la Brent Richardson. .wins Texas schoksrship A Milon mma r«tmly anS artaedn àS mc la.P for tas achlw m Mttt ail a hosi ta Tat Foai the ffl-W hS vent.i rrai Réchariqon ,eoed the award fiè. tW. Noutod lnsaîtt an Cair ii. Tata and luis baer nànwl t<o the P<vsadcrt', Lam lo the gll in. -m MAr Rachardmot. à senir uao ang in aub*outw muaoin&rt as lh ton c i r and Un. Moehry Richardson ai Mikam Nmonhod fInstitua, is a pravair. actfditil oe.ciducatioml al oWTrred on.à non .pna<ît b.'.' and spaciian ateis a ma mge lta a arra i'dçca< isasa on the fiat enaarflr syaImo Býbheke oi admanitai.n dtgroe may be obtahud In mavkatang and maarp'awn Acadtwac offenags aho inclaade týw-r pvora. fadngta mowramsdegrmna vwrLasg.bustana nuannt. tahwmwuirtng and owmnhaadtmag as ail tas baisai and oeataurant aunagc"rnm Norflwmad 14 situatai on a IlO-aci campas. Cthet camtpiui« an. aýtdi MdLar.. Michi*an aM Wis Pales Bechi Floeda. R~I OfiLRY - MiIbOn Fkrt Room Set Reg. $2,995. SALE $2,1 95. 5 PUECE DINING ROOM SET Reg. $995. SJALE $750. MAHAGONY SIDE BOARD (EAALY 1H01> Reg. $99 5. SALE $695. MAHAGONY BUFFET & CABINET IlReg. $4,200. SALE $3200. la Man st. Es, muon 821-4725 Orientl Rugs 1 00%Sik Handwome 4' x 6' (F.M.V $4700) Reg. si go. SALE $1399. Dhunnl. Runnes 25% Off Tucketed Pruce 9'x 12' Indian Rug (FM.V $2195) g 18.SALE $1095. Chines Rugel 6' x 9' Ru 1 00%W Handwomn R.g. $159. SALE $1250.