fMqw Arjiands A Gift Horse_ Stait your a* Vcata ~ ChflIS hopinDo 1w -vccà uàw WB have a orat sslatoe Id ~'. .for the brg bk b or ta yo_ _ èd horse lover in your tamily. 0' Vere Wm j bu oe a a i r ~~wf.brd Cfto4. CafapbeUvlll.- ecamu&R ýt! THE CAMPBELLVILLE' OPERA EMPORIUM_______________ Home BalS Goue * Tâhe-out Cab MemIw kmgi of Cifta wid Crafla ,on Upper Loewl c. . he am~ - onm i am u., can.ima (<41w8 88554-2165 ___________ f ..pâ.5.0. *16. M41177 .a '1% &t dodi W. hm ean «MN"ea Midh par. Wfl dres s Sfro. th.h.."aon jour- footo t.ei bat on Grat Charistmas Gifta. Us Cr.dVee, (> IANI) l>S<)si Sponge T1offee, Handmde Chocolates, Santa, Rudolph. Han.dmade Candy Canes, Gift Boxes. Peanut Bnittle & Much More 30 Main St. Campbellfle 85"4147 r e1/l, tibellviUle Cumpbe1vil1c StravelSra,8 Am~ad 5, Oi.*1e ~~us.iou.u.~~~ip.o <46)6477 To.Uu16)52-1141 2WI~ J~s~.f~a hdLeGau.y & Frig IRA à o5oo&11 Campbeflvfr TrMue is afuU serue MS*h aoericifir ail youf rauqe needsi .&u m ~ Labsào Ours *AA M HoOi ao..±ua~* - ~ 4e PA MYa c"w ewqmOMYr t.oi uu==vdw m Mav045.0E rM AFCiMNI M WO ..A friend Loppin1g for 8ome Lime thLB holi< 10.mi" v l. Dlco su 13. CmnçhbdM 14. Cu'à.SM ON Ibo Làwy ame 16. Tiianm N. 'Tho I& Tho. Luuyu Luflàsoyu ibn 17. MUuihaLogHN l. Tho. 810simIlà 20. lSUlagM uo il s>ý-