Condos are becoming popular lfor yeart-round pleasure Whether Yosu are using il for a sume up *il over the, map in nesort-.tyie drro-beng taken ote of in yotq asence, byr a these artis ame exciusively yuso atc ' ffrt, Or Wînter gctAW&y. Or JiU bUSe mnenua (Or WUekoed reUtat 'Ali.=tis proety mainagement oespany romim oWnfShîpý (if ier deUils suds as you want ta enpy vanous sporting acûtiswis nsaiuti snce chatsi auodiated with cottage As with ail condomniums pisichaires tie location, seueity and insurance maeds also ail yer round, tise rersationai con- and chalets. saie faits apply In ,eioacnng a suitable requise consideration. domi.nium is qumckly limonfing lhot ruai es- For titie conmsiig a recrattonai recreumal condomninum property Deuails A number of reuitors. spectaize i cc:; tate. hoery au are not ns'erly fond1 of tihe sucis as types cd ressdenoes. comsmon espon- donsinium transactions. Deorningpanc Aihuh contdornsiums as primary levr mtimes associated witlt thse ses and property mnanagemient vary front titis torking partnership can mean" good ad- hot iae en very popular with thetiiradlionai tsciated e5cape. the rsnrt con- develope té dev'doper so Ilit " s imnpor- vice and a watchful eye on tif details. overéO âgse group, tlsey air also bemng seule- dominium of fers camaraderig and fiend- tant to resties every last deuil belore Thse recretiona condominium is provinx ly considcred by aimaist e"ei age as an ail- ship amid well-designed indoor and oui- Itakîns an offer te purchase.t eascr netetadqaîyfr téilatie rr!matona ~~rtydcur laciliîtes n licmmunity settine Wihnyour contdominium dciaratoon of rrsort housing as more and more Many young urbn p .t,..eand tr"d- with year round 'fr-l a,i roriatton and you will find Ittgulatin regarding yowrCndasdsoe sseulalr n bttuaimn* nestemi whio ame not preptain endiess openuit r heaihy sporting tic. flghts te, seU., loise or rent your unit, If you sehere else can our generuu snow 4alis (or take Up IZallime residence in a rerreationai. iîviuitis =umeZy$sone or seunter retlmat plan tu rent your recratainal retreat during tiresome hi-ai wasrrsý be ithe barbingvr of ptupery.r"rough it" in alraditicinal cottage can bcea nese and recvarding exerience. voUT absence, these items should bc careful- such dclight' Ansone for tennis' manne, have disccwwd thse advantages of Tif- us added comfort in iînouwing your Iv consudered Another deuil o( greal Impur JTi.atil sp-o ddb A nuE tiseyncrdtonalconemîauminveument contiues té promise a god tance te the osener of a recrealional con Real Esaat Asateion <OREAi fie the *r Dy thse ake. on the cuss-ceunr traill or reun as )îou sip your brandy by the lcug.finie dominium us the beunidanes of tifs-e in- &1,,e ,, -"p er. in thi, p-ul<sor near thse alpine siepes. sophistication in the in tihe cozy luxury cf your weekend home dîsîldual unit market. Th's artice us iin-t ied frein Thse -sun or sasos only adds té the fuit, and for Better still. vou cas kxck thfe deer and head If yîîur unit fsatures a patio. deck or yatrd.Ioows, 1f'tve ew.Lrurr ande . publ,.Ad tifis tesson condominiums unfts are popping back tei the csy ksowing yeur isv"enct is your owsership nights wl deluse sehotier by R'iyai Lepe. ;. is '. 1 .1 tI t.:41l . i i ef i - *ro&ariowsst £TTA~* A RED A ONIEN maSnm C. - éZ 0,5, ,4 R ASO4BEE * ISAIELI. MO9~iNS 1-0124 SS4.2131 kILT FOR awT WAPPWO :.K.00...a%.t s,-,~- -r-e -, rex ~r rt. e Sa. e . e,. e- As. 'y CIUUa auasu asi VA Cffl- -11 11 "'e" BUTc -NC A, edCapÈTý effl tv e-D .ff th. f . '. ~ i-e W. e-, Cf -Y., C npt eotte 1a4.t - f4e1 éi 94P94! s. ý3 kx*_ 4-Pt ýA.ý 490 ét. Oit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S6 aM Cm!e>,-- &-We Cr'.0. arm 0r £setd 422 LM-s -2.2"s T OT VtD OOAUEI -s STAN? THI MU VIAN UTYN A MU NOus ,*eJi~ ..-, at--y., - Met. Awe.r~9, j..4 'I 5..r, *îs-~ ta. taxr. 00, rtR acre., c.',. ~ "-'r Mti~' Ire, --c.'- -e n*. .,a~.s. k'- .,si i., t bar-sel J 'Vessa.. rose "SOC SA~ O ',<t *nrIc.ira 4e -fi- e a 8ia~ i.-*-J- *i ~ii-OIe, bai.. tiijô Y' L M Ste. 4,4 7255 lb%00 '- Ta. blé-'aIr.-%.m 0 c &Ç-f - 3.OU - b. WbO " 95,4 2294 - 8U4 231 OMT CA" m MM 010SNTA .-y P- p- . .We 0 - Q r sDe~aS7M 'us A - se uoumZoo ATTENTU9N SALESPEOPLE: Stan the 1990's wîth Ontarso's fastest gbowîng 100% Canadian Reai Esate Organîzation We have private office spaces available for four fuli-time professiona saiespeople. Don't miss thîs $Golden$ opportunity to be pant of our success story Cail Sylvia 854-2294 for an interview. 36 MW St .-MSLVL M Ç-24 &429