Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Dec 1989, p. 3

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Councillors fear water pollution from gotu tawmi quanty for mark«gtter mçteratans mh l si îlon undàgs«@. MW" co.cilar wmdMonday it. cath. an an 'tap aM'm Mudtoat can Cauncitrsotcia b ard tas infai fgiurI- thwi Miustsuaga develloapranunt ad"er ta the Militan bordui pttding monit retitution cf the.I .uter quattty aiues. Thi, o soppost a stril vesidenoal sub- division akang 101b Lisw. put insde Mixais- tauga Aithougs tit subdîviaras as onty 5 ,tiall laits.- said Milton public marksa diraiclioar >ohn ý mtiews. osascillagrs toserrted doetr- minai te tend a marang Sni Misssauga tair therse t igritt th rte tr s hte air nu that as Mttst- tauga (ilts up Misessauga t, unibli ta deuil Hydro dumps coalfly ash- issue on region Dp ROB KELLY Totwn planning diraii laob Zàadanyt ha% signaIksl has intenition ta stefalkly oppose arv p ansOntano Iycimohas to dumpisitisn ,ng tite ieltîrey&litt uct n . t hfi' u -o' would tocsin Speaing ta feutra couitirtr getirat cotmmit- tr Mondavingt M r Zaadanyt noted thu$: "h ,tnn -it on i at the staff level 49 bein$ îîpposed - ta any sucit ptup .alMi adnyi -d hi ill -bc brîigîing ausstrprse The grsr cMmitte, idorged Mr. /nadanso. positin opposing any tncroetid t r- k traîtic pRarnsi Ishe ionp ti ndct Dsfrs grieSatîs .as on a ftîtrit clflo list potiîl titat w- domp fly "hb This ash aimes fnsm the .h imnî-v% Mt thi, Lakestits tuaI fired ranersy P.a nt in Mîsuitrauga tlvsdr claime% the matila us tnetn but the thme Ilsidmroepre- scntatises alt indicatcd titey crapped a plan liduJ the îh in lait. Ontario, do., te an- tcptpubis cotri Lina! iltièen gistupi concerni ttith water u1 lîtvnd Mn- MIton czounrctîkurs mmrngsy oppose tht Hydro plan. sith thae paramrourt mealien t. n ý estir potettilwtater upply cois- l'i u nquary straddtt'4 the Atisabicl aqoifer. a majoir yndergrutund source qs@o marre tar t hiti. n Ciuolkiat andi Miltt st.f as anell as the ratepaters g-riups. ame concerrned titat thse atb -il] quckis -ep imî the water table lsrauwî the' ground htrming the' bottos ofl thet quarrii' s% craco-J througbniut by nsinin& slnun Tht ttatti r-purt indutattos 4, heataN ttukLs on ave'rage, motils ýtranport ash mt.t the propoicti tacilitv daily Thtat is a retatiyely în- significant niîmber given the tact the l1u&"r nom itandisrs 30005 giatrel truck movements &roundi the quar" per day duning the busv suttmt't toion - But Mr Zsadanyt sais planning staff con- desstn any =~se in truck traîiic on the aI- rotadty biasy Tie truck tralfic report came out -et ltan rsrgîonl couiscit, mitre Hydra reptestatîve alto appme at mItnorttng ne succest tn Mit- ton . *»Co*»AffAl on pe"e Rates to double Deveopers to CQsts fori soei municipal service, in Milton avili go up. but moue of thon won't have nuih of an impact on usxpayers Tihe luies amt Large- ly mage iar aasde-elop« , Tn loncî g msea coasmtss apprîts-si th, hne .ua îit at ' toi. uancil N eips-ted ta rubitýmr-ttp atainrat midik tJnderthe proposs the charges fu aise., teléis nm mm umnemsumK. owsctiéar voir la Mi9bltn Tissé butp'm ss1edilacsobute Brien * ieauamad »Mai. e Nissant bdlev diemdi amie cât due 4 bettel is hmlu ,*Ds m o m as ttsn uim as =esmm~ dme go hMe palhlm coueti. mtasd" mi ehat mie