-Acton Villa and Oakville keep pace with'victories The holiday mmya CahvOuI weff M Milon Oudaon mwat abati 4-1 telt addtomtl i- fflaI Vamip watt op agnimémmtl Utaad"P lndoe oeep~ ouge atIo astht taurnd gialfian Rchad Swel a* Keth ord. paoe Adn Wa md hld qoaWacionbutWL I P 4.4- doorataOdmléCutrwanumd. Deora wlu atah i el .t e0mn hall nomié-h 15!=taud n 4 ACtu Villa 7 1 0 14 .19~ SlitdflerntCavle pm maorllétou TheDhdiasand maagdtauvthepoint Wéé ULM" ad Hwé, om pablon Outdomt 4 1 2 Q0 .10 waul hawoua fu r tfrhe fabulous wtth a 4.4final. pautyflm wul étlthamctln-acld Dickets 4 2 2 ilu .5g palpngofolnDyu.ARic tuao cammecitve webof no-éhow Mii- "aué pé P hm dmd 3»3 Fourman 3 3 1 7 -51 lnamillir x@vmêu. tOn Hlto. Otidooré Shop toit Honde came bock with à tes. liéétup and Caum .am es, ité-bain VV&W vanilu Wcbs Unted 3 4 I 7 -@* gave Tht Dichat d ru arowsd for ing id d - pomeuda &-2 wlm ove, M ilton Youth Cémé-h es Co.cbou t Omkvtlbe aa it The. Dic kns Adot Youth Coach s 2 5 1 5 71 ri «e. Itab Holiday urtdthe bcM.ng who trli mmu ununétal fortmattoni aid paid Villa &pillai lita.D Cluftoom~ Millon Honda 14a-5 Hair 2 6 O 4 .3 witI a sizzllag mn ard bout subutilsie g oral- . WIéfIne.odfo.Mî ona faclng the Optimis ad Hî-5 muuetig Frir- Milton Honda 2 6 0 4 -7I tender Bob Adammn. éhould becoesd-rfor theplavoff. minaý 0ptîmîist Centre 0 I .331 * f~o g We want yowr bumineu «MLTU..I ___ I ~and well corne viglt t. your wSo. oori o 'zALW CflIWMCKRNA a mal. ONTARO un"ff M, MLTON, MN. unirnmu.ilfty ,Januaty 10, 1M9 TELEpNONE 87$4131 IMerchants' chances at third p1ýcè fadingj Inexpetience shows as Cou gars / prevail 7-2 e By BRAD REAtliIE Milton NIerchaats chances 4W iltîrd rsLacé arv 'meltîagmdting, A '- les te Burlngtea at Cuir'ai Arma on Satundav may bavee,dW their fate. Again. reliervetng mrerri Is ugly bond lae the contest but this lume the Metchanta wele on the -ras. enid kosmg 7.2 in a galat tehic point of the seod perîd Burllagton 7 With the scoe 2-1 &Mt atome.- toin deidally ta Mlltan's handi. a.fé-r Clîff Gautier ga" Bur- linglnapnlyli a bog ting à lght andthe gainegSmouitof hand Stt êe The- ensutng Mîho.s rtush was Chta MudoN101, a. s muach lb. th naun po»mbla White plupu flahe Ca0e thO puSIt. 61ath1 Muf- mitsak-nly Whis1îs deéta offrait dam M i l 1111 aIPton cwdoUIIUSV Vhtu Mmmzli té-lad Io uap eut Io De. poch mai wira huma âad tht. as lhe Bérllngéon goalit 1111191 ImY MM batel 10 litan ieukg Prlmy's 7-5 Me tain. left bts é ,t the pué-k was flippeid ~ h tocard the etnê gom. Cautier coretnécék e16o h eod inttncittely handaiolut an un Burlingtont adai to their laid a~i smnlihe endc il "ilt ta th third pernod on i YLeavtoegaî t~i'ltnsecond goal by Gauthier. It looki P-W r playlikeaàpose but ilturantaiInto a sbat M1uton's mrotacaturn was hahtdMEurhi though thé-y did mariage ta tie the t e laonlyr a ute go l tur- gamc onna prat individuel effort MifItoné Hart ilde et bWarren t-tafl thog taa éoa ané Burltagttin then "ol cha1 Skaelag behîini the play tewanlé' dri in , pir aoal 14 ummýsas dé, Milton btacb. Hart tanglud &a .io Mearkh ra woWtd étlth defue m Christian Kmoh., uan oidceup amEeEsua- g turneil the otie chouk éhaint the Mlton'netan tht ien og Hart pahqd hua. imuait tory Holbrough bit Dtno Felléuti réi biaéitttolémdflal with àfo adsu on the d-"-p eco-hamiai huit aml. the back of kfof sw. the lég Eve then iltolHart to of H nant itions, promimlmed b Km gs lace maék manager Rick Biné-.. Joined the f ir his :m~ Merchants Jtflor ta Sattflday cé oclmmêma TtMchants. gaeTolhêfedneiy) et hawevut, moud Hart aid his c mdaîSMltOIse tr'dading demilinu. ing toséh ta mcn front tJehîni l Jason Moinar ld scre Of germes ta hin lots struck a defin- the 3-31-0 Stanuy CU tîv fi bloc Z ras uurauN