmd IVataema Mayar amotami o01taxes put on miew homes' )ntarlo Minaty of nid Mr. Gaie. mn ~ ~ ~ ~ " Anm pausn. Thn i an ta get casse h PuugsdveCotur- added, with the fadera proposed Sooda )mtarin nidmi.Gob and services lax (CST> slted ta tolit, ai- olusnnaaTérence fect in 1991. noderator Jn addition, Glannone was particular. dtwo major mmenff ly upe -uh a nned lot'k lyomlng te su hagh lin Meisa. from loca acma ords. ras due toi the, Iack of Mlie levdies. expected lt be used tn nd. build new achoala, would fcrums, dhe of ai pply amd pre of àamew lionte byaàminmm eugiland on the 9.IX nddtshoots or OPO wma lmy vincial gavernn flue TH-BA lias conte out stmongly lie situation i going agaînsade Owchoal lev>y and Mr. Clan- id nonme sid dhe natter could crnd up mn aSasonfor high land the courts tant arnount of taxes "il a board tries la impose this levy ters face when pur- ce are pnepèred la fight si. We ledl mt la unconstitistional and discmiminatory - because mt only appies te ne*t homes. W<ICfl Il cmi esummaîrd that a buyer of a mmcc carryring (ive levels lionte cortli $2371000 could be paying heir shoulders, And close ta $40M0 in taxes. es coning. Our as- MPçeetenslaldUegbup the nei 5 hai aifoirdable hous- per centl.~-~S proposai couId The heat pump is ready for resurgence lI the 1970s, dhe heat pump was cansédered the miracle camfort sysier oi dhe future. Thome were the days of tde OPEC squeze, and dhe li6t piampis prospecta certainly looked promluing. Tt lt pump moIls your homne in the sunener and carmsil imn dhe wmnter. It pedrmsnt. Iis double mile erith anuzng eeSrgy ci- ficiency 1 Sanie years bock, dhe lit pump ran inlat mcky waters. The, principle measonr cas that saine manufacturera. smmply dmdn't make a good heai pummp. Their service incidence cas imagl aid the performance le-vtl of their producta cas low. Ths caeated bad PR for dhe heat pump aid mt hast status willi the buying public. Tlisaugji di pemiod ce tin coisipanles. sach ai ICG, soi- dmered alommg. makng good htat pumpa, servicing theircus- tofneri well, aid waiting for better times. The, better tines mtm en have amfved. According la Rose Titus, a spokesperson' for ICG, lier company's mail recenit fiscal year iaw pump sales ite a big pump. jCouRfywde. WELCOMES. IWO NMW STARS UhOII &<4 " Fis, e Pradm ui m Cmpawfmbe h p0ad b S g.umt a wa maie, de tax Io die hoemg iduatry lIe propose lat uevthde tax hum de sait ai new houing. T1w conumer cwill pay hefdea toitaaily orne tat on dhe ifeeeofhstrad up value.- liat could isean if a buyer had a $150»10 home aid pwehased one for 520,00, 'flhen lu would only ay tax on dhe diffeuence of 550.00. We Me di ta MaW for a&l, it taRe int accounit resal homnes anmd addugs dhe Toronto market spedficaily," ht nid. Mr. Glannone mid aller proposai, 'la dlacrsssnator against Airst-time bu- "Our suggestion lias been te pull out dhe laid compornent, the prieo hde laid, aid pjst tas the colt ni dte houSe. fIxaI would elimnate tht, reglonal dWs patpr bei. hte prvnca govcrnimenitoo0k mucli h brunt af the cnhclf dur- ing the seminar. Vaughman mayor Lamna Jackson. eho in dhe past lias bren accused of objedi- ing ta affomdable houiiing projects. smmd Ontario must relus it re laid aid provide more sewage aid walar capécities behote laid pricte ould decstas. Shc sirongly objectd le, the gaveen- menrs mmpased polmcy of-hlivng 25 per cent affordabl housing mn any new Il daesi't work ai aIL. I a builer i fomcd la do 25 per cent aboardable, thai miSe dhe rati ofhtde developineni cmli be hWIupriced, in ~fec subsdzimg $157,000 pale tag The ne hasestimated an aitar- doble= pric fora low ta middle micone iantily mn Metro Toronla la be $157110. Mayor Jackson cas also upe with dhe province'. intentions ta change the building code, whicli could inouas mnaulatian factors aid upgrade secamy devines. "Ail thai cll mosan i hmgher prices for lianes. T'ht insulation incmase i sosie- din ovi e w1titi, dhe province can't ho selos about affaidabie homes when dhey do soinethlng liR ihat'- Mr. Càannan agsed dhe chitnges air 'liiesd*bl. Ira ou à god plating ex- cuse la gel nmaey.' Il dtiesn't maRce Ministry of Houng spokesman Anme Beaumont :espnt .y m gtoper liames can ho made avaiabe. buIt chiar- in~ thinking tyese neoessary ai aIl Poeuer d.lffa -lire lias la ho fecar dela" in dhe Plauingjxe àsali ler tUne foraP =edM ta =liep rduce Z liaet la gmlt our housb mn order but aHilheves of pivernnent have ta rethlnk their msai planniss ad dcrat>,,- te Mid. *Imm homes ae one way la .1 or havie de, buwer do Sm lt-mie woA lai reduce cmis. but I <mac a lot 9i youni people cant eveaythingtao eus. high biestyle and aàe oe TIey c@nt have everythlng.» M. Clnnai eede ai a pooideie, ue.aylg afordébile l- c cm li oliinle dl everyone la wZWq la ceAk i dhe sholuios lIe bulits are uagly _eea but the poliétciff lha IDcmlp*0w Io d oue g m and na pu t. about 11f 0M OF A omm &13 Wu 476' x 150'> ID bd w b -eI 28 ni. il47 Pi WAI d. $o.co. Col M641fl H05~YCu<UD. 3MUIfST oecuW I mbnweaw ', ",nqm L