RtDESêGiiIO MIO UNRAMO BUftSuU 'CW r'C 'C. -.2.11.0.~. ter.a'- e. * "r. "SOC .4 "-t 3a3 "0' 00W? mia CA>? -. fl-q I EC'*!!e.~* ~100 Sqa.e 'a.. C. " * fi a, r & 'cc.e ,...a.. - -- Cea * - '3 '00 '~*~ E '00" a'O Cie..30* e. -- 41 'C'. E~8q ~* W *'* 'Ct~t - a Cee (Y' 1' .50 I S" 04*.'94 yo..: Demes, EU11CAP! TO MH COUNTNY a- M3 . n .- e V 2a uxucuriv MSI PMCEO MONTI A-9tiC . gd re.a.' DorT 11111111 TOURi O TTV TO VW. «.. .-- JUOT TH FACTO mF1N.YFNUOWLWSS! . ~ioc n...aa, 'e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ^am~w.1. .. , . ae,4p..a ueeEdt W*te .'e. l.. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 M4 >r . . c c3 0 ' 9 - 0~ . . a..l < ' . l . e . S . * I S U 5 5 M 8 M a.. a'a' '- . 0,'* 3 3.~ 304, 3*91 e. 90*0,0 e..g e., e.s ~ . ng aqe .,Cc'9e. "rs., .e .. . aeC. RCM Z16 'TIIE A4L .. . . . . .-n CRIE M e. * lu NOVEI3'Y Stan! COR SALK C' y. .~01 4 .a.c'..CCI ta-Si le.t* S -~ , 5e.,' Ce. e. -..~. .e..e. - - - Oc. t..'çce. '.4,'. a aigo "an 'n'a.. -' * S bore Lco.O', P.,.E ac'o..cl e..., * <Cet *91a4*4 oa. 4,0 ata .83 'a.,-..! pet OvE eE laca'c,. Ce..e.e 'a a.' e... rc. 'e. a r 'a 5.40 PîccE 'r. ct 8:19904 CeMcc. Iraq '.e.ec, e. c.'a0 va., n.,... nos,. 9cr .uav mmeou PeA SMS e.t...e'n r e..ag .0e, . 'en Oe .e.aa..c.< e...c' Te. e0'~ ary r U. e. 'n 'n W .4 9 'n "n. Mp ~. q. a ItOUC T8e. E se., ~ ~U - e.o.4. CeCe ~'n M0Ca~ e. C SUIFOLFISASD E e...StSMJt. im ea e, lo~a er in crai Mitn '.d-e.l for .eny fe .Fo e eails pla conacWJckTOWudlnabu COMECALSPC DOUld Cost ci c'*9 a S)I)s aý co «a, o,. 2a' 5,' ',n -nr z-. c"ey,, ný,aCe *!r 5 aoar"e'-" abcve *Fo' itrg defa':scofllaci S3"- Nada., aool 93,' LÔOKING FOR A BUILDING LOT Tt"S Iwo acre Ic' S 'odalec ýn 1,E CawIÉb e.1 atea Bu'rdu'rg Per t a,/a:lable ana !Itho s a *eI properry Ca. Jack. McC2dtien -o 'notq delais'aot .43 10 RESTAURANtS FOR SALE .e, We currently have two take-oul tried chicken franchties for sale. 1 Both are in excellent locations. one in Milton is approx 1.900 sq t. with geflerous parking, the other is in Burlington, approx ,1.050 sq. ft. in, a high traffic maill Bath have S eat-in facilities. For more detaiÏs contact Jack McCrudden and irmquire about #71. Ixffl -f %C, 1 111111111 M V- .5 &ý1b .1-310 876-1133 a 11109 AUX ýW#4W " ; ) B"cxi W JACX %&,Cfql % 4ACINTHE ÜM10N A la* %tAi J-V ~ i ý"5 D,."ANyý SF Coq Y Affl b Tor. Une 845-BM L 040A 16ký&K.H TPACY l'i in ANN V4oM1A-ý à %**A, f( %ffl 4 LW*irmýwn