Horoscope saoi W ~mi astodmo h au. bkvads aMd MmUly at daààanâ 01041<ay2-J. 20, Mah> ijnal UMTare- Mutw dt W- paierm Sifi ta yuw ~ceJ.u 21 - y M2 Tbt l sfc- peslod etjaylng ton i ai the hoiday sht.Tu npuno a tini s avurtue VIRGO lA:t 3 Sp.2>:Hpy ;ecs n e chafle=rityvd tht ansa in ant, (mm or another U A<St.23 - Oet 22> The mma enain you maWa hsuertihoA. 1h. wmek, eumphaelzag Iamily actlvlty and actin an the homnedrant SCOIPIO (Oct 23 - Nesc 21), Balancin& the ueads of famîly whibe meetling tlte demande af tue jobs aelse forth SAGrrTABJuS (Nev.22 . ô«. 21k C.4et lfacis asu belione yma confont a bved ance about à fi.a.. = ate HidAeXIC w M.Up ai mirav tim - 2-jai. 1) Tht edt Il t0 yott tuther as th ft epiwnt or the 1Pw Elih r y u AAReIUS udByit0a esa l. 18k Persanal and privasst maliersn rquie attention. Guard hSlth -R.sst the tempia. taons of eeobw fond anM drink offered by weil-wishtr, PISCES <1lé.b 19 - Mar 20)- Your social 131endar is full and votaIt be burmng the madnight oit. Avoid specuLative matte,. or Uàking carebess chancies FMn ft tamarw phm, sqg 1. ODD 2. THIUNiGS _ 3.Oas] 1600MCSj mil Ilionj ,Ans - - Bogqle Challengem S à - How rnany, words can you make? I minuais.. f etd a mar" wxedsas -o ra andi asl themn diarn. To makis à mwrd. ue lies, in sequeica whch adpim ai a" sida or ormet Eal .ata : h i a et. 011cisiamr Any wordl bucnd on E N OR MLAY A0*1<6 A FRSE: Compalre fois and cross off mord a i 0cr"Wb mar oint o: its immu i.um IM ae 5.sutm 3o Point 7 "am CaS Cwne *un imw Wou oem sesawm - - a orAas mmu..m arnsi wMà mmas A%». Ssu Imm iN~.s4~(55Jms .aet~pi-s.a~qp~, .~a>e~s~w3>ss i.<poIp iléonie1 s'M MI5(WtW 10kot~ Eve Celebrations FIu%%eRS SEATI1N G Dinner Only 5:00 p.m. Four Course Table d'Hote Menu $30M0/prmn SECOND SEATING Dinner & Dance 8:00 p.m. Five Course Table d'Hote Menu Party Favu * Dilc JCc"e 1 '5ZAUIBA M9 MI MnA DAY SEUN WFF 11:00 - 2M3 p.m. T h Reservations'Required. 853-3440 U-&o Fnhay yk a J'am à S<O H.Idafm Ma*w" à Md