pmoe no= t li e or et lâesu @MW both la ~eid M> P=tri mut la tht rnoiaf accwttn.urtp Natmonevtum i*wt as aturface mager migrate ults th =an hil aieaa heai bermàe tive ammiet ditchem. suisms ami= inta thet er- devlsdapssi ae it thse ame ai the issdsuteia rain. De-ekprinent obvoumly changes the ai 16-Maile Crillit. ih it a mtsegd by HUCA. sroetr flama in thie original lasésin ala- Ato, as tihe runail lionsi tihe develaposnts etud'îmhet à 'lmoa ar %;atsdscep d m iUi drain into rural Militait in a mt-case huai butt. Surface, mater rs0f .nomin morsai Miltois would basse grounds ta malte a à morse pressing tsnvirtnnsentel caon-nra be- court case agissait Mtiteamuga aitauld.the nessi cause sus 'migmtinK watercatt pick up un- esrerntty ariste. ounciliai and aaf midi- wantai substances aloog thei seuy sudi as reai cateai fmi.md. it can aertbe a probleri in rural plasla e aiatHCAbu unlarP- aote. lautt surface mater migrtion acmoem matorn dte otg lhdang stt Miîzed fields a titouglit ta cause aaer poilu- dlu;~mt mt ,uîy ntstttpa non avsuiyu ttm nd rtwmrs aymplshntatimarsneieq Sus-bm~taf isnow ing .sotated Ma e po*- tIeongi.ue aeamii1 aas sablt miajor cause ai poUutiot ut Klta aseor- thesi may apta Miltan." Pssm ty .ofl tMW N Homemade trimmings ToCimttmm tise et FL C. Drury Higla SchSooI- lokist the maiarnei front lise Io ymat tiunt go titis rigial oreeone of youngaw t.e udente frons E C. Drury Junilor Schiooag légl~I~ ichelle #6i~a (coa) > goiai Smal lrlht) oser@ et the tallés ochoo gota iat doSations to the huflgrts. Hlgh Sehool eludent Jugée Cta*rhboer- encourgement ta the creativ kida. ,face brunt of increased taxes ,a ry pàps-tssrk in t hedeelopment ptsicestigo op. aithougit the financîal transacttint have n fwan-ng on mhethti or net sucd oafficiait miii approve sucIs thîngs as plarning amrsdmett preposais :n thac ne-~ tat ptpa oifitiil plan amirsdnsent charges mîli rumpIron $451) pet ta SliOO RaSidential subdision application pratitng toîligep ti$'l per tn the' urbats area and $2e1 pin rural Miltotn tii S7I Itîr esthmtr nt' I1sînngsý bt-ton tht' cstmmittt- it ad1ur-t- Ment, w ih sq a lundi of inhumai oiurt ti" taniner Louing %atuanin .sI Ji P fup on $h1 Tient chire wirrointtestdct lallom- ah suvea 7utsunding mnattpaltt"r in er t degatinsrtti thisrr procadmiwe in ont of the geai aree« peniaiaînig ta the avora~ rtae . simnmîs p rare, of- gastis tomn goai up by thep siiately aoti dallai acrosma tise board H-aUalle îmb tuai, $25 ascrtm the board. i reniais malt go up 11we -lo am fai mae géant eemnlt Industriel mubdlvm am etkMd play' capoiego taidisets se .~ lie agencé dississauga = 'o th 6u*aâMaiciz hai uçet ay amt aul tanderd mlWrwa 6 Of hiaum oaèçm ia. mcutidila Porman seld. 'dom youer eys anai thinit mut wll happas it Warf"i r (Mtiaueia Mayr)Hm MtCalloiit dmk.- Mi anmis 11,wtf confuistad by thetl géant therat are tno provincial gutdeltg an the isss The Mlmistty of the Eisvlnrnmnt as studying it but M. Meffoi td firm action ohs thesi peri couldi lai yet away 1%w do vue get.an amger ta the mater sotneteacot vrigein tht tww Nfui4get send à detion~Latntg tlwtr position, ie said. -nothlng s =y comntng «qmgethors-e Lost parking spots 'to Cost $3,00O apiece ap ROB KELLY Tomn ounilors mottai ta corrmi tnequattes in Miltan' do.ntosn parin glmos *Ai gerbera] carinittr M&dy