Arnidst the hustl< and bustie that is such a part of the çeason, let us take this opportunity to wish you and.yvours the t'r" lest. Es/Mx Mlbs.m euR C"p. Keeping the heat inside is important when you renovate If yos am~ planning nhape home renovations or in- wh n: M ancaY. s1 ose>ur humeés essoegy el- The Su of the addatao"a Wor be relatiwly kw and can oflen ho reovew.ed thmsagh savings on your beuig bal Ia Ls " e.,ut: One of the more cmmuc prmerts unetkntyhomeowne's is fanishang à basewnt. Saich a p,taet afats an ideal opportunity to anccuai the energy efficiency of tht, large part of vour home, wi cava accotant for Up to 30 per cent ofiius total hest 8 Inby cmpleelyslîng; the outide wais. Use Walmustefoa&ndation) anM the hoeder pus. Don't cu any gaps &round the openings in the ý.r iecables or pipes. To idure hast kasa. caver th5e inside loundataon itai, front fluor ta, oealung wath an a-vapour bornie? Apply the t'lrite to the Wtarn side of the icsulation. If you have exavated along the loundation, you can uncmes tht e eeflcienc of yar butirnent t'y ad- ding otide ansulation before bock- fliug. Belore veplacg your home's w:olàdnz=.Ietwthey can lioe etp- svy =awd Apply c.aallung arounid tht fran.fa th l.eadreplace iton weathershiapping. Sbormn windows can ho installedt on the amside or outside, addi- bcal glass aill raduce heat iu If you doeade ta replace your Windows, lesve thetlut, tu a proaleuonal. When shopping for new Windows, ask the fallowang qustone Doms the frame slow thet bmnster of hat' I$ there enough air spore betwaesa the panes? Dom. the wandow comspare favorAamtly waah oalstas as far as aiaghtness us concerned? WIII this t"p of wrndow ho easy and-isepensive tu maintain in thet long mun' If aEPIwuet ta ihot etaent in a low eniuivfty' or 1awÈ i mprove efficaency' (Low-E glazing rodure, radiat at a, thiugatht glau ts> d - Do the windw Iril ilsudme stadu s Haw Wîll the installer ensuit à tagtht PIt? Seallag yeu ligue r., aa sae frin your home in consuderably quantitis Slag vo.ue house tg the boss solution tu tht, problrn. Ut is Imspotant ta, supply som imbs air ta, the whole hou,., particularly ta hjel-t'trntng apfane and ex- hlust fans. but this daesn't mn yoa have ta lave wath cold draftst Plug exacessive leeks and instal a ventalation %ysterm that cari hoe controlied tua peavade adaquate fiesa air Se&] aeatand domr and windo;ws and check the condition af weathe"srpscg. Find out ithica peodactias hou fur eabci application. Selalopenings an the floor and itails, an the attuc and &rundcei ng taglt fAxtumes plumbung stacksei- haust fans and the chamce)t Who simil s. the wsakt? Hopn ta ve morMEY' you caa essity overestanate yauf blte While plan- ning a thousand and one prnjecs and envisa"n the finishtd reSt yau may misjudge the compleauty af the work - To get the jt' dont psopeely and at a reasanatle cos do only Uhse jobs you kuiti hawit t do b'es yaurself and let.profesuls do the sat. If you decide ta do the work yourself. proc/ cautmosaly. Ask yasrWsel+ Can I realistically add dais mmaoatao itork ta vny luat of alrSdy- planned actreitte DO i have the requwred skifls? Do 1 have the roqaaared tacts' If not, ithat wotuld as cost tat'uy or rent thtaaa' Calcatae your required outlay in mâterral, and tacts and campait the total cmt ittt the estimates ga ve ' contractors Thtn decide ithether tu do ut alone or ta contract out. Remeinhor alta a consuit local building autiioaties and ta have plwnbing. elctroet and hurang work an- speliad t'y profeaaaosals, dialton His Constrwcn CLAUDE NADOU (519) 863-027 O.My Uou.manhlp LOW RUes :1 -wn Dudia & Fermug - owywd Town auptmvng Par FNIEE Ewbmt. Cao Oms, 711-S22 F 876-1126 De nd a.v .~ Dlwaw eu mm Tiau m- b0f- o..,r C4 coq IIM76I 020 D JEK Kitchens * vu"-. -tm DENMAC MAINTENANCE SERVICE NC.KIImaL - CoeIftaAL DEUS UccUE (416) 111711,03 SHIZR49O!sDMASONSY Cao, si- -Po"u Meu - %fl sff - I4W la IE TR IT~ UfX u a"011:11 LOCKWOOD painting & decora"ig k'toraor. Euaerai'. eaytc s 878-5267 e &59. Wig'KMJ. -e« çitt TLOWEmeOItm -anmiu e oelâ o IIIM1644 SepUt Tan* PuIVplano à Drain Cw.nln LWd. Em..gmncy service Rêsadgratia à Conaaya.ral (A19) 853-2790 COLTrON PÀiNTIrN vNm-ExTuO PDamm For Fr» Estrills Cao Dffl 878-3075 I C al t' mte M ~markt ovuln VOLLL BE GI.AD jYOU CALLED MEC foi IRST w.,..,- a.- R.- mm" 0(416) «P5.2211 OMVWOl (410)0842-1020 As.. (519)>663.2ffl 8EAON & CO. ROOffNG ResmàideMa - Commercial - Industrial FREE ESTIMATE (51) 5&984RoClswood Cotxfly & Rosidontâa 878-8576 Bruce Hood Travel q7jc amy togol lètbrtin 91. 878-28M WHO DOES 1T1oe = ROOFING PUMPS & SERVICE PAGING