Who needs summer? ohn~ -enk~sk TheTt o T<~FuInituf Market is »theC meeting pièce for the. ju~nîe industy. and for the lîrst time. T et eesp tade icili hâve therr own day: Vkdneld4y.jansary 17, 1990 i Designer Day, Conte and see over 325 exhibiors of the neicest Designs, Colours, tnd Fabulcs mn Fumîiture. Lightin#and Accessoni 'tglslualt.u Centrerace'0 r rm~.a llc 61774M &F Rg 03, s nrec a le m 11 boi bo-tw M MU mOM e= te ïMaq I * 878-UlNS ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND and WALES VW a n*td to prosen Mnt ecbJsw 21 day tour. fuii eSi:ortf fron Canada andi practcRly ail ,n9Lsv tii &--v p vwAs N~3V of M&i country M ffl as s tcahures such aà a ý day at thc Royal Bath Ana W.,?t agrîcî*.r showt mn Soner. a me< fa fli awui acrwn WO &o ai9M mn Xxtsr a tue ncm ofa the hntcùs «GM tfle Tra,, ai Vh6w . a wed ro the bish NonYWa STtd And a dey Ofo falte Aw W la By »Wçr in10 Erga &-0 Mo a éw ~ev ie MP Co a hery rue bach tu Brev t avoem as Wei as Mec Ia*o &affIuA cbwoe Mi Pe,. afte i Mairme ie, roto as Mmea'cy M POSO&V mmw 2 aid 3 PMmý%w Il if s ouoe i» , a m gaod baki fo mowey Spent UV baie, Muse tour ai9es lMo Andi Moral WamM bue poad 10 ev )w tonut Brochur affmable At Ouf Office or cati and mnate augmiefrtour eeort. »am -eoy.è %0 d n ail >eu cn Ouri &oce or in due corrNort of your horm ~. Halton Distict HOaIth Cou fl A Rbt@YOW plan for thepmzlndl.r. Co-odkuon cf 0 TA eATH AND UUTANcE AEUYSMlu iMina Ragba fo bein ePwd bY hie Dfirlct Md ksmoyiis or groupe wlehn ta provide input Minb rl pvoc.m ve invfed to étend wrêter sumWs sienis ta DUvl ILCmlo ASCS S Nsal,vtoosCOU~I eloHohm[fDIogIINulConi OskvIhe, Onibf LOC 3V3 &S ub ilaLud beasblkdbY i Fuèimy28, 1900 ~1 -M