Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1990, p. 4

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iZella,, Payý-TV, Miss Legs, Mr..Educati. th!e* Tri b Th. vtoe.pjud Of tise 1owntown Boni- n8 of lthe carnage leit by the ROP of thse loeethnuber oas aIw nmq tien. Inpes ent JAMi Lflà Din tués A au I . rrs On'u ~skttàb 1. i Ca i ~encr ite Caéia bap. wsea slerird tise Maoisnee ienttany %dm]o ea, as fils Cilia of 1h. ilons Il baby Nu eoeId v siiprI C@nawda' in the n luàe a he mn, own Wu ymws an.'Me ofn 1982 was Lauré Dorst, born at bOis p.m. i Camnldi-n CniusaNZeçpe Aac u ain Iton Bomrd of trem sroted to Mîlon 'st ctHosjta - . aîln Ci .%. fludhe(é5~b99) r an e s 1 beng cossrucied on Cose lanuary ,as1 gZud rntit for 18-y.an.old 1B£Icualn ilDvd alter Ed Fonts-r Fruit 1913 tu9ln Mr kyri Wiiamnon. 1w ssas% natned tbse To1 4yo gr.SniS.a. i Fo4te. serwd a. pncpal, supervssng pnin. Sun, Sunditine Giri of tise Year *dW mowtly escaped deats bs id-uin. h le ria d secreta -businets admittîstiétor trb LsolCanada '82 thse MIlton Board tducatton In 1969, welsn Loalt<division sicesser s a l.gste.f what 7_9Halio Board of cafto ws forrnm, Mr seantucsme 1912 1wn 1w oca caN cr'n-Fosser chose toi reiai at thw hol level and Spant' N-gan tcýting satelitue signaIs tson tu bc uersed twoieCars an ineipai of Oekssrod I ud for Pay TV i-alion Cabe Ssicyq aireti Public Sceol it COavil belon. hi, it!tîrensnt neyerai curient mîtvnt hit% oser apitdo A 57-year-il Hliottent, ti Maniri mi- turv Hawn ec nac uic sasaio u dent who iisreétend t lump front -the HitnRgoa oiehdnkig bu ïa., buildig ttX3-fooE cbtmney taci, -as itAfely t paise fo on at fo iMti ie2-' . .Jae by Milton firefigsî Laiâe Saturday year-old maiher sean seriaulyssou«nded by a niiiTs emnO Sc d is nminng gîlunan on thse last Sundas iun lanuary but ions. hbed bymà a ic anns te was able. to provide suffîcie nt information iii frntc ler be umaintnn'ng 1 w t h" chî polie t led titis' are-iut 2~sea-sid M'.-ne, %tack. Police sait] the toumné bâad b.n sissauga man who s.'ua ,o isa rged .-aih the drinking and bocame diiraugit fu seing ai murder of hi% grandmnother in Mmi»tauga ~agmn etsbriuhn When th; 5u..pect rulleni doisn bis witdos. afuent a stea fhio r h u rsivl,11 lt Ms. Mîoni thoagit the man rn.-ded directions Wfe.kl xyvari ghsîtn ceased n olsen lnteid, hoe sh.îi ber, Tise Miltoin ini oul'.sn managi-d lu f1atý don a pa'.sîng psî[ît Harry Funk, ptubuîfier tor, t pies lîtus en s hî,l Th uset John Rc.i.. Liter Infise mintis, satd hci foircrd tii ckuar tise di u trpeddguît ueodiere sn.n tise neospaper bssaas ut àas ton h0i mdva sitese oVîf mmprisooment Mayor Coid Kranti itsteitesi chaiîngvr C.uýi ws-w shsiwked ahti wsa pre. descrttd as AItinçumbheni cisuncîlloirs se-re,- stre tie mîîs borr ndou Fas aMîf Mai destru- thsei is.és ire tii se in folIos nI; tise min of a Beil Si Oddysey Building Sysleini fm. l h:'ne n arsTto iint-aer' xm khosn as Star Stoel, clIoenl thse dixr; of its Mwil hrmed ir lah i e .irtn teeiidnaers om-, oe«Iw.atsiw Jiiî8..u Gwoou o 'StnPlant in Nusiemier, anotiser '.utim ei dkii spnii ttheisimepartiawleneandjuisn, Maorluctionetai16 fi,'.ilt crnomictimis An aliradv reed taff unilîmsuînabtbl is itdeiisurt.i IWitlIwk The*nyoafleo9incidenttttnI o. seeltilbýs Tseoal ilîî sui durîng a hî,usc party gisien l'y a ri-latîseof the cause ut delays b, council and tossi staff i-e plungrd 35 fe tîto a oeil abter tise ceuiient igmtuatngfrt praieiiits u t,îmilv ishilc the couple -e. cnçiiing a alieged tise to.n paid $265.