Super Strtch and Formnai Lunousines N.gj.t un the T,uy- CrtOM'dt aCÇ.WUlî nwfle. A pecîa I tie f r seial occasion" 878335 Arts & Entertainment At Acton Lerion Christmas party for disabled persons slated for Dec. 20- OPEN 7NIGHTS AWEEK I 0:45 Pm -.Mif cg£ 7:15 P e- Reguli 0 03M" pia Board 61100.» MJac /o SPECIAL BINGOS SUND)ày (os - New PmWarral (PUO SThZr Fn. Sat. 10putm sr às 2rtd Specud aIS w $100 ta,1't-i- ayA fyofllt 8110-0JAKPO The Recroatin Conmkltt1 Sp- ctai Nteds has organiretd a Chistmas party for disabled adulu. The m'ents teili take place Wednt,.- day. Dr.0fuis1 ZO lX tu 4 pm -aithe Ado, Legâofl Ail those attendtaie ascholuI bning along a wrappt 'f (valut af S3) and Santa Ciao. wil dîistobut,, them, tu thon,, peuple prâcet. The, milt b ames, the singtinv9 Chrlnmj tar s d a~a t mal ;w,, pt/lia. donated by Ci', rurn uin Phsclydisabicd adluits Weho iuite participal in the wvkiy im-n Lmniain arrange thye home andl drve thmto, t0 A~o, L,on Mntaoliy hand, pped pet- son. . unota edo nolquM.Iy Ic thu. service si) slunteer dniwer aie needed tu d rive thest aduis. For mure information. contact Shir- Wy- Ras,.wski at 875-1531 or Huather Thompesit a. 8f73-1469ý .cçda For Bâle This e, another reminder that tht Senior Cuti,,,' Reato,, centre LiueLink CSCRC) lit sellbng locally designed CÇhrItma tards ai 54 for a pickane 0f twedve You tan choose betuit,, anil iitation of* Santa Cia.. ar a churtI, window The. card, ame avaiabie at theceutre (21 Chadm Stret) Ma,,dav ta Frbday huom 830 4 m until 4 30 The$~Cmail 1w cifflnSthiFnday Der 22 and wàli rmopcn on TursdaÏ, Ianý 2. The centre is no,. accopting 19W3 menibrrshup lec. - 56 fur an un- dtvbdual and $10 for a couple. Ment- bhihpentitit. holders toreductions in prograimi ai thse centre, informa- tion un trips. and à neusietter thit t. publashed six timi.. a yoSr Travel Show Thon,, int,,eted in hranng aboaut =vd w onTI<, Jan. 4, surting at IX3 p ni .TYmm wU beai tidelio- and rdniunerý Tht annual .enrl M 1ng ai th SCRC will be FÎM on aTuemled an.w 9 ait 12.W p m Thooe planning m aïf- ten ame atilid lu bring a pouluck o4 theannual reput coniIf.Dlr matto,, trai the ney commiot~o the plvboOuS year'. 1 tivit lionsi utl &lm a ke placeM% a1fd- vi~rv Èxrd <ommîtie A Iý ixnt-=ekpu1~a cotirs beWns Wn4Y. ;an Be.n De Smnder, Who fias a itu u in toma,, utill be odftnng dirtud.n for beginning and mitermedutse phoca8. Iram hni Arion Wall bc denwv.trtmng the art of lotheha un Thumday. Jan 18d'im1 t-t aI the course mill depcndl .. th., cho.ce of item - bell. .,tlkt..puru. etc The "7C utill le pumthacng ail of the neceuàry tool. * Siten Kiran , a the crei fur thw d othtr counce hum lit 2-13 MILTO CHIis 7L HELD OVER4t WEEK OIY 7.00 à 0:00 p.. ............. S MELD OVER 3rd WEEK Y[LECRACK ( P? CHRff. S VACATM - e. STARTS FRIDAY cm 0 INI à IIy - u-m FAMIL FBUPSIES away fàIIen, wires' brlng hydlrp lries down. And evçn a failen voie trihl seeim dead can be darleTous. wnres. wam others flot to and report the failen wwres, wo yo' local hydro or It If a li fais wcoss yat* crew remnoes the kit. ffMfes ahNve power kit touchwlg yolx Car, puttkng evefi one f=o on the gaound can be a fatal move ta make. etMILTON HYDRO4LUMMCm UPO. fln M. M00 0 M UoUTN M1l.ToIf. CIflAAR Ln? fi 876-a b Il