Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Dec 1989, p. 44

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Home insurance covers :more than j ust the- hQuse J When you buy insurance for your home, yo tri doimg this. ya egtîgProtecion for more than the %hen you loa rnvate propesty the. pay- Yplacýe yuu lw in _your personal property Ls ment you recwie is the actuak çash value ai coveredas well- the tine of bs. Thîst ider>d bv akn Personal propertv includes such thingia th oiial ale aierm f= furchaîa n Sclothes, furîNiture, appliances, pewellerv, an riugîîyîeppmp'..td.eptcr colk.,ctibles. Even your pet is protected However, you can get replace ent rosi in- ~ gans nrmlpergls, excepl ii i% stolen or surance fromt mini compantes if 'ou want it. hît bva vchi,:c Wîth this option, your los% still be paid on a rmolesin equiprçent such a% bksk% the basis of the cosi uf repagring i:r replacing Stuais and in'trumenîs are usuaIli CivVered, the Iter, wîîtt no deductio fr d 'pr'n aîny ofien limitcd 10 51,0(k) as ],mi ste r n Teanuto r iý.n0o lcýj1l Syour homne anddleAe int ase teiarn monprtr1on th ue ofathe Whie bKatandis tradler are coserî'd article wKenit's insurcd Usually, à su~ot ,while on your premises. a recreationa] mg evaluatiott report from a qiahlîf p .0 vebicle or bouse tradler îsn't cuverx'd in the praiser ru needed. -~standard homeowner's polîcy 'fou can in- It' a gond tdea to, kep this ýesaluation - cude this In vour automobile insurance or outside your borne 10 protort tf frýîm theft or' get a triler floarer policy. A floater policy fire, a copy should also oi youl broker or provides addttional protection of your pcs- agent. The appraial suld bel rv"'ewed sessions, esperially ichen they are rexnovcd from frme In frme t sueyou ntunue ru, from your home. be adequatoly 1Proece UsuallY. ihe maximum cuverage youuIl You mas requr sr cverag for valu. automatucaîlsi gel for vour Poissessions able pessellersi Aft.erau-ve hil t item ap- under a homeowner's puIie is 60) per cent praised. it will be scbrduled and surîsi ai uft he tnsurance on the buih1ig. Su if vour the appraisd value. It us impo, t ta, have hu s i nsured fur $90,000. the protection jewellMr appraised by a reputable un the con tents should be S54,0Xk0 unless you gemologisi. It is wiser 10 have the appraisal buy more. one by a store ote than the e where Wîîh a renant's or condominium unit you purchased theic owner , pos ;c, ou can select the amount of An appraisal vI c a gro! d ption coverage sshich suils vour needj, wbirh t, nevded 1rpace the te tin case Rogairdiss îîf whates'çr polics vou choose, of los$. f :s alico a guiileline foîr dt rmining lits .ti iii toeep valuables s uch as securities the, refait replacement value. Fi e erl as a nd cash in a banil or satety deposit box. pewllery îs suectx to wîde iul îion itr lansi policies inqure cmlv Up to S1.Osfl on mnarket pnice, an appraisal mi nc -irate- secunties aind S2( n cash IV reflect the curreni pruce ai the me of a ellerv. warcbes. gemrs and] furn are dlaim when the article is replaced protected againsi Ios ,v thefi tor a total The same is truc for a ,os of a tne from amnon t of 5,1») under a staiard home- a ring. The insiarance conv dil par for owner s policv The limit cn coin collections ihe currerrivalueuof he stone and i sa f re- 1,sIffl1, and on a sîamp collec.tion lu' 5xfi placemneni in the 5ettinfi But tte îtrtpany 'four pohicv may also hal a special ihcft îsnît cîbliged tu pay for other mai tcenance lirna of S3,000 on goldware and silv-erwart- work 10 the ring. Oncie vouive taken rnveniory ot your per- Jewellery lusse are settds] usuall by Te- sonal belongings. vou may decide vour pai ring or replacinmg t he lest or da ma cdl item policy lîmit% arenit hl enough Itou can In- with a similar item. In somne cases, e Com creas e t otal amount of cîiverae of vour pany rnay chixsetogivea cash seutl cnt. content% If sou hase items .shich are espe- For more information regarding ho se and cwalîs' saluable suh as furs. painting% and peso nalpropersi insurance. contact the In- antiques. thes' shosuldi 1w tnsumed speritîcalîsi surance Biureau (if Canada, 181 Un versiîv tsch,.siuledl. Your agent or bniker can assîit Ave, Toronto, M'-1-3M7, or rail 416- 2- 952IJ. Living through a renovati n Facv it - ilr ou are gt;n rio _j J akv sure vou buv a,, k, t it:th end iif wî'h, ,imd had i ri thei ( r, rnotma-h lie. , i,,. miýn gli fi t n-' snF tin n ('nivi r-nm lu, un. in, Ntut, î.i.i g in a l'erharpu '! .,I K the Jas oUr çhiluIrcit ciînitra,r us iii., ttnm hit r, i' %a,-i n, ai annuic thvs te si,k iii ( inuc- ldtu for t(ýý11Xu. usurt of woirku lr't'c as, e Lud breaiktaist lunch and] dînner Or ihç day you unsl Slt.,mîtii nul a",! i. s% i.. iaced reiwe sîîu 1liathc the brnght rs-d tathtub thit the mo(urnfu.oýl tifs t [iiiit inl tne rouîm luxîluud -i %(i undural in the 'huis n sým Or tir ttni i thr .rs, r the das %ou dî-uîsî u'us madh e ,ruanv k atuî sto uuý' h chanîge' tii thv i-r., rai plans. i IlK tuso imatierdals Oh surv', tf s in' t' get In 1 Ihe year% fnumri nesr tis lr bf(irc i s ail .lu,,w,oorn and siant iinn a )und finIshcd. simples ofi exolic maiernals, bu bc fiaIang rrnovatInn dcîne s% lie sitng in rejsonable. One woiîmn stopperi ber ntîre the dentisî's chair for four monts siraigbt. Mob while the wsirkmî'n usaiied toilher Su here's ho%. to koep moments of angtaisb, mirbie fi;,i [Z- quarris'd in itais depression and downnight hostilîty tu a min- , j Try 10 kutep changesý ii a minimum The imum morme changes yu make tii the rigInal ian., à Plan ahead. Hoir long can >iou lîie wîtl thei motre ils% giug lii îîîs and the ling r the dusi and dirt aUl over every.lhing' s% the l u.'