«O for lise pisiper- seeli rover nse wsea standing un crumblesi struction tif pie- engine-ret bifldings for bsol hcolîtiavsin Fliîrd. Furniture %aii ramined ty a m,ttii foutr hen 1 original osenerfs iseneats ber ffort Her mothir. Aisi. seas ai- Cintai .ind'Amoricaî c-uslîlter and i- its tisrough dwmr and living -tomn isndow4, boer sold ti tuaà Toronto develuper for U2200015. The tracted outitide isy whial site tisougisl snas a selten vears t. Thrd tSirt O.Pnhî-es bissIile '.mahbed, famîly heiîois dt-stmrod ministry acknooiedged the nunictpaity could screeetsîng ol It tsmrnwd ouito lu 1 her Milton and l4ialln Reion i& - ai li1" and tbh- final repair bill casme to an osotirvis base obtaîned a botter deal by acting faster but daugister Tise trantic mother tiied lowering iseads ait vear user tise proposed gaisage $4îilt. rtdiKWXlrmnt u saisi thor, was no vienceLiso déiay seas oc- tising for htr daugisler lu granp hsaid ot but dumip atts tuh e I ria,, s lîaî. Mit hors. i.îusîun.iemin wnà "otd by impruper motives site isad nu ulea Sunan rssted ai tisV35-toot issdi. Ems.tioîus haf r. isi an Csuriat ,. tesieral couart appal, prevciling tise deporta- Whien Ernie Mitriseiclosed tise Milton Office lieeZ Mianwbile, ni,. piaceài a frantic phonse un ansi questions îiinc-ring Hialtuit s plat iý hit ofi tisiti pri/e ýanocnan boises. urderesi of Mitchell Rival Estait it laite May, he aiso trait 1 Milton Fire Department. whisis hurn MX) acres >i primse fam ]and itoi a oui ii canads lte pmssious tXccsmbIx by wsrsile the final tisapter about one uf tise mont respionde i n minutes On thse scorie, tise tin- regitinal gartbige dtnp 'Du ring .fffl,'argl- (esleral agrîtullute ocai' Tbc verdict, citlorful and suci'.sful meal esiate ttrnt in thse nest firefigsten oas ioseervd inc tise sneli ment% liver lhýis. - plr e i art,#t.J1hc di-.' ttndclow in1 Mar.h, cîcar- %tIr I l, inanns ltons hisiory. Tu many mal estate agents, thew silin seconds. Wisri Susn was poIle] from lion ta 1 b en a sîlnoipirr a ,ut.. ut ail allegaitiin, eidn il., puissîbke local brancs ut LA Mitchell Ltd wsea sîîll Bant thse weil, oh.,. site isad been lrappedl for abhout on% îincnlval as-rîîni dii tr arI t Q.- prt-t tciiicsffie mlnu. 0 hiur- Reaity and lassurance Lid. -altisougs Mi a haIt art isout. nse was coseird entis a mtr ntesi îo cnsidtr allernalises 1i the ntii, n Otario municipal aitair'. minisîci C laude Michcll had purchase, the tompany in 1976, of bloosi and itsert loiît erhsi 1r-in-s fut-- F liens. t dtsided in Masi tisaI a 1inna . - imc 211 monthul is 1- ner Biait Kgs oas A Issu mile wîde stnip ot Milton land was Industriai empliyment u-%,îtr '.niý-aos quiiy loto a land sale in doini on Mî'Iton cvil cumalue, as a resaIt of a two<ar collision cisosen as tise route foi a-mtajor Ontario Hydre lý il pet cen t. 191?, mtrkîng th, .