Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Dec 1989, p. 34

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FENWICK gaa rrott 359.fiit0 Getting off the trea4mill ofdébit Imgn . t HERYL MObIT.CGA ianaatx-fuea invastem watbh nu ri*& and a guarazuaa rate of aeturn. If ma>' scund toa good in bie tnae. bit ut' nati eat repaylng >05w aM i debt ta. Tiairte0 atrn couid casly be g-ste tisan 25 per cent a9wvent ta a 33 pe cent ta 45 par cet rate of retumn an a taxable invetirent - depending tapon >mur tait brocka,. Reayng. pernicnal det as an usequaliedi nvetment, and raonizing tisat facfas thse mat à mportant mep tai getting off the trtedmiU of periians] debt. Once >,pu've takS, thse deciuton ta taka, younself out af thse red yau wsli then be asie ta face the next hurdie - listing your dets. determansng interest rates, repymest tanins and calculatizag your assets. encarne and expendîtures. Wnting dlown >'our financiai position waill promiide yau with a startinfi place f rum whiclg ta choase due vaflous options for rrpaying your deba - bquidating yeur as- unts, conculadatang your debt. reducang your etpesda- taire and incramanf your ticorne. If youi are thenking about laquadatmng your ammt and bormowang ta cernseladatte yaur debts. thse foiowsng fac- tan sould be coassider, the after-tas rate af return on; asst, versus cot of tise detit. marit ctanditians, pena-ý d at lr liquidation. renancing muit. aumrt"aio of boîhan and the type of han (tg. parmonal lhit af creat instaurnmant lotin, or aaeud wtae. If you dan't own an>' uet consctlatmg your deia may stili b, an apuo. xmne your lIde Inuranai polacy ta mme if = -reasa cash vtaluer yuu can borraw agaist.Bornwîç founfansil>' maintien cari alto lie an atrcti lterna,.=Tiealihe> ma>' weloase the oçapor- lainI>t atm ar hagiser rate of relurn on their savangs. Roducang yosw expenditures nu> lie du mut painful optaon for repaying yaur personal det but at cani le mare atîl> achieved b>' cetng a terittes spendang plan. Renserber ta include annual arregularexass sucis as ansurance as well as manthly expýs tI-e Your final optaons fer getting aff the peruaisal det ta-td-. maill as ta ancruate yeur ancorne etier through a part. tame fob or evein a carent change, Person 'I debtu can be a source ofi mcrtna.ad motiva- tion. There are even sortie anaier eha fil tisai poplen detmake tise best saiespeaple. Of course, the best oppraiat ta a,.ree yaur Incarne seal anse, once Yaeuoe s ully "epid your debt and are able ta clunnel du moite>' hicis once ten ta deSI epyrent anto building your savinfis. R Renovatiôn mm sometimes E 'a 'little work'1 can become A L major structural changes E s A T E las% vîtur drtiair himie andi ai lasi. is' vî,urs Sure, i necals a litîle work. but sU sehat' Bring mn the dumpter grab a crowsttar andi Ivt-, .gt ai ;t, rigisi' %% -'nrg l'ts't he tirat sirole "f tf-e crus, bar andtihe hast c'ai (If paint. maris a dtr-'<n home has turnoil etio niglsamare ali.'t oriiîei homebuvers Who ihtîughî r'mv, in meant "a uit' work Ask your'-t How mnuch do vou knos. about rénovationir wav Andi lut s.ht'n do vota think youi-e goarg iii tinti aime to, do ta ai17 Wha if -a lttie work- tum. unt'npe.î- lv ito major structural chanSI' ltsîb and Marg ahîtugsa tha,-r centurv-iti t,îciuna n ttwnhiîuat neetiet "a hiti tork' Bob usouiti tear oui the, fais. ctiîgs Is hile ma rg santied dowr the- floua-s Tiser one dav, ittit cauaili n'miwved a pise at tamiser whî.eh Is-t ielaring agairsi the' ra- sli - andi waîtis.-t in hîirrsr as tht' sait caime tumrbirg doser At that point. litIt taced the tait'ý lie isat a major -= ,olm n hi, isards andi peas otisers t hana te dreâmetd ut vet lie hts'd a renaawatîr %V'îth htiisitng pnhîe. saring r"'t more peuple are Choo.arg to rero'at ha ahev have Torruntortan spent almo't 54 hi] lionr renoivattor Lat yt'er But whiere do voui iand a rerovator' And~ s.hat asactiv does h., do' A professcanal renovator t. offeet a de'.