Girrnu AGift Horse Wb h àa enhflh.. *Campbellville Country Martý 85 Crawford Cruscent WouIdlik, to invite ailp you . this ho;i'dfy season to vîsit our ment ounter for its specîalty meat cito. Our deli counter, for its variety of cold cuts, cheaee & salads. Our bakery for its «variety of baked goods and sweets, and our produce department for fresh fruits & vegetables. We also make fruit baskets, meat trays. cheese trays --Campbellville Country Court- r Btmoephere, nice P veryonc in the f'amil> the count.ry with u& PIZZA. SOUFS. $&AMS SAdDWCbES. 'YoGI mw CM mu mm, m- ..Wfflgt Weod, gré Gallery 410% OFF ALL STOCK mmu- PM « mam 'o e/ f sa.a am~ m m OMM