- i thé isuîîld not taite plate. Former len cuuncillîir nnar Miltoîn [ie tied in September 1977, nese, transissiaon liîn'tu tari> pit-ir tromn tht onv ie ici 1 t mNr, lu F-i .,ci ( us Gîîutouslî inkesi lur tise iniiiiir) alloging nogaining catt.tiuasnuss Ait engints.r I'Y Bruce Nuclear gineralur Tht land, on the liaiion gc'guur t usunes' lce1opineni J :sl ýr hitl i en councîl purcisaed lie tîîîmcî sitc of pofessin, KIr [lest o-as empluyed un the Avra nuits side of Flwv 4111, alreadîv bore à sîngle M iiFs-itut - i.pî i-- ho 13, Il 'iat. [Wsy on Main St., taspavers pais] Arosîn I*'t matie real ioer bis fu- lire of itsuem' Under tIi-, terni oii a lune ftîlsigtt - tti in rtus.1ilI., S4; ,il mîlie Iban lise preperie sasisrtis b- tinie buin 195Q, wils llest Realtyliteratit' decintun made bY tise Jaint Hcaning% kurd, tegion Landfil Droblem.underway Residents'shocked.by plan for toxic-"waste facility By NORMAN NELSON wante dump in lise Golden Husite- in May aller meeting cuis OIt:MC tbedomp. The Ontario Waste Mantagement sihue ista, aris. usai Miltoitbâai buec eieerli-s Milton Mayor Gord A 57-yearoid Mitin irsidenrt itnd Corporation tOWMC) Ijtnounced-m arékesi as tise southe4$ Ontario =ranta eanusa Milton slood a proprctur uf Milton Sisu Repai %B C jaitury If waited ta, locate a Iode 'ceittroid'u ou wste gciteralion. Laters-r goSi chance of biseng risoýei foi died un JaituJy ot an aEPaýi isiau attariu Altisougs11 oeI kitotn tise RM cummunîty lori ts trade. fs-ew ses SI'IARONPRE :w- acceu LaS Ja<yno's ditingui- I NO RN.LIJB tise Frm- Polîish forces and oa, the Barister & Soitor protbly one ut tise mii decoraiss tbiitg h. dust la faif few veteransin Milton"said Gun . We I START THE NEW FAMIL LAW Tutuosii a Ferend u mtfalynoc sisuld lo,ý ýei n ga rU OFRIH t.inrdutono pay A 20-siain -ol sa n VEAR ~ ~ W OFF RGT .USca 2 & iO C Milton ithi close ta,9 Mi cent osf tinamst n- Àà WITH A COMPLUTE DIVORCE fatat aleSslm cuistumers -. - muî .1, a SOIL, LUBE&iFILTER Fram OiuFitersi BRIANI8 -AUTO REPAIRe Suite 301 -. -'205 Main Street Milton, Ontario tonins in Osie an uitusuatlly mld simies, Milon town Sciiîtr Jim tson oas uiging tisaI sume staff in the public ss-irks deparimeni l'e Ici go ratiser lisait itasping tiser buoýithi make seik propect' U ý.i srdsberry tarmier bas a coup fallum th tisefnt tCC<~~~ c C< c «cc WANTED! eré5éil fflis thelun ct aeserve soue for you bus iness intlie OU MO L18411 BAIR UNIJRW Nomum, ha. JanuaMY 31 to Feuwuary 3 if yms romé alatul wuinmscotM o ae aaure le lte touanoi wf as thse awovÈ g oodwoqi t.umo hgt aimiy customemr at Milan MiW tien contact toda BDm Jaulal ai 8z7ý 'ILA8T TWO WEEKS, @ l à4 ns1S<geçy GiaUP ratai UoS MWi ~u atiea- smuir of 23S41U fiais 8.041 f o ccCeLCccic)Cc c c C..CtcCJ utlus soitu bat W1 ti-e * tint, lIlilai> tolegein Oingstinijtecuia- tiallc and roir-'. sicu mron Qph, ae ni d vear cadet ai the tolI leg.wa isauns il,]% .1 one cliunt of lrattî,iting in iianItau an at,] ns tounts oîf uisng marijuaina in a iscar :Mg under tic Natioinal Dtcne At n Match - Hattn fegîion must Puaire a lagd- tlt and tise ornî qoe'tiitns tgi t.. an idane hsewn il. put it an,] isow large it sisîul] be Tisar was the conclusion uta report insoe4 in April b, consultant% prepaîtinis a $tIOJi1 enitsitonimental éassment as périn ut Haifon's searti foi a item garbage 'Miluit -roident isddie Sétnunn carniwd hi% seoned luneo aserd as miale country vu'obt oif thse liur A tnativea of New<ouRdIIId Eénlma was tise teensager evyoiw &$km~ Io belmsg a gultar te tisa pfy "tW utgl - MPACWAY M pp, 6

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