îgn/buiider whis can take "our prttatct Intir a gleim an tour &-e ta fnihWt praiduci. Ard vou won't fin.] gu>s tîke hum sittaIrg on the taugate ut a track. - Finit. asit fa-tends andi netghhours-wso have hâd samilar rentatators dore rorentit But durat just laite their word hor it The Toronto Home Buia' Asscitlion lias a lit of ttrms speciaaing in rnovation anti redeveiopments Aiwavs ais for reiterences and tisen vtut several cornpies proI-ts Atmr ttra od fit b«twaSn pa-opect anti reasuvator. Ir ulier seords. don't hie a Viciortan spectalisi ta do your ultransoders Eurupean bitcher. But yourie stili not ready te start Yeua necti a budget, a clear plan ot.cortiraition anti a contract it vutou hutila Tis pln ili reame an santit later wîh aihe ~d.ng in- spector. A propertv anitraileti set miii aise serve au wtet. art m.unde-rundlngs about tise s.trit rt-Ue For inosa saratai hforsearti renovattons. a Simple conta-at 1t do. Tie Tonte Home Bualtien' Assoitaon Renoyvataon and Redevelopmcist Courisal as fine-tunanfi a tsew standaad cana-ac . la seUl be ready for use shortiv. taimsng la everyttang Yota can't JaSt hire sonseane and gel te wark the next day. Yota mut mI1 local zoning Sylases and acquare a aualding permat fromn yaair muinacpalt'. Vaur Plans mut also canforan te due Ontario Oid ana Code andti el rerquare a capable liasp.rtlon will be perfarme tha-ougisas cottr,-titr - ect'trKil. piumbing an t heattng a. wt-it as trueturat irf-tutn - thse building it.phsttr (In a large- p'h esyi. ai, -~ the btaith and i rt' itpamrt. ni, lie-t l a- tt 1'u1 , i -'- ett f. rt-ntt.ata, tf-tr 1'lh - 'h,.J. theusintvr'.- tht-s -Uid 11- in f-t nr att hittte s t' ,,,-th. s.tr' - i ri lut th.r evn itc reus--n iliit t- nn tht-m tut-. h- hor t' nahns,-, Tia h-' t -' o 1,ttt'n a- 'i d.ýg tram,-J nio' a t-, i51- it i.-t hou,-1, t.,l k. i %e îutsknt d.t --t ti tIti -u rý-r l- 1 . . . .. - Understanding house pricies What detr-niines isoue pa-tces7 For maris, tas% difftult lu undeastant hoas a marktet tani ha se ptWe unihangnd for a vear or more anditie have pnteaa mte 211 per cent overnîgit. Uike aIl commoiies. tise markte oueratc,- on supplut arýd demarnd Out. tisen' are ir- portant dititerence, l'eople but htuinga a necessaty anti alcio ait an investrnmt Tiss. two factum are ai wta-i samulîanet)usly Firsa. coisder tise -nneesstv aspect People nord a hou.. tu live an Ir marktet, wetre people ame movtng an lover the lasi couple of tuva rt, 1010,00) peoplet. pzr vear have bin movasg te tise Greater Treante asia), tiseas sutidensi Secmes more buyers tisan sellers. In ander ta balance tihe mart, mare item housaug must bc coniitructed. This takes lime. If a subdivision math sea-vic:,d 'land isana avatable, tise proces could taivre "m em or longer In tise utnm prces mave up dramatci as raew people bu> misates'er as available. Nous. iras ltok aitie tnvestrncisa facto Wlsen a capittal gains tas was tarit troi- duced, house Mmce mowed up Wtt>" Tisere mas na tax on tise sale ai a principal resadeuce - tise otsly suit .aasnpted. Wheas tise stock market crashed Lam Ckiober. w heme daid a lut of pemiona iavesien mary> go' Ta rat] eate (houai) and ruail esate valis tncraud &gain. Wheee do mortgage rusfia an' Tise> influence demand - fia-st an ternia af sehat . people cani affoad and @aconit>' mnaking an ainveutnw ent hatutrcise. z> therriselves, mailgage raies "huld go an e o te dasection ta houae pris datund muid riae uit tçase of thit be- masenoe people aim nmng inua an amt or Susu lamâi nctunes amie S singlser and tht>' cari afordl tai mate bigger mntgaae p-yaents CHRISTIE & WOODS. REAL ESTATE LTD. 189 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-2095 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT 3000 S.FT. BUNGALOW ON 2ACRES- 5bi tritiy a bungalow y'ou can boast aboutl tur bedroomrs, sun, living rtoI shwes u,.e lflrough finlitace ntlh cbning rooco A don wttadh a"csn- to mausIe rio<*om cari Lie ureci ast nu'-Ltay or stl i. cofleroil andi batwl v"tded c-nahngs Urge lutchoei andi ýot of extras. Cati Tin Newts 10 view thie sturinrtg fioa plair, COUNTRY HOME, BUT IN TOWN- ias homne as aodat*f 2000 sq. fit To bo bji on a treed bitWinltom. The katchen is-bi'agly lit b>' a ba>' windo)w weui breakfast bar. Dantng room Lias greenhouse windJows., 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. lamai>' room. laundry room Seplace. large gaage and a whade lot ra-wém Cal Ten Nemrs 10 <Iscij y=I fflu CALL TIM'NEVINS

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