iNew agreeIeti" ay nean les wu_ -M" c"w -L ge u to I Výd" tumm M- m imtsh m a " for, ^rm igima we ~ah,. éa m m add ehtg MY my tmiW wl.cmub tla D rui~ Lu.~ y.ita ha de-_ eui lit &",0 M!n «W mh dais. iaj, q lmyhc pq" !ima hMM ah. a o advàe@ sa ammi bea i M as 1 unda»o. -u.J opai ta umma efac «" aq m " W ur ctu Cetlsie 12%OFF ALLGOOSL& JlMGLuu ___ OF AU-WUO MY'TMI RAcou TO OFF SM.OQMM à1NDNS 454 1ciBng katu TtUi Theie~ Top60S65 O~~har~ trw prvci e. 187/719 S 6250D 3 .vdb Oatnmaàc4areIa Tnia flonxevo 106/719 S 87500 il *t*&;:r Cemncit Tr o Pcinm<xiu 22176 t2I 8s8500 12 ~ Me~£ CeIkoI Il ROXWCO~ 130/9w S. 6100 à Umoe FCYO blorte &CXrC Caa1i 1iW 150 72 000 a4 E<p Boev4 à CeUccr bwo ROGrWO 17/1/90 &2 6900 10 GanSa pomý t a C e atka T#Wio a ncre. 114190 S 463 12 e' but» aiUS à cewrmal Tide llomoyle 11960 S 615 O0 17 ~ ~ ~ u Ta A*i IUo WM ploewbce 41 f0 S2 20000) Il CO asw -ml ry ue I&a ira Oornonoe 14, MC' S 79500 19 Oouff oe *fia-wrxt to Pan, 211W S5 49500 16ar%0 a~ oe macf AçjM po arrwat 21/12 1 S 49500 1 9 o ew a d V48 A 0P Ia R ~ i - n e , ~ 25 8 7 P 2 .1 6 3 S 6 6 0 0 0 O 22 Cougm in V» *io Rbwt boat. X 4136111357 S 6wS0 23 1* C OM -ow Oul KaMo Mtm/ (F) $5=0 0 2411,11,~ iy ab~wt§kWoe 4US/4I Y4»gnosaiS 0500 26 suc k*1..f COMM 424Sll0IX S 2W00 26 InD POWp atu .2I 1 2 r3/M0 (Rt> S SOL.D 27 C oeoeum POOV P*FM 31/250(Ft0 S 50W - ~MEQQY, CHPIkSTMiVS rural fire confusion jz M -"q. - e-*: E == %5 %eu ue W »ffà Stone age M %beýa nm travellers Gar KM.j ucam ped at oMu», mUlmm to lu u by t. S" mîlw~h ,u -rta Htmâptom à bu inI,3 Jr Jff and boasdtehm~u 10 'nIV londAU Pan d oe nt o« rum ln, MiltWttfMht e f lrafi. W" lz,, ond of agnu .164» omudMg op ou tm aacu b= by ah I= toua hci the mta katt,.. ~ ~ thehc tW M r a MIht iUt taae AIO rottipiyshc onntt er tapliati lucaue tht m Otfur rnma -pstf --fd y cégteli . St n na Wîtwum oue ~ttogtoh thut hction r ot M-i cafte Ottan Wa e Maison Corpor emanfabote, ta.I a cbt totim (whKh ntonserthe @Mr toiie hmt, pminîa originalkdw. antit Hi"o RCxwrn n7, oif voth. Cc -I autwtý S226ean rth-pd l& tin. foirnraî z Mciondiu a, latm ofg 1urtax ý aondî 1 to. ae. and o 'om'o ca-ti.. foriugy/~n gisîin a ,MiýiI ' toxwcl .njI dup id ~ Iloand THalt egion in niseltjî. upe C Z.. ài, =r.4Urant &..-Juw te ini Inducn ariî.loy ttli7dicth 0" gn no c.t st the Universotv 4S .trOnmtaý Coundu tiçitt ithe racornet a- determineti that "the suc andti uve tý to op .Ud.. à oxnc f tht. site 'j il M. à Liat. A, î.ard bv tiown pianuttntdincpov Onte chaw. penta i ety 2.00) BC) camnp Zuadunvi Mr Zàadattyî citni ___ Site. tnhen à tat gntup "f pattpf andi ont o,,,i bes thr p to bts. reulting ins the da.ttw w à ..ouid tât, uppakngtpo. iTt nuamtbioi uIkt -a Parkuig. rmr melteI Tht-v pred"cMt ca.'atci u h ut_.nttotg a macccic.ý -"" i thaditî. ' ti" uorth Ibirpb.-c ît. J J J wèkîh mis ,,nlua'n fragment f Four Miiton cti,.,.. %ve. mnug- Iun, isn a misai or mia> t-atm ,itzud ai mount-iMdi nîis k, *~th.',. pivpk- met ca*mpdt theirconurbutin, lU th nua kwr andi Ut nurimiu.t saotwî flake. through participattiont inè obSu the anti ftoot vnut, cdénuisir1e w.uh aduci, Aitîts ivrn'aiv hon, th.i es goserruimeil, imChjd m calatous Rieitual lu gts. .etd .tand Onan Ldg ý,s <Ittie r k to lie duinemiutie a utq andi couml, thank. fo chine fok at &noihe %te ,htv ar- t .et rk t-bMi. hante hent. nesly keti Mr% Cald0e4 and Mri Cýh, fount buta nnhh ha, mi t "bunin- tin Iite M h ebr eý adilr ve'tptn ai a mnt- detaîied i.. --iliom ,hik Mr Laybte andi enamunutn ut Il otIte, klalion tci r Fg soetlW on the Lail Ar. -anse, tht-i igndî.auc oSifflura Consevation Adst 1h.. cstultame ind.aêc th.'ps- ConmitunILACAC) NtbIitv. *Ithottgh nrnoti. dune sas j J J*that ont or more of tht,, kiratuons J ~~~ man vbddt sentenu aniaci. ani "d Atte, sUnie btckanng Un'e ttix. t tht ie-.wnwnt ut ttm asng îî1,D it @« co t iniI binit7 tiftcat t WE NEED YOUR HELP WNhout >tou hoIp. Vlor wUI be Samêdes inMia unbl 10 woy el plemureof CMsgerm eu* year. The Ch«nplon ChdesiMs Bureau Fund la in the Pfoc..a o ai sing monoy for the Salvation Acmy. Praceade ili buy food and proents for aduits and cdrmel h ~oUuld 18.nfr be w*#cut j vf cd*n ory àjewdmv awey We neod rtl gsnsMosilh 09ft Ç cç pofpo Mllan Io shéne thwough. Pbm au» Choueos pp je: flue Chomionl Chtesus Uurftu Fund eo loi mm Uel IE" Mm% les LUT ENM 0