MOVING SAL 20-50 Dress &Casual Shoos by Evan Picone. B andolino * Rohdes Also si Boots es Jewellery si Gloves sScarves li Handbags 220 Main St. 4Zjeanefe'?ç751627 TMUMSTIO 1lrêltati ntal ..alieî ltn.h. i- CUT YOUR FUEL BILLS WITH A CLEAN ECONOMICAL NATURAL GAS FURNACEt RELY ON TEMPSTAR HEATING SYSTEMS FOR TROUBLEJ FREE PERFORMANCE' GUS MOWBRAV LTD). SALES' -NSTALLATIONS -SERVICE S RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - Central Air Conditioning - Fumaos - Eloctronlec Air Cieantrs - Gus Firepacos -FRE EMTMATE - ½o. M. 878-2381 ýillage split Ion tu pbIt ar tus jao ci trubl = Mcott- Mr enieaually Whi the detarl. it a douaicalantt. A MW"ak ittotor wu eos w , etIlthe tilte of Toattiber, oua in =rnerttt whta in lier EunldB Munt Maret filt tht Marris 25mu tedt Damage tan ut ut lAMilton ol a bylaw tteantittbe fretoRy *d On t pe i _ .ait i nrona faigitoinlpakTtnre Ut tiain faç0 oceupy 18 aal Tf hiilwing wee buidiadi znic iractor tay Miton egtt origrinl an tin ihut dotan md inent oappruvrep.rta npected 10 Mo pacinit lonaderctioncoveàe1.15 Miçti. taic rualiy Milton ooa h ne uitw nl 2 Th trutai ittleve t a veb kl ta anup mo underfoli iput Thrad ai a ited pris a 4 ilo brpick originl Mîltony viras begar ddn a piagn bpacedllenwfclt.iad l-aî,.ulagîî Lîbn-ral. à M&ooçNeiI, nrualo U o' rua theu Northf lo lk 2 Thenman ea. nei olird t hvtbe woid in n'n lv delenrd biute Tuerr a ema th on ta i S iio exp.c iit- Thtn tof ma Milto N1 bgn, Slnwcanà frhbttiott ma netm frtp- uFndy*ht over Guelph Line plans - - -ba fotitally a" akt carry the lC 1987 rinhSl taicher aftwtuncod ho L 1 In lam! july Onwe Wbrtl Wednenday, May 20 et tin rpotied th A wesi later NDE' There tan more titan 40,0(1 square hopefl a ul noic fwe of eidhibition npa<e tain the running, Dy eariv Augu§t A si Million plan tu re-touée the race tan on tni ament. tailth Walt Guelpht Une tltmugh Cimpbealkf Elliot having edged Mr HOod un the has been cal' i 'tape" of the coIn- third ballot tu gain the Lbera munity by mies tndent and Totonto noumnation and Mr Whiting anîd M% netanpaper culumnntu Carh Turner Wolf taking thor rmprctsînoroni- The issue taîlI oventually cmte tu tions unoppo.ed Pu"lnt the nlorpy rural VilLager The nant woek si tan reeakd the App m 9 Itev 25t) peuptle igiied à SM0 nmo praporred Btnhop Redit Poulie. th loltwing wOek appels Roman Catltlc 5.omndary Scita tng Hilton ngottal plans t o m- site in Milton was ta ritd w plcet the ptupuncdl Cucrlph Une cause of the towtatt chminîc tatter work and tenegr capactty auiage In tlc jue a ration neide tnttag In restî Sepettber Bm.hop liedtng postal *hrie lot Miltonit Iice ia rive îî tan a,,eowed. alta turne days. with the nrcond wurk atyp~ acrîtuouot blc -ring Thet oan at- nt fmn rvm a à nîudr taced a lengthy set Wl coniditions in- ntna tltt We to a tinuhour voîving nlnard mous tu the approval naalkout. naid Milton p"lm&,te Bi>b In thet Sept 10 provincil ekntiu Hamatond Local union prinident Mr. Ellio; nnvep to nicy nith the al lxyg ergp îtiitln Libteal, aitaut donbitng antrttMr. Whitîng w,îh 11h44 vues to his In a nurwrn annouticetWent in' 6,933 Mn îi'blg 1,odied SM cumbet t n Knigitt 4Wa he rli etmr mikl'dat neouldnnt content li jiovinctal Inlt eem rFanl9-a- Lîheral mut mrepmealng Miton in nunced it iwould ahut down il, nte the upcomning cîciion, The an- plant in Milton. putting the fute Ln aouncetnrt caught plat about doutit tue alatunt XIMem pluvm riemryone. îacluding local party ti-I a li Octobr tht laatuS.ow nîdern, bv suprise Mr. Knightn Parkwiy tia re-opened altesr twntr tariv juin rxýcion. alter uny iw leàdnroyeti by tire in I'îin The aac- yean in 1provincial pGîtîcn. li th, dent n'nîlted in ornetlattu fcid nnudeopetn - si in Dnembtr ibn aiînaynetn A nnck aller Mr. Knightns an- tou. itie came tu thc tit- apn n.h *nounicerttet Garth Turtner ail, cdn piopuen ban on lireiru d-.har thai well- kaun Milton Nil. in rural Nanngaweva On-n &gain. * rrertee Bruce F-lud had bren th- lthe ban bdea failet int the faie of a * lormnmnr in Progreti%,Cîtnn- %ccu itunttag loibby group Rct Mancini \liniter Oniarto EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX Effectilbe Januan. lm,0 the neA EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX (EUT) replaces Ontario HcaiIh insizrmnce Plan (OHIPI premlium. Ail employers %ith permanrent eîbîcn'in Ontario 'tiri bc required to pay the tax through monthly or quarterly instalmenti based on total calendar year gross payroll. THE ONTARIO MINISTRY 0F REVENUE which is responible for, administering this new tax. mailed INFORMATION KITS to Ontario employers in .No%'ember. 1989. t If you are an employer in Ontario and have flot yet received an INFORMATION KIT, please call the Ministry. toil-free. 41 the numbers Iisted below: aetro Toronto * ýAi other areas " French language enquirles si Telephone demicei for the deaf 9%5470 1-800-263-7965 1-800-668-5821 I -800-263-7776