Oakville and Acti win to set up big ouLogs unasfii ylad- etoa )" abmandai11 e 5Eu@ dm du, da aions 1 am l Fatusa- Mltison a bied ID show laa esu ds~sWa 3-2 apatbau4ade Actais Vila bl mviei.Warne a n v - ta I. aah- --m Udl- c1sifisal Azlion fiaim thea gameat baiu.. Haion Outdooer Show (tlle) t>nd Parisanna whéo asis ne d ai hualiea.55msns sikaadlsig l 3-2. bieaum ofa brouhaha utuith -avkip. on the icisr plital C LC. Druwy Wui School..- un Villa match comdu John Dwyw has nou ls ,twa POUalY rath. touo Ridik O~akvilfl haurmuud 10ffs Unlad "- ahsagi V , Weho Water out of .utbitubi muaile si an sin escha7e bua ue inSaNe . pu vidle urem JoDm Moynsluaas. Simon Kay, fiddie, McL@u&hhl ead boIhe Anithonty Who fend à pais. Ml-s Hait Dwwgn, aune out flyng aaist Mîlton oujth Comat but du risan as o#Ceudinmurp po=sapuru Mu 1a0os Thse Coachs us ain ne o t"ai p=slus entase. obaoud have u ON » m r for due e- cellenst soalending of Tony entl Kazulbc end jamai Katz ansd flend Sdss-ade, uitu tua. courtaued forthdu Caachmn Next ueek the Coaches taise on Haltas Outdaat. Milton Honda Isota Hi-S Hiair Deagp. l:eaessaes attacks Optimise Club, %eb United takinon The DsckLuss and in a battls, of uridefeated trams, Oaek- villea up agaiesst Axtos Villa Standings W T L Pl .4- Actas Villa 6 O O 12 -1& Oïskvlle 6 0 0 ,2 l1A Halton utdoor 4 0 1 8 .10 Dsk'rIs 3 1 2 7 .4 YVebs United 3 0 3 6 -7 Youth Coechs 2 0 4 4 -3 Fcarmans 2 0 3 4 -7 Hî-5 Hair Desgn 1 O S 2 -1 MiltonsHkonda 1 0 5 2 -10 Optimust club O 1 5 1 -22 'CHRISTMAS GFT IDEA. Give an autographed copy of liii CAL6LINO Tac SEMTS/ - AVA NLAUL A I, , U W. H. Smith et.Milon Mai 91 Main St Book Shoppe OR COME BEE BRuCE'a GET IT PEMMMNLU AUTOGRAPHED Bruce Hood *raKViI ~p 1, 878-2886 Take that... 1 Nue. om j" - . lia ga a - a lm__ 111 Sherrait volleyball teams' vain Halton champwonships ThaSMos b.uî Mosas ieviyalMmapiabs, layimamai % iad.uaponmaaisat the m"alahoeusa haq ";I. alila wafirme Pm :rlad 17-16 sl. h o uson Tllis bffa P"I uaI;71 am.. àI s atso hm op 15- Il il ml.shIs veM beath waa. by du mm bon Caardal la I. uu Merchants moving Me a 1mu buueg ths bkr a Waishd h e Pd lath laMdiss wlt Oupm - aiy ai anaaoswh =,e,.ls fpaiaikt Central OntarairJ. B Utandiffl West Division C W L - T Pt Cakvi1e 23 15 35 35 Sbtr.s.vd 24 13 5 6 32 - Sarlltin, 22 1 3 6 3 29 Muilices 21 10 8 3 23 P.i.ah 21 7 il 3 1 Irmtn 23 4 14 5 13 =ooiw 21 18 la a 6 - nu