ci the Galdua Horimue junioar B Refrm Cautier calleit ofl.tn aFaMm non MCI.amn, m ndlt f.lm vagi lait hOb . t Lgu.ani Juif Edgaz who amn aamte a haud bit ingh la Hehy Nig hnCada hila ai a a wpumlm MWd aima dmn playuifor Sherian College kam icin .4tthlo ach éaég amu a hsatallmai .héigaciW.mu ia wmmon. nas tisent Arut action étt ml étu forth curlin tdm laial playar deabs Frlday gam Ba-a irMêépton tIses, nec temu against Bitrllagton. bit ce tdu éhowe whikh Melut Moînar courtad the irmé Mer- Rab Flellam ratllaei wltb. butr ctînbinattons amd me who ha cOl 1h-Y ésent téta em la ta cise chant goal littena, atrBr éthun tCtiP l l'=r ltbu coa anmd who wlll couple. the puck bita youtd do ou a pe iagton hiai takaa20ldo =wlsh= à v&îmau tid f, mn hlm tal That, sonog ta p =ay Bi nid wTsy wiso a Maub alt Tuieé and Kevin tunaiely dida't conact. bat take the ual of the your. duiem anclm the other guy LPutýhie play-é etud. Blace realtzoq botter than anyn pic2 uP ltaePU pales téno ar Turek wored on a tebound omis burllngton taméage one moIs the lnmot of t"i piti,é.v Kingaof du Camuilts Ciym- S:lit Jiy Evembed and ady in goal éthen Rai Hinks lid anIn la l Bihurllugton only, Ove pollua pic Tam dom IL Dtuw exu- second Cattie buep a sh" nocint béacimm pain Evrbm hod fMillon the paie lon Io deonly way Io p thothEverhde lop onaà posé but by thon the arl as pover amouiled ta a four t il h The Megdaa have t bem ai tisi coer. Moinmar muto tà étt, bu the *tanings weth =iho lin part ad a wmâ aif. Tbqri tek a du Moînir d*tad à lissa, Dei- hao ~ ai mantll "L Waa at id pléa. l'hey hachad S Icm mpla étha tly hautiledinlanm mi lpii ttDétalnne ~dl ad eméh' n ma% chhait us anl nght kam*" ha Iimis Cabvill MMada FMdy#*$ isitéier a.. =aNn= to théa du n, havet" la M sa a# I laid. p»eNk.méiuiaAvem. 'Home record improves with 7-5 win over Brampton Il7 BRAD UEAUMR Thi-ré-n no lace hé., homne theré', Ft-n Mlion Mffré-anis, homeé bas gîven thé-taà 9-4-2 raoîrd while a trip ici ÔZ bas resultud inaà 5-q-2 maré Thé-v addeél li thé-ir bern- taté-esn wîîh à 7-5 viclory ov- theBrapo Capital, Fnday night aIié-ea Arcra Hwrnpton 6 -We had our chances but Milton playéui" cel d émuBrmpéon astnt mac Mué Mclmy filllng ta for haad cxué-h Franké Carnevale. 'Ihilton's a Soad-hani corking club We can't "X 1 .ht'l -" Il ,ouii tht np. Mer siu pte cat -ln t" gaine. é-éuld net put the peky Capilals ay. Miti, juli laa liadt t.th a champ 17 a ni at the conteé c Trevor Doiman ired a "ba fronm the point actonsi the nM. It bit the ana ai a Berapton deliené-eman and boumé-ai eata trtlmi Vito Maiolî an the ih~snu tu later, Bralapot lied the éclre utthe frst of&s.renfruia- tender ,iscues wchb plagumithiéh herchant goaltesié- Citai Mol- doos leit the pué-k behoiai the nuet fora toulmate éthodida't want té. vul- moan lurge forthe uck but étai besen o i byMau Mgnaaa. wome paose tai Naul Larsen% luit bita an etnpty ntét opportualty. Milton pichet up à powtr.play goal et 9:47 cith Larsené off for topplng wien hamzli racai for the pucé bos étan bottent by K.C Foméer étis mourd arcémnd the goalie foan mas ny mriée Rob Wilson ourmei an animé. 3-I1Iaa Wth four tnuué ressiain la the pum.W rren =ar n._cc~e p feé-moveta the du É Be m et- mninder but blé peu ta Jeil t éatI- ln h pa ent uncoSvert éthan Dawfmilutagoteooiton lé A mninute luter Dw's chance état fgatim. when Raiiiam méol* the prti iwltith mbckckeand me Ialone and 9Wl due pué-k teide Ma- zo alit à 3-1I# bétud. Only 42 secmnds lWte. katapton tr- ltlated the exé-haig a of l ch coaIt constata. for the rTm of due con- tut A Brad Thompmon mlay sa up i Capita thau-n-ose ché-h thty coaveriad dempête à pai r aI poor m and sone quoi delenéive corby Pat e'aaymm for Muta.i wtt,. ha aê-lu= f a rom du metue