night Utider the proposed new fuies, deveiopens avili puy Mure if they choost ta shave a fav parking spots in the inteetst of mure, building Currently ti cuits thei tuniapality ai lcast Si6O0x) pe space to creati nss parking tn tht urbin aia lien one' conaîders tht cou ot land ansd crtution ho lait. MIIitn'- 1t st municipal parking lot on Miary Si îtt ibStanttilv mort than thit, on the' iuder of li.t) er space And M muIti-I&vd parking garage nom ýosîs abouît $2itl.XE pet space Penalty tripled C.unc.ior optai li,, tx--4 the' pZnaIt tir deftîtenti parking spaies Iron tht cuient $1,100 pet %Pace (Cos8 tu tht e lei tii $3,MX) p-r spac The taspaver will pav the other S3,ilh pc "pce rrsiilting front the parking shiîrtfall tac revenue ill go inte a gceral parking fund, nome c-mpty, whicl avili be used te consirsî more municipal parking in the crampisi do. nie.n ar" Utiîl no%% town planning directîir Flot Zsadanyi gsosAted out, taxpv~- hasv bre ptcktng up almost S7,04) o tht XX Skt) b i- cause the dcvirlopers ni-rn onît, bn-ng chargesdi Ciîunilkiî Ritk Day was m.irned the' nn'n charge wîîuld dîler %il boutique- butinesses nhith lie- %aid contnibote to the cham of a dtlntt)nîîm anIm rm kucatingin tht'con, ts' look at the domntomýn again on th.- theory that tc 'h oAl point' Boutique osenere Coiîncillor Lesa Laugister cotanteresd that th«t plan priîpo..td by town planiner Robin Kitcbti mas mworkabie dtrfeiss.ble qwtabie - Councillor Bruce Attenboiough .aid -uh boutique owtser nhoutd bc subject tu the samne rolIt, as etm)iont ese. patcularty since thet, oiten abuse domntitmn parking thimseIes 11wh biggaat oalfesders pmrbung in the, donîniow sacsa atm, th~si poupée that omn that Iittle "hp. Tiset atm titi ore mhc aboîulai h payîng ( Ur the paJrking -- Whlf couillor Day manted the impact on amaller dovsntamn butinass luthcr studied. counactîkir Laughttn pubhed for a tougt tli against any devloptêr mlso would teniove a parking spac,. as oppýitd ta simply neot tia ing the riquisîte numw-r tuaucconpanv a nets building Absolve tazpayer Lr Laughrsn -aid Sch pitipl ild W.r chtargeai tise full 5)1) ltvy bmlng the ta.- payer of tesponsibihty in agtser s-mes Hommyt, il t coincernas and objections tite htld back pesaiing a hr staff-iciai oniram- pact in tue domntotin aui. - Titiufore aihugl tise polac'> me generalîs supportai bj counchfcia. s ttne csauld 1w tonvee changez. At ît stand, coutsc( wiI have the option ai tmposlng the standard parking reclulrent or, acce1tting the cash metienitut.t but tht>' mîll ort>' ume th" poe. rta tht dosentatn ate. Otagae the cote. everiws la expisiai ta SttPPlY dit netah parkin aPumisTh-s pepe- üP aed optio tof a<Mtttg itt csh. Sunday shopping showdowps. trasi SUMNA ont page 1 have baatap1nsuved -the olede H allowing large dnag staitea ad conwens at Actufs and Brumh, Sqsxx Vilage in Oak- gai., ta optn discrsmînatesaatu rtn vile Seaite af the targui dnasso. 1w id.-n -Yii 'u tan't have cie amis exempt and as mari' food a dnips anothie atai nut able a opm." 1we àa. Sncndl thy degmmt t tn ourit mt- Wlia mais. thia eMbtrory dmiom." puau4 mhkh akie a aim nat Ragtête taf à1guedt thoi M*etsm Hal- luny anwe oopent on Sundeay tu oiart bthmubènteotlSi i m à rictlbal lu lqln. or nstncemaw exemptions piglua.

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