le iMerchants edg Ci but are losing iroas NERCItANT on paga 14 1-irut )ams ai i, of ut he' .îxaun St!- Irtat t \ 1'.Nu i t ;t l uri ", h ' rai. "arI lae.Ba po' ta ht'i rp..rr ho, i trrr, thra r tict iit 'trout h , j'. inr b a, i At' 15i 6 flrt ticttrv«l ther~m f ina goa *Zf th grnerrti 'ami, ai- haI n+at itnt tr np' 'aý% t 10 mlot r u te haov rA% uth gaeund on .ptîr.ir alln but, vv a ndu %Itrçbat la(. r,.rnrl wri i fr ont a th-., ia ' tt h S.tl-atnt n M T. meln, Sa, lî,ri titi a'lui tnt N a p.irnt~b. ana lnutlhit paen kuatti, bat u um xn.' , goal 4M, Apr, 134k a rt nuînt ta' ral gti rr ltý'd gni' a pt o in xtra n ttý inti ga' lintl'.aihe laie e Maln ts' gante a &'cen deani îg anu Dln'at n anM play'r -umaiî l t hé' Brta n et flarît-n niusah Yir. an ptiti- Mir he penp-aty irrn efTti la. Two enthfusasbc ftumbs up §Ma à ulan ~apeor id Stars , omplain to Gordie- Beddoes tells Ballards version By BR.AI) PA'U4 Sp ar orrîrlî b-uakr it A/tr tht, .pplaran h% Chtte, A P A S j l'il.klluit rn!-g. nrtct, tu N t~rrttît t 't turnr Nji "nal i kk (..trîn'-ni Mukita. anad tkub, Ittaîl The bai ge bli .ara.nr at munit lar a chariime ...Ft«liaclv a, a bt..tttpitv aooea ~ ~ 11 oei.1o lii 0n1,k Il. au. pur vncied hope. lot a Bramptoîn cote ut Harold illl.,d It s., h.iweva, ttI S .ak * ,rîttn iti WiLalrd', artin/,- I an' t tlaa.e alls lîkethat.* k tai lin andl enconurage'ment. 'o ltke ail %,Içlta,y "lIn fronît oftit., nei iten bIIKks writlen arndr saach cirçum. shoutldl hathuýn.el ant inqtaor panaI. jtatta'. hon. dtînitîve can ti ba At the sarne hmw it, il l* u tain by bis granat and irle.nmn IV aalle e wa. vt.tbly upw(t, andl Aue the Appia.. 1%n t match symp.thizee wit du bruken teu. Dck iteidis' ,a.d M.-Lean SUd ottîaaiata'd Capttals mure' tian à lrtany of cî.mp~at pi., facing du playeti once' Tit explainat.ut Jr.. tontatin à givre tti Inl&ht bfrtae. abtut managemient mîstenal Iheir car uwr Over. Maniage- shvd of trutt.nthar bntak t% more 'Me let 4 toupie ot garbage goal. In Ntl tht the ltimer plivets doitt ment lub. Èurntng ite qcouting in about lthe ttrm lthai Ballard lied and.,did lhtîrguylMaieolîtand he hatr a rtgitt tu omplatn, NO all tmute t'rtorw%. inntantanSus n nthanit î,aln.ut the min himielf can bc top fflc. said Miitvhait .thîn, interviewaM am. -living in co înpýayhoevysct.Juleofap- The probabik ra'n ,titat a-yn- coach Kiîck Bincv mau .tne pearanme and prumot.os aIl fur patittho w araihv of Btallard 'W ec in catntrol I îm titat Thte meal stc.ry i. the player.. uf in lthe organaLation whlith prumted wouId n" fill à màg;.'tnn Article tes when ne gave tbeoppoitaon àbreak raditer day, n.ia tiare kfit with mure tan st delivead. aluieàbook. lhey d xweo., bt nur break% wen't not4htng af .ter a cirer in itoday, Tbai r u " nas it,ad, iThe bek sl full A1 it.nury about gtttng in hit, niere mn&y di.waedted ien For çvvry %inglc lurt .ptdycr Maple Leat Carden, abuit (mm Centmi Ontaio Jr. B Ilialir %kiltn deterivratet l'bat un .,itneucite n the bisai thent amn smyite' Spumrtsman' Battalun in hardy ietiatned. hiandrards of Iý lig1ht, lam isn the Savanal 'uSork %Vt. andl abot Maniagr Tmok dotm suaod inhan tite tiuem>wdwoare *inobwunty. the *n.