îi go lin, us uis tainu assare that us hn lthe luit 'ion sý J Don't rush to the finish lume, As 1h 'end ba-ng rtsn(lisîîcd, svtu'Ii No us.lng oti a lotii ut he pob approaches. us' rcmptinog 10 ring Do viîu andl vîur spo)use sec eye-ti este on in aIl the finiultang trades - such as pai ters, the woirk tii be dî'ne - tir are sîîu going tii W fierm and carpetl avers - ail ai once. But argingi about the Iichen cuplad rîghl vîîu'll gel: a better fînishîxi pnîduiic if you up lii the day theyre instalied and] itutoer prucred wîîh one irade ai a lime Othe Ise, ahteri you risk une lob interltrîng witti anoth ,O -J Trust vour renovator fies vour busi do you tuke paint speckles (in your car frîend until the project es donc. Mak sure, J BIe flexible If you can't gent YOur s al- he s a member ol a home builders' assoia- quarriod ile. uiurvlv then, is something eise titsn and chec.k oui hîs pres'iu wcnkt ihat will do jusi as well? If you'se chosen wiselv and communi- J Mos important ut ail, tale limne tu gel catcdwith bin well, you base nothing 10 comort'able ssuîh your tenovation. Ku ois worry about. It's alsol nîce 10, bc friendsu t hat look enormous wjlth only the stud in, witb the worknen. The odd cuap of coffee shrtnk whtrn the drywill i up. Spaces bat wouldn't hurt et her. fi can ma ke the dît-' seened more ihan adequate on the driang ference betwoen a good job and a rushod buard suddenlv su-sm crampssi usheu he one where the workmen can hardlv waît 10 turniture is in. Gise yourscu six monîh te gel away from, an abusive homeowner. gel usWr lu thîngs. Il mighi even b.e a g J Don't dimappear. Il may seemn like a idea to, resîsi Ibe idca uit Woavy duîv dciat- gond ideat to take à long holiday tin another "ng untl you'Sie bad a chance lu lîve uiîb countr wchite a renovator soIses your thpe order. problems. but it isn't. One cduplc irent away aAnd. nmember, a certain amount of doubi for months wchite work iras underiras, but dueaesprfclnomlienyr retumed tri dîscover they dclested th lite us ursdergoinq surbt a major upheaval. bathroom. Removing it added more thanAfeal.i pedn'cr bott. S34XO 10 the. rotit. lt's a Ilo tdea lu tau homes, they(d ail sloep in their cars, m'm ?t close tu the m*ed takta dally iraîks th-xugh WenUcorenaltdpa.tieu- if peaîlc hatwayyou avid udd n nture is airrartged and yr neit quartcrs il.i il.iui ayui aodsdet aie rIn use, >xxu'a find l1 was ad irorthitI atter large ibtxks. auL Gréat reading, greail To daj Senfic Clul w nasill If you're 50 years of age or belier. you have coming lo you dtscounted savings, preferred service, great eading exciltng contests and rtuch more! Today's Seniors has a rrangeti for you ta r eive discoutîns and preferred service wmlh hundreObf business s lhrougrîoul Ontario (somne in Flortda, Ouebec. t he Martimes a out itesi tocl) These benetits are yours when you use you ody's Seniors Club 50 Plus Card gvailable t0 you through Today's Seniors newspaper Today's Seniors is the leading newspaper t pecole 50 plus. If il's inlereslîng, enterlaening, Controversial or affects your hiestyte you'Il find il in Todayl Seniors .There are mafly fealures f0 enjoy! Your Today' Seniors Club 50 Plus Me rshtp Card entitlles you toi * 12 Ismme of Todoy's Seniors deliver t0 your home * A convenient, easy-to-carry dlrectory lstling where your membershlp discount* ae avallable * Eligiblity t0 wln exclting mronthly con~ se air ElIgIbllity t0 wlQOur1 annluel .1rip for o". And,. discounts andi prefere ete aI ver 500 participating busfiesses Here are pust Somne of theoOut Is where you can Save" e lack Creek * FoodCfty - The Oide Hide House Pioneer Village Lenscratters iden Rent-a-car *CN Tower Mister Transmission Vaihalla Inn *Chf=i Hotels *P Lawson Travet Whîîerose Crafîs & Nursery Nome and more Toda>,à Seniors C",~ Plus bergaina are being armng.d ave,> swfl M Omar enad/Mn the club *.............. d.......... .... .................... WJIL. TO: rivs 9mmm cwâar le ftw r oi 14, 48.4m M ide-*-.60. im c * PlionoI m"~. menufd MU SUA M MS AD P.-, ào. à~ "',?d.y k.rioC*5 h. Cr 'iin . ToAat,.1 sobarl P. hnosvx . hm . Soi oiuiiainaix. .....o ~ i ............. î .............. *àC e 2 a.. frd prmp* i Cq wkom 14 16) 49o3.soi4n fil

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