He dure toe mn comptait ctient rtai Lawyem fixes And,. tht fawye neetin you. Why te hîreti "Ait knowîmg ti necensary, H'e are cou of haira ia Turne latie inta c up lieu cc ci Expect h you drop '4' hIw t rai h h'lep sary 1, th tisn thi- ' --dite, Juta Ihvcali l'r If vitu que Kiisî la' 510h ii1 Il i reptî,riîng mas hi c .o ritte f lsn fisimiý Whtîn v lok, 'Il h 1 hm-, ' ni Ite:m t il amitai afi or businas Ilefriret ans quest A point fi youi and t pisitthm q At ýh' i minet fY. anid ten 2) inît legat iteip AId Flan s.iih vour teelfare. 0 Ile legal à tebill lWuw use ring alonrt Qn mngage. Varientt.ima ,rig contraci. rnordal se meeiting, write dlowr >ns liata isar tii you andi iacIs cuncetnan tit isus W lausts.r u Mtsand lte ril of lt' maxtîng dicer- ,hoîuId itave anittiteonte. itedule, il, Iut if pou ttaàIIfy fol' fit t'y applving to te Largat -iattin Hili. Communîîy c a bblç toitetpos ieolkei, clympnion rdîni asrvn' ciet fioi RON PRESSE RN., LIS ister & S<icdtar MILY LAW. DIVORCE Su ite 301 i main sýett Uaeis te him toreseise space for yool businss nhe uli.t LIIIIII 1»OMm.eb»eJanarv 31 lnitebruary 3 Ivour harpe relaled business coulti use exposu e to lte hoiisaflds of *eekfy cusiolsers ai Milton Mai tser, contact toa4 Dave .lemhum ai 827 4632. PM. COMEDY T> DINNER THEATRE featuring comedians from Yuk Yuks V FRIDAY, JANUARY e3Oi9 $21*/perso4', (inudea mei& 41w) Piease resterve . BAYIèSCHER HOF FAMILYRETIAN 324 Steeles Ave., East, Milton' OffTRODUCONG RtESCD %L SIJA ELLANCE SERVICE Wl OPPUN *REGULAR ELECTRONIC SSUVELLANCE* *ROUND THE CLOCK EXTEIR INSPECTNS* *DAILY INTERIOR EXAMATIONM PLUS'1 *Pet Fe.ing - PaW WstIng. Ught RolmUeon DONWT LEWAE YOUA HOfII UNATTEN0ED' CeLL TOO0AY (4i@) 073-IN STOP SMOKING L IGHT LASER le thie satte, fast and saBy wey to quit. ONE TREATMENT is ail you usually need. >_ onIy$10000 For an appointmnent-caII: The Light Laser Way 878-5029 EvenIngs or Wkends 6 P.m. Io010 P.M. The Haltori Board of Education FRENCH RMMERSION PR-AM Information meetings are being held ta expilin Grade 1 and Grade 7 Frenchi Immersion programs, starthrg in MILTON- TirdyJaUaeY 22. 1990,00Spm RE W Fste Pub SCIIIool 410 SCoed BolevardIII paitOusM. BobMy Wiansil 99.73 pM GeflKMOhPIIIIII DirDocta re 's how to reduce the costs of hiring lawyers lierai. rc - muId- Sir . Ire irgmne ?à MM of u tp wif "thel 0 Rav~an. umw e f i d A muai ba le . ohm trip <utel glu. stand tle laeme = Chure We auu »= uçLo tia ibmle Mmo Wwt Iller A... a m ki t M o oa i »Z tel-t civil sal usly ~i ssli advatl bu 4; - Utditsoputuly obulu w o alle ie Masai l iscut nti alli wiih aàayrvm iee ii letentma cam- wlehrttpubpyuaieba b.br "u' hou la= *-g le Tati thl wch maId uaahlg Mty hav" ta sel. munhly of Ile~ Ilaat -Ob. Iofni a . Y :mii 2 = tymtrso «hs pkos ym. Whlab&FMO0 WsRDoUYcelir matshow hm o a b.di bill. mabnl nd leptot cau th éy bdpuanti nd y m -Wrgt eii aai cimn Yu w m uny bygather la, H2Znyiapy tea s. uabilhsy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~a cfttltyr cvriio an i.Srie rn bitk u 4-3. 611" .c an Iporat of the Staprenw Court ftas l oitttp.But if you àuti qusly lW surft Dimi t1 -100-2"8826 trasi utlta psut ba h lertea1 craculnttaoes. the Pielesn Avenue coathms inus a :uh depeise eacout Ihel, mrvim adt Trou oemit afflrtiopuy of Hain, Wu yta lawyer »iaw lnmettatey. Milan ta ettrlthnieu-non tW a tawyer? Lawyem bite tri betiev. Bnefly desarribe the petiblet Vtai berautelieu do nul wisit te be Thte applaiation for in asaunaut moetian lawye alilai tc oioe wt' is isac pour te pay a ame facang andi wisei you live. then pylang We bis tint wbet il nxay noc muet b mtival In tht fundictio lawyer WlI have to ge unueprenented the oapuralur i gise you lte aint