Unwilling godparents want names erased- from certificate h'. MUh. pr iv*l no ,. K- 4. 1 muI T.. S N",. if'1_ S.n' Nad a v. rwd Mdt tJ hm d-Aif. sC --. tP, à..1.f0v .- xt-f.V, th, t*q% b'.U7 . à- q- t...... %'J- LeaJ am f ube bupba"- >iewiomdavÊË wdm le m4J x . .- s ,,',p lbmmn. %P.ad mm w.v...,,î ..*, O » I.- "M ýs. n -m p I là M. a bluy à la rue -d pea dur 'r ha. pbvev of nW" 1.e C'A teh. .'wat.e mU gohf vo, U..d me her d<o. end U,.. Tw.' ha.. hilw tur v ý .w hwb. à4 Uv Ag~1 . al e.-m" di UV $WpI -thI y . V.1n' h- kan .r ir.-d - At*, hrf~ e4. -la p..-. Dem. niu,é Tu.8 yu# 24-VmeW'l Oue née le .euîr md eh# -dl butte b. ce h... De mei bmtai 6. miii he y.. e.dh., iui -1u tapn. d KEEP YOUR FAMILY, I1N THE LAP 0F LUXURY, IT JUST FEELS RIGHT nu0 m'y m* YOUA LAWSRfl mPOTNYT PURCHAMSE N of »H! MR4ST MAD W" mH »RD TOOAY AT TIESE UPU4EAHD 0 PINCMS HUGE DISCOUNTSI cm Wedding vows am ete M~ f M at*wl. -I 4s che - - m~ la~ i9 J-. PUBLIC NMTINO1 NALTOW'S ROI.! IN 7 ASTE M . NA@EMENT in lb. rm.~ Tmoon Am« Ue,bms ofle vueb are n~s bo afld a" ow-' "XS MVI rom..10 f'.gaoem c....r *.Gi..,. ',.'--o aie,& Dtev' *igiSmU Si Najay 11 1? "0 Pauil pvgoSwmb Md p P'. 7 10-00 Pec e s~.1 AudoetuuM DIC. on"y sch w the h W fflwu Drection The. bCd 4etc 3N. Me *'. %-de if vp2 WV'9. '1 %6«" 5 buOe'r0 mn' Stleet and tr', Raid the. budanQ MV..0 0%0 cl1o »-*' eU -s.coL ta.. The Ploi'U Dp '4 R~ b~gc of a *cm erco oc'.auy' wx'w, SXx *. areted m toargC,'N>m WS '~~~M!ta it ài Nolai J. sVr.gPAM RECONA.CI1RC