Number of good Christmas- stories. kee Books~ ~ ~ ~~~~M icmab" ande'mlmia ts1wHtday simt l .- ine b* t aà aM itoid Wn l i i i~~ Irvie ~MWi 1lA = Z~Ky Cànaisu <IBIS) dexnbue he itlsanainm pêcwue. l i i i tk io pslsu n m Caua ny aàp 0#t ci anil.n for the In V*Wr bai wfm for Kids aitw pakoueii" 1imer ta---t P--= MIX Pasntnp am man tlies la w a mis a whESTHER CALDWELL Bobbo.. lm i an, e indu.hSf old-tashumwUmm re -1 i w cl wm u fs n ie l ii Crabtmn Pmblibm in Tounim k penmid aiog cuti the texct on Shenbicop.m Kàlman lishm fi ' sTh ay So- bu otound paper. For >uuger incîpes, quite. pÙwty an 2ND TUgE 1/2 MC E AL L SÉASON RA[mIAL PÇf41l MRJM At4 SEASON oX PERFORMANCE RADýAi. eu$119"~ EGIk.E GT. 4 BL*CX fblATIO LEZ:EAS -nT LTElne .a P~,." Let Goôdeari tae ypu hfom. Sale priceson a great selection o(,al ,i son10 and snow tires extended untit flec. 23'.* OuR NEWEI PRIE ALL SEASON RADLA -$79. M4ICrA GIL A.., SEASQO. PADdAL ç 93- 'R ucKS ýAm6 _$991, WONGR A.IA OqjflA c 5i S-OUaf 60,O @D/iÈA àR T AKJ -M E HO0M E- a COME ON INAND MEET TOM POLLARD -LARRY HUTCHISO'N OUR OWNERS Good Year C ertifieci AutodCentre 875-1502 45 Ontario St N. Milton Ho*urs: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.çn. Saturday 7:30 a.m.-:00 P)m ' i ý t- P on coming. CW.eal 6.Z Wlih U7aUJ e574I mmibdd the da Imvai ci W*%ui wluh a m Dmr, 23 i"i yi Fm .~craib. à ar ouofc u çm Dairdie I(malv's Fi~ 's c»i. (PotUsfid Pm$s*. -fii.2 PSters Laie. Nu"a Som 11% w S7.95) itl o ài ltm ipun5 undoe- takisi by à detsnnunsd young orpan wiic rumn away boni be unsyi pathetic aune m 8 Iuo fiýd- lier ffoh'nPrnce Edwsid [s- P JohnDurdo black-and- in6lothm Matieit unm't boltins iorwu'd tu Chrisimas in kMach Paore' Tht Bird. Of Càruts (floue Thm PM",.. -dtnbutid bv fleAy Book». Torcoto. s&1695) For .ou uasowr% .nc. tht boe have not uymvw At l*iamhc., bacgneîin the ouatry, big Mardie cemsm tmp itt an bdu to lune the birds bo ltsc ýr1 on hm -av ioutti Xbiy Fathis blad4nd-rh'te and hl<"bor luraies.o- p-ay bthe - on cwry page Is hpatdi Kaue in Chtsiria Se7 (Potteptc Bocks. 4-'72 commerce circle. vicdorti. a c % -? 4144Z $16 95 haîd coverý i, r tor Faft rw i-. Kat- '~ vfl: OR itishik h, ai Chmaunas or)nn. tri S uohn Termves a, rugical oldfîhenedtvnsjiorts her ta an L11r.ýhoned , * Christmnas T'me birith of à lamb rnn-inds Kt(a,ý of the fie IhuVmnas.,o long Sq, Autixr/iUufloa Hri Sw»aart bas p ante beauifih. s." N.%t psiria .vith .5nowfiàb*- i9fai4Jmrg CUW eUwp wo*h a gE'rdlnms% int for Tht Cbhria ri.r iN«LMLand and Seitar. S¶295) Ding andm Bang, howvr a, s n a proirrr thmd iheir harsisa et Chrmtmà*a.tri, belli and cofimumi .lght bWlS 7lhev grec ScAttiehfciandroirako citâk and tN' ta Sa annew Ei whwtsee sfmqv . i ng and Pb4f w ho art, gros. mns .'%'r mort brmghth 'sr colouicti derratio!ts Enîcrpnsmng eJv*ý thai tu~ Bing anmd Bimg rptum moin i 4 decualions frn o..weEs %.;el-knomwn MntrNil atu-i ani Poulin inui ltast lid t'.m C ,* mng d'epe coisl chargrtii' In Madi .d vlf Mm5'- hm Tins. Piviii. d.ttiutd bSFrr Bocks Tomnta.. 5,. airki mi i . 'vioe ai th catholul.*j m, iii imssme iit C.iîg itNamviry Hè ntitm mImai the babv &o1 i Iyin@1 on bene wood, mc Mii rushin &M curries is lgne pine b-4e te sMyris ita Witl l idm~i Shwthe~ Mffe. mn thu néh 4 m edea n o o *Tht ra Csra Wea wrn P,. La~miet tx pd.okthé Akhm" n : = Ln~ae to ),M. ost mm OImmm tlw % ofv à wumpb fe>Siè%4 Ad f but iqdaId= Sm tr emlec