_ w' "sU" 11C.GEbl 0Yfl A S4AC0FETA" llmscNGF ,e UOVWI bTO TIIE lml on? e.to. Ar... "1-o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~kI -.--. -CSl'" A~~r a.f W '."'"* ,-'.,'.y*O.4e r!gF Ms." " ., 8aî,Sr 2O... .".a 8'9n rvas. n o e4'-M. o .t, -, CHAMPAGNIE AND CANDELABRA A ~~'g nr'.- nu.s e". -",' .- o YOU GET mHis.. UNIQUE RIANCH STYLE BUNGALOW '.554L -i.S irai- 39 ACRES OF ROLUIGLAND NEW NEW NEW PRIVACY, BEAUTY, WATER-FRONT i5l, Cao' O S<.Ac " "'..s r' OSCcy Pe'y Z '1 5 _e a-.: -- a zess _D,-ateo- a' :a. 2- sa ' oaff 0# K.tngsx 'edi'OC D '8' "e s.r -0eoi'e _- :""ý 5.' " a,."~'S -ç arst YCo :le '0 " "s -,e v<O.e 'M 5'. Yo Il s tPIOMI'7 -a,' M c0,.,c a" Jfea oea' o.Sz t'a' c' ,aie "oea, 'a'- e"t's.s'as' '55 c e 'oc'eat'c"a oote"', a - .""e, --D'-a' - '4-,lte %.st-, VRSTORS - DONT PAT THE TAXUAN -e. i-. n. o'l', rc D_., 1."~a,. cM0 Oo1I ss. ' sore.N8? 26" NEW NEW NEW LAND LOVERS TAKE NOTE!!! juS? rr.rajte& rfir ',e hanet of K"tM-e Prope1îes of t calibre are rare To view trus Property contact Defxrani Giboson or Jeti Wn<y. Sales- Rfflescntatrve-, ai 875 267,' 3 B.dvoom Townhou». Fst*Pi-. Ava,libi end .anu; l'y1 SI' 020 Per mon'- Cali Mat Mal1ai ou lor dota is ATTENTION: TeatINVESTORS :~~ 'on.r Praodomjý Maintonanco pvab*moi - .'. ~ r ~ t~* -~ Our Fuil Managerment se'vico .11 - rolieve rou of tpose a'ld 00101 -OFFICE SPACE IN *8. PRES11Iuws PLAZA"- ln CiiiipbIltvills. Clou. to 401 Mwy. '5' sei c'* -~se sC2. XO 542 SC Pe.a S"cs 320C sa *" 0« ce .e SODCs De-,Sffl. Pcease :or-*&- -'v 'i 1- 'I YQIrLI. CHIAISN nus Ail'SC',,* ~ F00'.' - tt~""'* -' i. CIa ~c,..'r- -sot', S'oav.'.g '..t' A'.- -. ' -. ce' ."-i - ..d *'S0¶ ,.'.g. 'Fr.a N - t% te~' c ,'.n 's w."'.. t.~yr a si 0' -' 'S 'S 'Vt"'s' N'aS ~N .A*' A**~" TIMBERLEA ARIA . NOW Sm.SCOOO M S ir ' ' ". 'e' OnS ont, -a' co~ '~5~.:* r-O - Se n. s' t.J~,O n. an -o a ~a NO 'a - ct. te' - a,.'. - c, - - cM l~, - OS t" .'~ s' THE HOME-BUYING SINGLE WOMAN Increasngy important in toay's houSing market iS the single womnan M~any are buying homes-. ffither by themselhves or tagether with other wamen. This trend relfects the grawing number of single wome4-n in the population. and the growing number 0f affluent single women as $ resuIt of new aCcupatianal oppoflunities. lt aiso reflects h atta ianiiîsiuin are moir ling ta lend money fat'hdme* purchase ta single wonomen (as nesult of ieqal action and moral persuasfon by womeni's groups). Their motivation ta buy is Iargelly financial - a home purchase is best hedge against inflation'and aiso one of trie best tax sheîters avibe ta single wonw The largest mnarket rs in conrtiiniums, but single women aiso, buy single famifty homes. investmenit properto--, and vacation homes. BroloerOwner models ta appel ta women. This 's an important new dev.elopnwent triat can greatly broaden rie base of the home buildcing (R) 878-7488 indlustry. aR aILO DREYIC, eTO PLUSMTIS... "3+ ACRES, M-1 6000 -BUILDING FOR 865000