WiId Chase ends with impaired driving charge A 21 -tmro Cam~vtl tte nu a&pste udaeta 173 Main St the 5*lbagbmDtat léUon Catit aaauk Omili à àpt.it 17- devt 1au0 atiewo d u w 29hl ~I amStt A bâi hfrttg um yw.Idt-tti a u sir îrkupittttl~ ocum I , l duu Wtk Tueaday t Yug .d Axi A rata wI can tuughuiMiai lit.PoliceMotterî Po mpondedaici 675 ~uward date lu» be ri aiw lmt î Pcf~ .ud t. atatde bnt, ~i A b0~nod bRokwaad manun tyat ht wt f ol Matau Somi whetn ~ ~ti.. ledb Halo,. «eam Polae jsbatnanaaucftci- Polv ene aelied sa à Vikuntw,d upttr a nvohentaa-td in à a aute traiter 51v on Saturday bhotwittg an m gin % utt Ave. radmviee on Fnidi 11, t c Pua à lua athitai th 10tyatt patta tta diie paid tomt a btk and tner at on à( 26lretpita-yoerid rtadevi tpa m à domembr =pb In- tartwit pf Mata andl faut..Sa The 53015X oc puichait the hute Mailer et tht Clovstim Va.iv on Guelphi :aE aaaidltv àvtt buntdtsh- vavt iartaiult at the feitait drt dl the pick-up truk that wlsch tht iw% teceled In I-nuta ut FiwEu Side Road, ittg à ltsg Mtel pipe, and aumttaocpiter5findbsttsaas botkd up and dtayie nanti akMtitg wiai th is taui p Luc ast Palme uy 111.13 worth cW agace 22-vmr-old w aiauhed F4tyuacay. Cu~diit ial n taam akis airai whent the nark mas tn -Fruiav = Zrta43saad ra", ui. lodatfs tu anid iutidris apparttin taiaation ur a an ce- tng t u ani' 5ya.l cols-t it atiahe Molutat. and dmt cf tdtncts Htll mili Irasd mti at- missing The acoeat lwrmurti nttt unt.eseallmateag hiao h Mlatu Aqýzdmvwà a- es dut ta appeur ta cmsat on Jan Il who wa arreain ackmood in Ai a rittuit of thesi tttvumtugtn à etsdtS prt oa t a mupw as clurped à shmart Welltioa Counry. us bswii heki in 16-1râr-otd vasat wm ad watt S tite. Latter a dcwntwa buita Do-t ta" tpai I Chiarges wee laid Eutlkwung anit- lrutk àa cidi.o St.rtdoy nugte tn whud. a 11rr 1 *haorne lai, ce bn -- 5tý The iipaiC i chtrWed wth ta.- psd dmtui& faLut t tu rntri ei the meii Ôt ett aCsdttt dnvu% .fuiri daquaAoed, and pitbjac MWt chiel A court dete hâte bSni ut for Jan 15 FmMad --wgo Ia August à 13-vw-ad Mthcn tu-ctiaf atr tuta atn agreement to ;3- smoeroi Otcuw Sut mattu and he, dm4gho reved dent. tht'amam- tht phone, As à teatui 09 ant tnati*i paloi ate id: a Il-th o1w tng dein Att ttOad ethw cvutit 0f uttflag à denhtr the tsoew». Z-w.r-od mat, of nec fitad addma Wt wat alm charged fftth attetrpn brak and nier in, concrertit wth an incident et an Police searching for supermarket thie ves Hito R"oetftl Pol"c ame tnX-wtln à bmbk and ent et A&B F«edland.n Aýcan, Dunng thetlaie eventng h.ors of Suriday; Dm' 4. cuiprir forerd tvir .&y 'nto the Mre. kxted e 141 6Atl Streti n the b%,mtnm at. b1r CRIME tltrotstng à large mcl thtvughthé~ STOç4ERS OrWo iaude. the culpint. crt. IALTON du.tru à t1tcwough tearc, of th. ohý and rivaned8htdr o k or tan'te iefltht popmrncia. adrmundg i tr j ,al 4l gerbrore rrra.n à t., the large qanttry of ptupertv uket Stocvn prx,çs.t¶ Iron, the tir. ialuét at 56,,500.* ttcoded à utasiUt. ton nttctna. oet. tisa htnd quarter. a ofI:«E NMwr' ;() and 1W5 potind% of pork fattu and bttî a large quantats of m-rt tr the dei wh riw ,luded t,.rke brmti %ummtr .auii andi« .t« o.t. à large quatit oà cigartteso0f vanas>. brandi. andi t mci uset kntvr atiti une Dol wri w ty iiepoo.î t.lje.ý ' jr-v'nt tv an "t th u" tire the "g n fqoenr f 1(w. ail Cni-tn Stop",r, &éo'tU1 w, oS ilU ' fe Ie - utehdat. t M f~ ta r, thas n in -Ys On t, a c anent anr '4 'etorisi ta 'ersa tltit r«.t C-r Di OU.ti tý tont11 nv t~,î ('nr mbtr, u 1 $00-f 4,851 LARRY MARTtN P9 FRANk 1,ENTZ K,m Minas Near Car Sales Manage, andi Bob Veienas. Useti Ca, Saie-, Manage, are piecased ta anriaunce thef crners ofl lte November sales roartest La"r Martin canos-aStncrOd, ble inninq Sales record lthal qoes back ta Maý ¶9ff Inýt1g5ýF cars Frank Lentz was te leader tas lenth cmn n 'he ÇlaSt 14 MontItS Bath are ser.sataonal sales achevemnen's Lierny andi F'arM wst k, rItart ffiete mariv customers ta tieoed mrake fttese wrns toi çtt' LEGOAT PONTIAC BUOCK CAD.AC O=C 2M9 FAIUE ST.. INM UT 0 STATIO Th. NUTRUSVSTEW Wght Lous Pwogrm a--1pd John HM "e. weWgh aid gsW kilo 9" shape. Our comprehensive program works because it includes e Poeuoesazd WÜ Lamj fi A vanety of delicaous fi Dema! ma k ilouagI Pmd'c~to tdentry yauf per- MAtus Sp u w e Programt for lang-flermt sonal wetght 1008 prablen' mels and snacks succOss 0Ntîtrtttan and Bohaviorf counseling cal Today. ucce.d Vwiere it â%L mi wlght los -ome.m l- "does flot indlude price of food * flot vaiid in conjunction with any other offer i 878-4117,I 46w Main St.E., Milton * (Acrms trom Milton Mail) e