bar bnemiary. whanr lte-lwyee laves mther tâtea ýýg nalgnize your i crt. et a éicaIliawyart who ha% inîlicieti if) CIteclt frinm tine tei taine tai whet te h a hier iiffice Gointec the alliance Sltep ateia nt m Ilouc an intrst in pour trp of preblemn deterune hum yetir naccrds Tht application lusart e bmatie aai-m aty r e ucititm intes a haye o Wall faite on your The service i.as ataoîeduinesbs-wade s ila eaiiwgI ihn3 etito h il md twasetatmve. case for hm re.e ait a ciaper titan nets hal ue wto th t iullt utnln w ttlt n i ro re-jtn t bl i dont-n flaps glatiit Telp usuml rate. 7) When you have wWecWi a 12) Somiting t' cansider if vou am reasstil. you ntay atli the court or et latos central the ln dtet wordt ofai t Canadian Bar lamnytr 'oho you tort y ou can trust, have ou plIans, 'b auiocuted til a officiai ta add in the cats ai the t g lyr.Aumucation'm Code o a iffio nal asti about Inita, muct the servce Will tawyer fur thtiongterTn ts ta have sestt s a major lactoir tawymt Coduci. "Il as in koeping witt lte <ont pou and eaviat arrangements can, htr but assetuetInsrsuett seîen ei tansidertatton lutta ftlng bust traditions of the legal profession b made for pâaprertsý An aseurrtnt Èn ~ àfee chai- dure a% a laci tocohen unpatti ;te. You cartcontrolpmaofi indire or wiliva àaie inaà situation Do fisct b tty. A elear under- lenmgre the lattar for lier ta lustify bill, by livnattng îte mmontuit valai. flite le harttblp or pciverty, standing of theCt e the bagntnng aà bave witi the tawyer t i or ore pclieneclet of the alliance derattsan the pub-. g lte mout , thont con- would alewu fcivey b abilîry ef unhappy duseosienle abt deprivuti et lat adlvice oar reprsr. money midwa thmehitc ite cbarwed or cact timte setataisi" A usefu iImhd (ndtng lbe pby t awy -r' ofitce tu 4) Chteck I final oui if voe, chanceo( atallter dIputeir, 0o1 u îe case as @ efrng and for employer. labor union or guîld bas a have tite lawisser estimaIt- lie charges une cati sou mâai ta her staff latai e~ may b inlers-slin in % 'rlrîsg tir sîîur record% picti UpI tt~cileplin. , aur case. The n rittrn týi'îiate îîught li th% fîtf the cail ts real n sce- Even if h.' cas mont asisisou dira".- pe-bîtle in %iraight fom ridî casesý Il 'le a cheapeav 'oai el s.voua may kart i% opinion aIf sîur lte case i% epoitet t1i be sompli- ne Infoirmatiion' case or h.' may stiie pou toa .tlansr caiti the lawser shoult W, able to an nit lise 'oîlhîîut the tinoiledgtigefabout lthe sp>la isîrtatc s.'re oi lthe iharge andi ts ice', tc a recorid ut the soui am, insolsîtI wait purr.i jÏui ancsrijntcs vo that un; anti îsît'let nalîir ut ;)If sou have ben , hargisi urivr soiu .is mate ir, infiîîre ctti'nson B S N S I E sise ,1 Nuîrissl eurtul lthe lîpghisay Tratrîs Ai. %,,u mas tl 'umrlthInS unusu or untoin- i n lite b'ill 'ari tut constader irîtg a para-kSigi - "esc uurs titiI Ul<Ii lthe b'ill LNE N ~ P ~ A mvers nul alasi' iii set-p cersceý ralhtr titan a lis i'r lPara. thi se r iu le ila n o io LU C IE N SP C faîile idîci-shpmenls in lega1 servîc&s air pirusale itu-nues.. %larslise' s agio t. NEI e ts 'ov as of a monthls îhev ais nul Lansers but îîlt. îtî's s,ýu. perhta1' trustitis Thii mnets. SER VED EV EH Y UAT rater In tise long l'un titis ai,îheaperfir, latiisr aluns vou tai kop tract. of itîn waper. ant you hasv' à fi If pou use lt, Laisser ifelerral mnuýi s'ou itisI' 3d Io rh et.a s'rt ftsienls'dirhrnt Serviceeoïred by the Uw cx". ouu %-,s~e On s,)u nai pýer t t'as a WE ARE PLEASED TO LO0K AFTER .u hav an Canaa o' ht' t' BIRTHDAY PARTIES FOR KIDS 6 - 96 siau ait d'amnt it ai '7 ~ ~ V W ~ portanitit fit al ing~[ M 4 M 370 Min St. 878-2889i _n ý^àh.r aiiîihei ' I N Ti J I 1 i I I I i SHA