ît uf ittry nhkh %uf. C W L T Pt attilct laok bicit at'hinrei., ex- In diretarcuttsaaoseimi erasrthy raundes Ballard The roibknt n (laJkn'lle 11 21 3 7 49 plains hi. ît'îo. ab.luîu. citosàacariwn tita"tham outas tire .arma-.,nrl rif ht-tr .ur çitvbvlli.- 1 17 7 7 41 andl reatuins fotr playmg. andl fur o4tsoWtea lSao faIll Girdlie mnundeýd you. me, and aîl the ii.i- Ourlington 30 18*l 9 3 39 etiter gruatar or Ie.nar kitomi ai- Hou., "Rdae zdd I'iu car iak-men in thie usîrt Milton 31 14 13 4 32 tàon. IltIltt>e illumination of a Esposito andl Seun Mikata sturpod IkidJue. cultinrlî,,s/ and tri%. Pderbonaugh -29 9 t5 5 23 celebrated laïc wiid maïka' the otoftispdightttyddn , t f4U aa!,e,.hi.t,,ry a à hm Cana- Bramptan 311 <i 17 7 19 bok intarv7ttn NtI l by Dîcit Bad" Lts u.u- dar. men fneldti, bel p thes Gdotgmntîi 301 4 25 1 9 hiet, the athietes rrvwtl ut didn't &"-Ita in M treatnunl t ofartail Am¶-rtann rni,tt nhi the. lapa- 2 1an thircr mincl that 15,i4 lits Ballar. Beaiatu duaiutulty taku,, n-0.aca %tartl in the liaj.rts. Pay. SSa titetwactgme no buat lltaid %aanand with a.ar- naveul tn t ht lirîiiîu% id- pu;Sý,Ltl rn. huînerspek. Iltre searcuiiîak up hne scur a,n IlRranrra ît eti n a ingle ,mte.l. andl mis-n mutemevnt> mervel. wytte. tht-rn raitha- Jrsppingni attýia caîP r. they admit tira. rvaltd titey wtw domit Nrpr onn thte dinnr.v rîie ut uniderpa.d mve. bv the .tandard. Thte tille page of thte bockti ay. it Il rîsima an-d agin.ak eitn,- ut the,' day let alone lthe pit-lent &IL 'TAL HAL An uninhîl'îlednoý 1npxn antd ..xtrndga'nng tif %tandard. ut prutee.inal i utioldbarrd aaccurnt ut the lite itou unhumnanits trr ,, k-itu-m.'v t' hard lu nymrpaîhije with.tti andl tima, of Harulal Billard wrii t - la ttin' he *rt-. STAR VN W Put Uirne on your side at Sheridan College. W4y wait untl Septombe wtyf yS cmt b.ghn ya. carm e m e~Ua t Uheelan Jmy &id grmêt ahead cf the crotwd. Thse ftui-t'ini pro 1gram atat Januay 23: Offica Amkt»* us" One orTwo yws Two orThoeeyem Fuid-témaubd Part-tiffi. Oalcvid Brampton and Oacvoiie De»klpmsfiW DIaIiiUn Watts. Law MW eculr Mes bmuuie. Oacwii Lou Pr~ta miagibeouo Ce Ecational >aMttIM -Two yeav.B n Ond y«.r Oaivillo Art FwmniW Omer Ara ui ~IfltensvS unejeste, OakvUg One or Two yeuu, Urampton aid OaflI Wwiryourm a uconderyo acol tudentma4tn in Jauwy atuci In'à dqad-eni lob. or oldn for pmacbIaàI sAo otYtME Classe tart Januar 23. 0.11 (416) 840-2800 now ào apply. l3- Sheridan College 1F401