Mâff0 will stay'n. fine ith relocated cornp ter learning centre Tii.~~~ r>an,î i h pnonidI . -cu compun t?~ie u halirn and aJu .i. 1iî. an-undu*in.a mliai à142 SoEpýirS Unie 6 Fiî,er., i..o.-I M, [)ýme Skhuoc. N4.lmiu-e qon 'nhcn th. .h'rri'n.i- f-l. -1 pimnod ou uieni o.n cmpiJlr centr, ,.Ill Jl-e M,1'i,,l iar I., I tr.- 'ih'urnn ionad of dit x1un The. nei. Birunt.- Siri -irI~ai r îlv up.'nod Ifndi A M.LI [-h-n%, t;j-,.. rs? l iim-nI n ,, u he l' mputk, &-mn aurr 1Wi. ,-.-r h i.- 'ident. Lit the .rlrînu hid uw d nrng the. di,, ln miian. IMilt,n -uhr LN 11.- d iii. ipa... lu lpaiit Mr sa klcv raid glui 16r fiarkk-N rdn 'inrcah.vlhkn ioegopder .W.add ..rh. Jd i. r nt, i r.,-nîunci..rn mthhi i% u .uinem, liehant iw n --qu ,l,î-d n ,4rr I n IN- fugh the Olîm<IQ lub.ncehr.n l n - t. i.- fine yi'an anrd ie inarned to knrpt in th, ie.. i m irrri h i aid.. I- Atln N-n!vn uit fum hi. Pb ai a Miuê.aauga finir wl h n-&. irlîjit- ,ý c*mm in nBanký il nir h.. uwn coe1uy, J lbnkley Couli ng Sml ici, Myon Oud kumi luips oun hel. W4 hi. bewly udèmaOsemr IUUeiils i.umd hi. w..- anc.. mm"uney ~nhato.m for lu. ne- P. link>u w. ehy. Mr. B.kly leri. en the leu.. oewSo >èhg e . in uOmettmon .111 hm fiîm'n ihwh aneie âame, "ubed rZ dtn-OnLe y,'u luIoowm J. vitmc.o.an tu e s hlen.N ouiUab.M Ci, npurîe n1i t .alae lm cdiei "gM 9 ami Up and adulfi . Il. ,n = Ok Sa ,jy ..Miu selle Md WMh la.su..e l m ilw u"oei Ma. lmnn,( Fu i. iomg. oeIlS4~8 Chn* SIM Courews. Dky muelya oei am -tpo 4Mto Lois IoC Zose fromJ Get in shape with fitness cIa ses Whaî hi-uer ti enbm oneffa dan.cing, mon-.... t:inguadrrd,d niet k-af than ai rc wLni .ii aàn Buti Yeu muçreler In pi-rmie ai *TNCMNT I EOiAlNSRi decadi-' th. ne ter hoier lkhie dnan.ing Su, if n-ouuiý praning off 5diii and painimg. vrp iaî-hi. micro- rning doi and inmng up, procras, wave coe&in& .quimr dancing and R gse o om n vnssg Jun27Ljauadlretie 1~ L.1 bum- ylu.. com tombaet Apily IUaauaaujs <la... .p'nvvq mfî nten and «hi ESTHER CAWDWELL Came.aacouro. ua.a>nýnmw oeni :mter~Rioi2.11 leilune m'nre de >ment arri making thi miii. hilr h.pe. 93. a 30 ,4OPmoua Su9 Nm h-d heipi The hCromer CUVdir You cati chu.,,w O. amirirg muni pool Tii Aannc.,ei.t ha. i ,meni and pL.L, til i-an b.. heus CaR 87-NFO ") Le dm C'uiliig n Iuuii a..rar mng an-d ewin cLa.c iea haecw'u i . upe luai a lunil film th- youl 'nani Ioi >Il Comrmnfoe Si iltufyou in Sortent bairkI un tnac k flu. Binioknîlk indLa péxlý'Wffi vannuil swimmeni w. rieg on ihr attenri Bir, dcandtcrn no-cmk LndvnnT) I.,a ft.n efl. à Inn. tnni Ciietai linr, Thi' ninc-7_.e Inter 'iu..-- ot a-.bmu evekl phoiography fio. Uu 5mer I f ai ant filme i. Juiik ai 942-l4~9 527chile 1 -k2 l.rigccunws Thece tu Luxywild%n an a 'ni Theemnpluma . 'i1 IN-n rcinini bm flwiufyaaà" Intonnatimi M.ti llu o arril hall iroun fes.lcf tadvn o ing anrd naig hpiure thmugh' Q Wvhm t i. amily BeeftIt A-- moitriî.ng tle T.nn .1f Mîin Cia.... niand th.. -.k- tête a. teir, lannIn la baap e pi ohn..nnII uiîg miand andi n. suaonti .gn ai the. rîriie n trar anud teil m laie lo n. r As ire ilupýrani id Y". Io fait Tb 111-w-* pun- àg nlio A. Fuily Uaufh Aaok>tmee Maie n.mI, Cal]i l% if me tc i,.n T, n liall iF..L. ati gnamrom42 'ilu hani a kpouinuftw I, <PU3AIla id >,mua w-.iani youanlihi'i pnurali.d if loaà - laiî.-imen, Yo'u car, lied oun nutai lli. pne<ii- th lnre-. kivi ah monit. <bui *imb e .adIa- L nhinunat e i al'.ue.c The. lui..., n- nL'roin. t alkic cour%-% b1i idn«/e îin- on Tiiurida>V. Jan lui aii pi mh.. uon h pepeails LI. îî piohii n cie. courai plmu et) w.ok ai ln ,uf ow pâaond i, ng ciun Senk.(uie Dive NUriaham,, d. m.iî b edhf euh I@ let IMLtii leinr en.en aN nIihu..am «ilI 'oboe ii Inn crm-n the M licin rai Thi-ou . î1'.ll un-k, Iv.guea..Wlaw. hî mohinrale yîîr. ii i-arisai,- ail dri.. airar rni.ni -ii j tac iii. mf~ àl>O I iulile a n. lin-J budy rl l i. î -14 re!. a rod, j'n or(lu-.k- il r, Ini r ahi oi.è ka@" m, Moden' AI- Thit i nul ail ih I- h i fran r n-il"'Li.o ~Anr-, Dx paru ml; lL511 n the man ut n. nuaIrinil purluil. meni aI td pick i Yîîu cin prarum nîma or.4i--hi., -__________________________________________ derîgi mil, ram onm dhiu r Uk suinCet nainLan La-ie pILr Senior, arr re.lmIng ihiinr pn, thi,% para ncri d i.lien itg eC-ne:oidM hniS chulnn 'na ram- prupram You cuiani pcp in lo mire, Mf the anltei &gana C Dru... ioo progare. quch ahOI flebioard Il. -ita lUA I TWEEK iraCI REPAI 21lOIs 2wsi,*u UIkh a va nm AIeAUMfON ,w l, lma t sisa4yM 8MF. 8»-0s7 Um. Asc noomabo" = iml cu I AN <Puh M WeUv